- added `isSearchable` to Select component (default `false`) so that only specific selects are searchable
- added `onFocus` and `onBlur` to select so that it can search for "/" and doesn't jump to the searchfield
no issues
- now the crossfade effect starts immediately after Source theme thumbnail is hovered
- fixed theme category text shifting when transitioning
- the hover effect now only applies to Source theme thumbnail
no issue
Add unit tests for `generateEmbedCode` utility function. The tests
verify the HTML output for various options and parameters that affect
the appearance and behaviour of the generated embed script's output.
refs TryGhost/Product#3510
- Added `TryGhost/Source` as a submodule in `ghost/core/content/themes` so `Source` will ship with Ghost (along with Casper)
- With this change, new installs will use `Source` as the default theme. Existing sites will have `Source` installed, but not activated, as this is a large change and we don't want to drastically change existing sites without warning. Users can upgrade to use `Source` simply by clicking 'Activate' in design settings.
- Updated protections to prevent users from uploading their own conflicting version of `Source`
- added ability to install a theme directly from the Ghost Marketplace.
- uses the existing URL pattern / route to ensure they remain compatible with the existing Ghost Marketplace.
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### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at b3b6f1b</samp>
This pull request enables users to install and activate themes from the
Ghost Marketplace, a curated collection of themes for the Ghost
platform. It adds a new route and modal component to handle the theme
installation from a URL, and modifies the existing modal components to
support the theme activation and confirmation. It affects the files
`ThemeModal.tsx`, `RoutingProvider.tsx`, and `DesignAndThemeModal.tsx`.
- added a check to compare hostname and pathnames of URLs. Different
subdomain or different pathname = different URLs, but protocol, www,
query parameters and hash fragments are ignored.
- the User detail modal class structure was way overcomplicated
- the top part of the outline highlight of a setting group which is first in a section was cut
- toggle label style was inconsisten in Newsletter settings
- Audience feedback was not enabled by default when creating a Newsletter
- the whole UI was using Twitter, instead of "X"
<!-- Leave the line below if you'd like GitHub Copilot to generate a
summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at 1347a85</samp>
Added search functionality to the settings page using a custom hook and
a service. The `useSearch` hook uses the `useSearchService` function to
create a search service object that provides the filter and highlight
logic. The `highlightKeywords` function from the search service is
passed to the `SettingsGroupHeader` component to render the settings
with the matching keywords.
- There was an issue where an overwritten theme would be included in the
themes array twice when passed to the ThemeList component.
- We now remove the initial theme from the array when overwriting to
avoid duplications.
<!-- Leave the line below if you'd like GitHub Copilot to generate a
summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at 1260615</samp>
This pull request refactors the theme problem view component to make it
reusable and fixes a bug with theme name display in the theme modal. It
affects the files `InvalidThemeModal.tsx` and `ThemeModal.tsx` in the
admin-x-settings app.
- Updated "Recommendation received" email design
- Slightly improved how dark favicons show in dark mode
- Added TabView with counter variant to Storybook
<!-- Leave the line below if you'd like GitHub Copilot to generate a
summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at f43070f</samp>
This pull request adds a new feature to show a modal with the errors of
an invalid theme when uploading a theme fails in the admin settings app.
It creates a new `InvalidThemeModal` component that uses the
`admin-x-ds` library and the `ThemeProblemView` component to display the
error details. It also updates the `handleError` function to handle JSON
errors for theme uploads.
- Disabled automatic network retries for external site lookups (=> timed
out to 5s in every situation because it returned 404 when a site doesn't
implement the Ghost api)
- Disabled representing a modal when it is already present on hash
- Added support for search params in modals
- Handle `?url` search param in the addRecommendationModal
The subscription status text was incorrect when a subscription was
comped and a member had multiple subscriptions (i.e a cancelled sub and
a comped sub). This was because the methods used to determine the status
of a subscription only took into account the status of the first
subscription associated with a member.
- Fixes a bug in the preview renderer where a theme without styles
wouldn't be handled properly as it cannot inject new styles and cause an
empty page to be returned.
<!-- Leave the line below if you'd like GitHub Copilot to generate a
summary from your commit -->
no issue
- Added a progress spinner to the theme upload button in AdminX for
better UX.
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summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at 68bfc1b</samp>
Improved user feedback for theme upload feature. Added a loading
indicator to the `ThemeModal` component to show the progress of the
`uploadTheme` function.
no issue
- added additional null safety checks to the actions utility in AdminX.
<!-- Leave the line below if you'd like GitHub Copilot to generate a
summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at e10aa52</samp>
Refactored `action.context` access in `actions.ts` to use optional
chaining. This makes the code more concise and robust.
<!-- Leave the line below if you'd like GitHub Copilot to generate a
summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at d434b20</samp>
This pull request refactors the error handling logic in various
components of the admin-x-settings app to use a custom hook called
`useHandleError`. This hook wraps the Sentry integration and provides a
consistent and reliable way of reporting and logging errors. This
improves the code quality, readability, and maintainability of the app.
The pull request also improves the Sentry initialization by passing the
DSN and the environment to the `ServicesProvider` component.
- The main culprit here was that now since we moved to using some model data from Ember as opposed to just the API, the errors key had to be renamed to gscan_errors as that's how it's named in the Ember theme model.
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summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at 4bca3ee</samp>
Updated the theme modal and the theme installed modal to use the new
`gscan_errors` property for theme validation. This improves the accuracy
and consistency of the feedback given to users when they upload or
activate themes.
- The previous commit didn't quite handle things as expected. This adds
more null handling.
<!-- Leave the line below if you'd like GitHub Copilot to generate a
summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at 1a69211</samp>
This pull request improves the robustness and accuracy of the admin
settings API for actions. It adds checks and logic to handle missing or
invalid data and custom post types in `actions.ts`.
- this attempts to fix an undefined error on AdminX when accessing
history log.
- At the moment I only have it reproducible on staging, so if this doesn't fix it, it will potentially be reverted.
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summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at 818fa49</samp>
Improve context handling for action events in `actions.ts`. Use a
variable to simplify and customize the action name and title based on
the context.
no issue
- Fixed the Pintura hook not handling relative urls passed to it from the config.
<!-- Leave the line below if you'd like GitHub Copilot to generate a
summary from your commit -->
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at 2be0e30</samp>
Fixed Pintura asset loading from subdirectories by using the admin root
path. Updated `usePinturaEditor` hook to import and use a helper
function for getting Ghost paths.
### <samp>🤖 Generated by Copilot at 7a91ba3</samp>
This pull request enables data synchronization between the Ember app and
the React app for the settings module. It passes `onUpdate` and
`onInvalidate` functions as props from the Ember app to the React app
through the `ReactApp` component and the `ServicesContext`. It also
removes unused code and adds some debugging logs in the `setting`
serializer and the `settings` service.
- some minor copy had to be updated
- we had a little bug in the small version of dropdowns
- the crash page was just a plain text without any way out (e.g. allowing navigating to dashboard)