Closes#3254, closes#3138, closes#3245
### Settings Routing and View refactoring
- Refactored `SettingsView` to handle transitions between mobile and desktop layouts
- `SettingsRoute` will only transition to `settings.general` if the screen is large enough to show both the menu and the content
- Added `SettingsIndexView` to handle showing the settings menu on mobile screens
- Added `SettingsContentBaseView` to be inherited by any settings view that is not index.
- Updated Settings templates appropriately to work with new views
- Removed extraneous `active` class from `settings-content`
- Changed settings menu to use `gh-activating-list-item`
- Retooled settings tests
### Mobile Utils
- Renamed file to `mobile.js`, since it's inside of `utils/`
- Added `mobileQuery` MediaQueryList to help detect layout changes
- Removed unused `hasTouchScreen`, `device.js` should be used instead.
- Removed unused `smallScreen` function
- Moved FastClickInit to codemirror-mobile
- Created `ApplicationView`
- Added `js-close-sidebar` classes to navbar navigation links
- Clicking on a navigation link in the sidebar will close it
- new "users" resource, with matching controller and template
- fetching real data from /ghost/api/v0.1/users/
- updated "user" route to accept a :slug as a URL parameter
- updated labels everywhere (from "user" to "users")
- updated "profile" link to header to point to proper "users/:slug" route
- updated core/client/.jshintrc to recognize moment as a valid global function
- adjusted DOM selector used in Casper to properly identify the new screen
- adding "slug" as a new property of the user data used during the Casper functional tests
- removes injection of user object in application route's beforeModel
- removes injection/cleanup of user object in signedIn/signedOut actions
- removes loading of user and passing to signedIn action in signup/setup controllers
- adds 'user' property to session object
- updates header nav to reference session.user
- sets model of settings/user route to session.user and forces reload
- on leaving settings/user, rollback any unsaved changes
-Replace javascript methods that are not available on all
supported browsers with lodash methods.
-Add returns to transitionTo calls in cases where the model
hook should stop executing immediately.
- add Notification model
- update injected Notifications object to handle persistent notifications
- load server notifications on setup if logged in otherwise on successful sign-in
- changed all existing notifications.closeAll calls to closePassive
- fixed dismissable/dismissible spelling in server API & tests
- add notifications.closeNotification method so DELETE calls can be made for server-originating notifications
- added oauth2orize library for server side oAuth handling
- added ember-simple-auth library for admin oAuth handling
- added tables for client, accesstoken and refreshtoken
- implemented RFC6749 4.3 Ressouce Owner Password Credentials Grant
- updated api tests with oAuth
- removed session, authentication is now token based
Known issues:
- Restore spam prevention #3128
- Signin after Signup #3125
- Signin validation #3125
- oldClient doesn't work with this PR anymore, session authentication
- create a hook in the editor controller that fires on a model's save events
- use this hook to perform all the things that need to happen on save, regardless of where the save originated
- remove logic from instances of that now belongs in the modelSaved hook
- detach the model event listeners on willTransition in the editor routes
- update PostSerializer to use DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin
- create PostAdapter to include include=tags in query params for POST and PUT
- set include=tags for various GET post requests
- change PostModel to have { embedded: always } instead of { async: true }
- update Ember-Data to beta8 from beta7
- make call to get tags from model in editor.edit route synchronous since the tags now exist in the store
- change casper test to wait for call to posts api with `?include=tags`
- Change router to handle /ember/setup/
- Adjust doSignup to also handle setup
- Adjust tests and add new where necessary
- Add setup controller, setup validation, setup route
- Adjust casper emberSetup to handle new setup
- split clientold mobile interactions into their respective Ember routes/views
- create PostsView and SettingsView with mobile interactions
- place interactions for the publish bar into ApplicationRoute on init
- Inject notification object into router
- Listen to didTransition / observe currentPath to close notifications
- Close notifications on successful save actions
Closes#2976, Closes#3017
- Move logic to signup controller
- Add ValidationEngine mixin to signup controller
- Add signup validator with code from clientold login view
- Add signin validator and integrate into signin controller
- Add validation to forgotten controller
- Switch to button action to support hitting enter in text field to submit
- Clear all notifications in notifications.closeAll
- Modify ValidationEngine.validate to not format errors based on option
- Update casper test for signin to wait for notification before trying
to do another signin
- Adds an initializer for passing config to the frontend, it's not pretty but it works
- Forwards the apps route and hides the apps menu item if apps:true is not present in config.js
Ref #2308
- Double clicking a PostItemView on the content screen will open that post
in the editor.
- Added `'ctrl+e, command+e': 'openEditor'` shortcut will open editor as well
closes#2855 , closes#2848
- New mixin that utilizes NProgress for displaying a loading indictor for all routes who's model issue a "loading" event (aka: when requesting data from the server during a route change).
- Also removing (the now unnecessary) "loading" template.
Issue #2846
-Implement custom RESTAdapter and serializer for settings data.
-Convert theme selector to Ember.Select.
-Finish upload modal and wire into settings page.
Closes#2988, #2752
Ref #1463, #2984,
# Shortcuts via Keymaster
- Added KeyMaster to bower dependencies. KeyMaster is a minimal keyboard
shortcuts library.
- Added `ShortcutsRouteMixin` for routes that will use shortcuts.
Currently, only routes can have shortcuts. See the extensive comment
at the top of `core/client/mixins/shortcuts-route.js` for a
description of how to implement shortcuts.
## Other Changes
- Injected popover service into ApplicationRoute
- Created `EditorRouteBase` mixin for the `` and
`editor.edit` routes to mixin.
- `StyleBodyMixin` now calls `this._super()` on `activate` and
`deactivate` to play nicely with other mixins.
## Shortcuts and Stubs implemented
#### Application-Wide
- `'esc':'closePopups'` shortcut **stub** to close popovers,
modals, and notifcations
#### Editor Shortcuts
- `'ctrl+s, command+s': 'save'` note that `command` is the
`meta` key.
- `'ctrl+alt+p': 'publish'`
- `'ctrl+alt+z': 'toggleZenMode'`
- handle undefined argument in openModal function
- catch whether a model is deleted in Editor routes to aid transition
- move updateTags function to the PostModel
- add call to updateTags in delete-post modal
closes#2883, closes#2951
- introduce custom findQuery in ApplicationAdapter
- posts/post route and editor/edit route now use custom findQuery to find a single post by id with query params
- create a sorting function in PostsController for out-of-order loading
- refresh updated posts in posts.index to make PostsList highlight latest draft after returning from a save in editor
- Created the apps route to fetch apps from server
- Created controller for a single app
- Modified the template of the apps page to use this controller
- Created the Apps model
- Created AppAdapter to use the FixtureAdapter for Ember Data
No issue
Misc Places
- Removed expired, irrelevant, and fixed todos
- Fixed "Written" vs "Published" text logic
- Removed single quotes from property names
EditorBaseController, MarkerManagerMixin
- Aligned var declarations
- Commented out unfunctional code for feature request #2398
- Switched `isPage`, `isFeatured` to be computed properties in `Po
- use `toggleProperty` in `PostController.action.toggleFeatured`
closes#2426, closes#2781, closes#2913
- Concatenate vendor files on change of js in core/shared/
- Add all the markerManager stuff to its own mixin
- make markers a shared object for all that mix it in. makes it easier to use helper functions in different modules
- add getMarkdown method, returns object with two keys holding the markdown: one with markers, the other without
- Clear markers when codemirror is destroyed
- make Editor subcomponents communicate through the Editor Controller
- Set Codemirror and html preview shared scrolling
- Set CodeMirror, html preview css scroll class with util
- Create 'scratch' property in Editor controller; prevents a model save wiping image markers due to markdown bindings
- Add editor and html preview actions to handle img upload start/finish
- disable codemirror when an image is being uploaded, enables on success or failure
- Fix editor wordcount when there are 0 words
- Add modal dialog when transitioning out of the editor with an unsaved post
- Add window.onbeforeunload handling with `.unloadDirtyMessage()` on editor controller
- and various other things