covers 90% of #755
- moved ghost.settings to api.settings
- moved ghost.notifications to api.notifications
- split up api/index.js to notifications.js, posts.js, settings.js,
tags.js and users.js
- added instance.globals as temp workaround for blogglobals (Known
issue: blog title and blog description are updated after restart only)
- added webroot to config() to remove `var root = ...`
- changed `e` and `url` helper to async
- updated tests
Move helper functions registerThemeHelper and registerAsyncThemeHelper
to the helpers module.
Also update the app proxy object to reflect this new code location,
and the tests to reflect that as well
Create ./sore/server/filters which houses all filter related behavior.
Was previously on the ghost singleton.
Also create the filters_spec file for testing
and update all code and tests to use new code location.
Create ./sore/server/helpers/template which houses all template related behavior.
Was previously on the ghost singleton.
Also create the helpers_template_spec file for testing
and update all code and tests to use new code location.
Move ghost.mail instance onto the mail module directly
and update related code and tests to use new location
Move Polyglot instance onto require module directly
Move ghost.availablePlugins to plugins module directly
issue #1365
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions where absolutely necessary
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions in which keeping parameter
list added clarity to the underlying api, even when those parameters
are not currently used
- removed unused parameters in a few places
issue #769
- activePlugins were being read from settings in two different ways, this has been simplified
- error handling has been improved so that plugins do not crash Ghost
- used full error messaging capabilities to make it easier to recover from errors
issue #769
- Refactor doFilter to allow returning a promise from a filter handler
and to also return a promise itself
- Move the logic out of the registerThemeHelper calls and into their own methods so
we could test them in isolation.
- Assign the server to the ghost instance so the initPlugins method can
get access to it.
Added a couple sanity checks to the config during the loadConfig call.
- Check that the config exists for the current NODE_ENV
- Check that the config.url exists and is valid structure
- Check that the config.database exists
- Check that the config.server exists and has a port and host value
closes#657, closes#761
- Got rid of initTheme from ghost.js (yay)
- Divided up the logic for static assets and views
- Ghost admin static assets are now served from /ghost/
- New logic to figure out if we're on the admin, or a theme and which theme we are on
- Activate theme method reregisters static access and uncaches views
- Re-ordered all of the middleware, and ensured we had a 404 handler at the end
- Activate theme method ensures that middleware maintains order
- Made a helper called ghostScriptTags that will spit out the relevant
script tags with version parameter; 4 unminified files in development,
1 minified file in production.
- Added grunt concat and uglify tasks to build files into core/built
- Fixed some unit tests by making them native date objects
- added type to ghost.settings()
- added /api/settings?type=<filter>
- added availableThemes to settingsCache
- removed cachedSettingsRequestHandler
- removed /api/themes (including front end)
- changed activePlugins to type "plugin" in default-settings.json
Extracts all express-server-related code in index.js to core/server.js, leaving index.js purely for booting up Ghost's core components in a sensible order.
Aside from the project's tidiness, this means that we can perform asynchronous configuration loading/checks before requiring any modules that read the config.
- removed defaultLang, forceI18n and activePlugins from config
- added values to default-settings.json
- updated to use values from settings
issue #389
- Upgrade express-hbs to get template options access
- Grab config & settings with a hacky new method in ghost & pass to template options
- Settings are no longer passed to res.locals
- In some cases, Ghost exploded when the active theme did not have a partials directory
- Added handling for if the active theme was not present
- Probably will conflict with #574 I need to fix this.
closes#488 and #107
- added dropdown for theme selection on general page
- added GET /api/v0.1/themes to retrieve available themes
- modified settings model to get available themes
- modified updateSettignsCache to remove path from settings.activeTheme
closes#382, closes#383
- added helper called ghost_head to insert meta data with current version of ghost
- added helper called ghost_foot to insert script tag for jquery
- added unit test for both helpers
- removed trailing slash from ghost.js for 'shared' path and removed from outside of loop as it is shared on front and backend
* Moved the app config behind the promise wall (I couldn't reliably assign generated uuid to the ghost object AND have access to an automatically created db from fixtures AND not have circular reference (try including api in ghost.js ;) ))
* Added new functionality to `ghost.init()`, which is responsible for the first run bit (I'm thinking plopping a filter or an action in there for future devs)
* Modified `.gitignore` so the `.png`s casper generates aren't added
* Fixed ambiguity and typos here and there, see code
Closes#340. Closes#375
* Replaced session with id of current user
* Added method to ghostlocals to always send profile picture and full name to templates (template checks if falsy)
* Modified user saving (`forge().set(new).save()` died on me, `forge().save(new)` didn't)
* If user has profile picture, that will be used
* If user has name, that will be used
* Password changing doesn't care about your email. Uses cookies. Tasty!
* User pane uses current user id. Had to set path to me, otherwise goes to `browse` instead of `read`.
* Added logic to user api to check for `id === 'me'`, and then use the cookie value
* User data saves are now correct
* There is no logout error
- adds appRoot, and uses this to calculate other paths
- removes path calculations from loader
- remove the themedir setting in config.. completely unnecessary
- highlights just how important #360 is
Implements basic functionality described in #227 for loading plugins
from a specific directory and having a specific workflow with an init()
method and a disable() method.
- added line to index.js to set node_env to development if it is not set
- fixed a small bug with the persistent notifications and used them on debug page from server side
- added 002 files to manage export and import for 002
- 002 import is somewhat smarter than 001, merging settings (except version), replacing user & clearing primary keys
- added reset to models and migration, which does the down operation the same way that init does the up operation
- import and reset clear session & redirect to login / signup
- additional unit tests
- This is a first pass at getting a more logical structure. The focus is on moving from admin/frontend to client/server.
- The location of the databases is highly important, this isn't expected to change again
In the future
- client/assets should probably become public/
- more stuff should be shared (helpers etc)
- cleanup some confusion around tpl and views
- moved template logic out of individual helpers and into Ghost
- simplified template-driven helpers into closures which maintain the context of handlebars
- with handlebars context we have access to data, so don't need to pass data in
- check data to test that it is a simple object and not a function
- moved helpers back into index.js
- provided tests for both template functions in ghost and the nav helper so we are back to where we were
- Adding activePlugins array to config.js
- Adding a loadPlugins function to ghost.js
- Tweaking fancyFirstChar.js so that it works again, getting rid of the function wrapper and constructor
- closes#124
- added new middleware to detect if a route should be admin or not
- updated ghostLocals to use this and return different locals
- updated ghost.js#initTheme to use the same test