refs #7427
With this PR, we'll get some development tooling magic:
`gulp setup`
Will update dependecies and submodules (if submodule branches are on master) for
currently chosen branches.
`gulp setup --force`
Will delete all dependencies and install them again, incl. submodules for
currently chosen branches.
`gulp setup --ghost some-branch --admin some-branch --casper some-branch`
Will checkout the branches for each repository.
Can also be used to checkout only selected branches e. g.
`gulp setup --admin some-branch`
Will leave the current branch for `ghost` and `casper`, but checkout the named
branch for admin. Will also install dependencies.
`gulp setup --admin pr/123 --ghost pr/1234 --casper pr/123`
Will fetch the named PR of the repository and checkout to this new branch.
Will also install dependencies. NOTE: This works only with an additional fetch line
in the .git/config file for each repository: `fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*`.
See for further information.
All the combinations above can be executed with the `--force` or `-f` flag, which
will delete the dependencies and install them again, but for the chosen branches.
refs #7427
Use `gulp dev` to start development mode. Starts ember build and does livereload for client and server changes.
Use `gulp server` to start server development mode. Doesn't start ember build and livereloads for server changes only.