For example, outlook 2013 plus would not interpert the following html
(encoded via quoted-printable encoding):
<a href=3D=22http://engineering=
cGhKc3FPOElybXNZNWtzR0FMTU9tRFI5UlNyRWQ4SGJZPQ=3D=3D/=22 style=3D=22color:
The workournd forces node-mailer to user base64, which outlook understands
- urlPathForPost is now aware of the author’s slug, allowing for the
permalink setting to use :author
- Frontend controller only renders posts that have the specified
author, if one is given
- Extensive tests included
- Escapes metaTitle, metaDescription, blog url, blog title, tags
- Updates tests
- Adds test for metaTitle and metaDescription with double quotes
- Adds twitter cards to ghost head helper
- Adds schema json information
- Adds test with null values for post image and cover image
- Adds test for privacy flag
- Adds test for the case of no tags
- Updates test to check for twitter card and schema data
- Updates
- Fixes issue with image urls that are linked by url rather than uploaded
no issue
- Split theme helpers into individual files for each
- Do the same for tests
- Have utils to share some things between them
- Move assetHash onto config
issue #3900
- uses isPrivacyDisabled helper to see if useStructuredData has been disabled in config.js
- adds an array of promises to deal with asynchronous data
- resolves asynchronous data then adds open graph tags after canonical link
- featured image and tags are only added if present
- open graph tags only added on post and page
- adds unit test to check correct data is returned
- updates other unit tests to reflect changes
- If a theme is symlinked in the themes directory, follow
the symlink so that the theme object is populated correctly.
- Only do the fallback loading of theme data in the validations
module if it doesn't exist in config.
- adds cache-control header back to api routes
- moves cache rules object into testUtils
- adds cache-control header test to every existing API test
* cleaned up `mail_spec.js`
* deprecated `mail.fromaddress`
* implemented 'Blog title <>' format with fallbacks
* added tests to deprecation and from address, made existing ones more robust
* moved domain intuit into its own module: `GhostMailer.getDomain()`
* reformatted code to allow for traversal
* deeper config items should be denoted like this: ``.
* added tests for testing the deprecation warnings
Refs #3864
- Make sure that require() is able to resolve all dependencies
listed in package.json. If packages are missing halt the
bootstrap process and display an error and help message for user.
- Check that contentPath and its subdirectories exist with the correct
- Check sqlite3 database file is set for read/write access.
Refs #3876
- Prevent signup page from flashing when an invalid invitation
token is used.
- Clear sensitive information from signup controller.
- Make isInvitation API behavior consistent with other auth
related APIs.
- Added server API isInvitation (analog to isSetup), checking if an
invitation exists for a given email address.
- If the invitation is no longer valid (or didn’t exist in the first
place), the user is redirected and an error notification is shown.
ref #3795
- express updated to 4.9.2
- express 4.9.0 introduced res.sendStatus() to replace res.status().end()
- we no longer need express-session, connect or cookie-parser
- body-parser, busboy, compression, express-hbs, morgan, all bumped to
latest versions as well - there doesn't seem to be any breaking changes