refs #2600
- fixed issue with defaults not being populated on upgrade
- added logging to all actions in the migration process to help debugging
in future
- did a little bit of refactoring
- Change validations on both server and client to allow the
Website field to be empty or a valid URL.
- Add new schema validation helper isEmptyOrURL.
- Remove duplicate call to UserValidator in the save action
of the SettingsUser controller.
- User.last_login and User.created_at are already Moment objects
so Moment#fromNow can be called on them directly.
refs #2600, refs #2379
Refactoring fixtures to make permission management a little easier
- Separate fixtures into JSON file and split permissions fixtures from other fixtures
- make fixture migrations more robust by fetching objects, not relying on
ids and checking before adding
- changed owner fixture slightly to remove any confusion between the 'Owner' role and 'Ghost Owner' user.
- moved 003 fixture versions out of config into logic, possibly not a good
- refactored permissions fixtures and added permissions_roles fixtures to
make it easier to read / add
This frees us up to enforce one single point of access, thus paving
the way towards allowing us to initialize the models at are request,
and not when it's require().
addresses #2170
- added fixture for owner role
- added fixture for initial user (new db)
- added conversion administrator -> owner (existing db)
- changed tests to take over owner user
- removed some functional tests until /setup works with owner user
- Remove dependent property from the computed content property
that is used to build the active theme selector.
- Add validation to the Settings model so that it rejects
attempts to set an activeTheme that is not installed.
-Fix validation so that all values are validated instead
of just values that evaluate to true.
-Ensure validation methods consistently return promises
and switch error handling from try/catch to promise.catch
to get rid of unhandled rejection warnings.
-Add 0 and 1 to list of acceptable values in boolean validation.
- added oauth2orize library for server side oAuth handling
- added ember-simple-auth library for admin oAuth handling
- added tables for client, accesstoken and refreshtoken
- implemented RFC6749 4.3 Ressouce Owner Password Credentials Grant
- updated api tests with oAuth
- removed session, authentication is now token based
Known issues:
- Restore spam prevention #3128
- Signin after Signup #3125
- Signin validation #3125
- oldClient doesn't work with this PR anymore, session authentication
- added destroy user method
- added remove user permission
- added API end point for get reset token
- added API end point for reset password
- added API end point for change password
- Lazy load the defaultSettings value in Settings model
- Populate individual defaults before read/edit
- Populate all defaults before first browse call
- Remove populateDefaults calls from init code
refs #1641
- added addUnique()
- added dropUnique()
- added addColumn() -> needed for #2330
- dropColumn() is missing due to lack of knex support
- further cleanup of the migrations module
-refactor exporter to export tables that exist in the
database instead of keying off of schema.js
-move some shared database utility functions into their
own module
- Added logic to export database to the `core\server\data\` folder prior
to beginning a migration.
- Factored out versioning logic from migration to prevent circular
- Removed slug generation from the post API
- Added new, self-contained slug API
- Fixed slug permissions in the fixtures files
- Added a HTTP route for the new API method
- Added integrational tests
closes#2610, refs #2697
- cleanup API index.js, and add docs
- all API methods take consistent arguments: object & options
- browse, read, destroy take options, edit and add take object and options
- the context is passed as part of options, meaning no more .call
- destroy expects an object, rather than an id all the way down to the model layer
- route params such as :id, :slug, and :key are passed as an option & used
to perform reads, updates and deletes where possible - settings / themes
may need work here still
- HTTP posts api can find a post by slug
- Add API utils for checkData
- added error type
- added error property for validations
- wrapped errors in an array
- returns multiple errors for validation
- updated tests and admin
- Refactor settings api responses to { settings: [ ] } format
- Update all code using api.settings to handle new response format
- Update test stubs to return new format
- Update client site settings model to parse new format into one object of key/value pairs
- Refactor to include all setting values
- Remove unused settingsCollection method
- Update settingsCache to store all attributes
- Update settingsResult to send all attributes
- Remove unnecessary when() wraps
- Reject if editing a setting that doesn't exist
- Reject earlier if setting key is empty
- Update tests with new error messages
- Use setting.add instead of edit that was incorrectly adding
- Update importer to properly import activePlugins and installedPlugins
- Update expected setting result fields
- Fix a weird situation where hasOwnProperty didn't exist 🤷
- fixed apiContext as suggested in the issue
- added user to options object for models
- added api.users.register() for public registration
- changed models to use options.user for created_by, updated_by,
author_id and published_by
- added override to session model to avoid created_by and updated_by
- added user (id: 1) to tests
- added user (id: 1) for registration
- added user (id: 1) for import, fixtures and default settings
- added user (id: 1) for user update
- added user (id: 1) for settings update (dbHash, installedApps, update
- updated bookshelf to version 0.6.8
- Adds new models for AppField and AppSetting
- Removed permitted attributes from App model (handled by base)
- Added reference from Post to AppFields
- Added fixture data to DataGenerator
- Added integration tests for Apps, AppSettings, AppFields
- Added import for Apps
- Added app_fields to default fixtures
- Pass permissions loading to buildObjectTypeHandlers to eliminate
shared state
- Load both app and user permissions to check
- Check app permissions if present
- Create apps table and App model
- Move effectiveUserPermissions to permissions/effective
- Change permissable interface to take context; user and app.
- Add unit tests for app canThis checks and effective permissions
issue #2305
- changed validation for 'page' to expect '0' or '1', rather than 'true' or
- Added a 'can change a post to static page' test
- Added a 'can change a static page to a post' test
- Convert to new api usage for both server-side and client-side
- Provide way require a negative response for boolean methods in
- Add field validation functional tests
- Settings (General)
- Title length validation
- Description length validation
- postsPerPage, numeric, min, max
- Settings (User)
- Bio Length validation
- Location length validation
- Url validation
- Login
- Email validation
- Editor
- Title required validation
refs #1833
- modified config.urlFor to handle tag pages
- modified {{#tags}} handlebars helper to autolink to
tag pages. Additional autolink="false" parameter can
be used to deactivate autolinking
- modified url handlebars helper to handle tags
- added isTag function to schema
- added unit test for additional urlFor functionality
- added unit test for {{#tags}} helper modifications
- added unit test for url handlebards helper
- uses express’ Route object to create RegExp’s
that we use to check the incoming path
- refactored structure of fronted controller single
tests to be easier to read
- amend regex to incorporate new allowed permalink