- rather than trigger NProgress for fetch calls
I’ve moved it to be used for all sync calls
- issue #2011 was a result of NProgress only being
called during a fetch() call, which when saving
is not used - save() is. Sync is used by all
ajax calls.
issue #1365
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions where absolutely necessary
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions in which keeping parameter
list added clarity to the underlying api, even when those parameters
are not currently used
- removed unused parameters in a few places
- fixed bug where ![] is replaced with  for image url
- added fileStorage setting to uploader
- added fileStorage helper (could become standard way of providing config data for frontend???)
- added data element to editor and settings
- if no config value is set fileStorage: true is default
* Smoother animations
* Removed blurring in Chrome temporarily
* Centering is now done in CSS (the height is calculated in JS to work in FF and Opera)
* Modals now need close: true to be set to enable the close icon and shortcuts for closing (ESC key, background clicking)
- Modified post collection to have default values for paging.
- Added scroll handler to content view to check for more posts and load
as appropriate.
- Sanitized result from server-side post paging, ensure page # is
returned as an integer.
- Added a functional test stub.
- added type to ghost.settings()
- added /api/settings?type=<filter>
- added availableThemes to settingsCache
- removed cachedSettingsRequestHandler
- removed /api/themes (including front end)
- changed activePlugins to type "plugin" in default-settings.json
- added blog description to general screen
- removed content screen from sidebar
- removed beforeRender from settings front end
- removed content screen from tests
- adds image uploader to user profile page.
- click on cover picture or change cover button to open file upload modal.
- created new upload modal that extends model to reduce some code duplication
- Adds Tag model with a many-to-many relationship with Post
- Adds Tag API to retrieve all previously used Tags (needed for suggestions)
- Allows setting and retrieval of Tags for a post through the Post's existing API endpoints.
- Hooks up the editor's tag suggestion box to the Ghost install's previously used tags
- Tidies the client code for adding tags, and encapsulates the functionality into a Backbone view
closes#488 and #107
- added dropdown for theme selection on general page
- added GET /api/v0.1/themes to retrieve available themes
- modified settings model to get available themes
- modified updateSettignsCache to remove path from settings.activeTheme
Closes#340. Closes#375
* Replaced session with id of current user
* Added method to ghostlocals to always send profile picture and full name to templates (template checks if falsy)
* Modified user saving (`forge().set(new).save()` died on me, `forge().save(new)` didn't)
* If user has profile picture, that will be used
* If user has name, that will be used
* Password changing doesn't care about your email. Uses cookies. Tasty!
* User pane uses current user id. Had to set path to me, otherwise goes to `browse` instead of `read`.
* Added logic to user api to check for `id === 'me'`, and then use the cookie value
* User data saves are now correct
* There is no logout error
- settings screen now loads a model when a pane is requested, rather than when the whole screen is requested
- added browse, read and edit methods and routes for users to the API
- added user model & template to client and wired everything up.
- provided default images for cover and profile picture
- This is a first pass at getting a more logical structure. The focus is on moving from admin/frontend to client/server.
- The location of the databases is highly important, this isn't expected to change again
In the future
- client/assets should probably become public/
- more stuff should be shared (helpers etc)
- cleanup some confusion around tpl and views