- added type to ghost.settings()
- added /api/settings?type=<filter>
- added availableThemes to settingsCache
- removed cachedSettingsRequestHandler
- removed /api/themes (including front end)
- changed activePlugins to type "plugin" in default-settings.json
- Added *permanent* redirect to ensure `/page/1/` isn't used and that
`/` is used instead.
- Added pageUrl helper (and unit tests) to generate client side url
fragment for blog pages conforming to the above standard.
- Updated pagination helper to use new `pageUrl` theme helper.
- Added functional tests for redirects and added scaffolding for
functional frontend tests in general.
- removed defaultLang, forceI18n and activePlugins from config
- added values to default-settings.json
- updated to use values from settings
- Adds Tag model with a many-to-many relationship with Post
- Adds Tag API to retrieve all previously used Tags (needed for suggestions)
- Allows setting and retrieval of Tags for a post through the Post's existing API endpoints.
- Hooks up the editor's tag suggestion box to the Ghost install's previously used tags
- Tidies the client code for adding tags, and encapsulates the functionality into a Backbone view
- adds method (isPost)to models index.js that returns true if content, content_raw, title and slug are valid properties
- adds url helper which checks context is post using isPost method
- adds unit test to check a url is prefixed with /
-adds unit test which checks for empty string if either of the 4 properties above are not present.
Pagination could conceivably be used in more than one place on a page (eg. both top and bottom). For that reason it should probably have a class rather than an ID.
closes#382, closes#383
- added helper called ghost_head to insert meta data with current version of ghost
- added helper called ghost_foot to insert script tag for jquery
- added unit test for both helpers
- removed trailing slash from ghost.js for 'shared' path and removed from outside of loop as it is shared on front and backend
- Altered post model to enable eager loading of author and
user relationships
- Fixed broken base model toJSON method, which prevented
eager resolution of relationships (thanks @tgriesser)
- Passes author information to template.
- Added unit tests for author helper.
- Added unit tests for findOne and findAll additions to Post Model
which take into account the eager relationships
`{{author}}` -- returns the full name of the post author
`{{author.attribute}}` -- returns property of the current post author
as described by the user model
* Reintroduced the redirect functionality (not logged in, tries to go to `/settings/user/`, is sent to `/login/` with info notification, after login user is taken to `/settings/user/)
* Reintroduced the "Successfully logged out" message
* Added middleware to scrub passive notifications from `ghost.notifications` after one use basically mimicing client side passive notifications
* Removed flash from everywhere. Even from package.json.
* Renamed flashed.hbs to notifications.hbs, modified default.hbs accordingly
* Added function to parse GET variables on client side
- Developed and linked new module, downsize, for tag-safe truncation
- Altered existing content handler to accept options for truncation
- Added tests for handler
Using truncation:
{{content words=10}}
{{content characters=256}}
Should close#37. There are persistent and passive notifications.
Persistent ones:
* are stored on `ghost.notifications`.
* have an api made to add / remove them with client side ajax logic (probably not the most elegant, but works)
* uses a modified `flashes.hbs` template
* will only disappear if user closes the bar
* stack
* added with backbone view / collection combo
* stack
* disappears on navigation and when user closes it
- This is a first pass at getting a more logical structure. The focus is on moving from admin/frontend to client/server.
- The location of the databases is highly important, this isn't expected to change again
In the future
- client/assets should probably become public/
- more stuff should be shared (helpers etc)
- cleanup some confusion around tpl and views