no issue
- we've added an `{{author-names}}` helper, this generated a warning from `{{gh-posts-list-item}}` which contained `{{authorNames}}` referencing a CP on the component context
- changing the CP access to be explicit using `{{this.authorNames}}` resolves the warning
- updated other references in the template to be explicit in order to differentiate between local context and helpers (this will be enforced in later Ember versions)
no issue
- `post.scratch` does not exist until post contents have been edited which meant that the `seoDescription` CP was erroring trying to access a non-existent `cards` property
- adds a "Canonical URL" field to the Meta Data section of the Post Settings Menu
- adds validation for canonical url being a valid absolute or relative URL
no issue
- improves test run times by splitting the tests into multiple groups and running each in their own browser instance
- settled on 2 browser instances as that seems to best fit within Travis' memory and CPU constraints
- updated ember-cli-code-coverage config to work with parallel builds
no issue
- Travis runs all `script` tasks even if an earlier one fails so moved to using `&&` so ember tests aren't run if linting errors
- Added `ember-cli-eslint` to the addons blacklist when building in Travis so that we aren't running linting twice (also reduces build log output)
no issue
- switched to node 10 to match recommended developer version
- changed `greenkeeper` branch exclusion to `renovate`
- removed the custom cache directories
- the cache build/upload was timing out after 180s
- simplifying the config to try and narrow down the exact cause and measure impact
no issue
- API now returns the "useful" error message in `error.context` rather than `error.message`
- updated `{{gh-uploader}}` to expose `context` on errors
- updated error display to try using `context` with a fallback to `message`
no issue
- ran [es5-getter-ember-codemod](
- [es5 getters RFC](
- updates the majority of `object.get('property')` with `` with exceptions:
- `.get('')` - it's not possible to determine if this is relying on "safe" path chaining for when `nested` doesn't exist
- `.get('config.x')` and `.get('settings.x')` - both our `config` and `settings` services are proxy objects which do not support es5 getters
- this PR is not exhaustive, there are still a number of places where `.get('')` and similar could be replaced but it gets us a long way there in a quick and automated fashion