refs #4605, #4479
- Removes versioning from the importer
- Fixes an issue with SQLITE errors not being thrown properly for posts
- Ensures that posts have a created_at date
- Makes sure that the API wrapper is properly handled
refs #4605
- Move as much code as possible out of the DB API
- Split the importer into 2 concepts, code which handles different
filetypes and code which takes the content of files and imports it into
Ghost in some way
- Split the import process into 4 steps, load the file into a useful
format, preprocess the data, do the import, generate a report
- Reporting is currently a no-op
- Adds a basic level of testing
- adds a post url link to 'post updated' and 'post published' in editor
- adds join function in ghost paths
- adds a '/' detection to makeRoute method
- adds test for join function
- added user_id to password reset request
- hide old password field
- updated changePassword method to check permissions
- updated changePassword method to work without oldPassword
- fixed bug for errors shown as [Object object]
- post model gets permalink format
- post model queries urlPathForPost to return computed url
- url helper modified to use post url
- urlForPost method abolished and replaced where necessary
- updated tests
Refactored generateXmlFromNodes to pull the urlElements itself from
sorted values in the lookup
Added some checks to existing unit tests to validate ordering.
Tests for:
- Version number is a number
- Database type is an allowed 1 of 3
- There are 20 contributors
- First contributor has an image tag and image src exists, alt tag, title tag, href to github
- Remove both inline and bottom footnotes from excerpt output before stripping the remaining HTML
- No more red errors, black text or bold links in codemirror, as codemirror gets confused by footnote syntax. This is a step towards the new editor which has no syntax highlighting in the editor
refs #1993
- adds ctrl/cmd+s for save
- adds config flag
- adds icon on settings page, puts items in the right order
- sorts out permissions for all settings pages with consistent configuration
- remove toJSON code which returns only IDs from objects
- don't auto-include tags & fields in post responses
- don't auto-include roles in user responses
- fix #allthethings that made assumptions about the auto-includes, or otherwise were only working because of the auto-include
- Adds new Labs route
- Wires route in settings page
- Move and rename debug templates and logic to labs
- Redirect /debug to settings/labs
- Add basic init and eventing scaffold
- Add sitemap-index.xml generation
- Broke out generators to individual files, added request handler
- Add page, author and tag xml files; add index mapping
- Add SiteMapManager unit tests
- Add Generators tests
- Cache invalidation headers for sitemap-*.xml
- Redirect sitemap.xml to index and rename to sitemap-index
- Handle page convert and publish/draft changes
- Add very basic functional test for route existence
- Add cache headers to sitemap routes
- removes data attributes used on body in default.hbs
- introduces new way to generate configuration through meta tags
- config initializer consumes configurations from the meta tags using parser
- moves blog_title helper/value to be a property in a configuration api
- Every route can set a title token that is combined with the blog’s
title, resulting in titles like ‘Content - Test Blog’.
- Subroutes are supported (‘Settings - General - Test Blog’)
- The blog’s name is applied to and taken from the `config` object to
spare Ember a REST call via `store.find(‘settings’)`.
- Tests have been changed to test for the new titles.
- The initially proposed solution
( doesn’t play nice
with EAK, which is why I went with this solution
( by Ember.JS core dev @Machty.
no issue
- changes the content type for the RSS feeds from text/xml to
- changes the link rel=alternate tag to use an absolute URL for the feed
in the blog meta data
No Issue
- Strip sub-directory from image paths before passing to
config.createUrl. Since images are stored with the sub-directory
and createUrl builds a URL with the sub-directory the result
would be a URL that contains the sub-directory twice.