- Every route can set a title token that is combined with the blog’s
title, resulting in titles like ‘Content - Test Blog’.
- Subroutes are supported (‘Settings - General - Test Blog’)
- The blog’s name is applied to and taken from the `config` object to
spare Ember a REST call via `store.find(‘settings’)`.
- Tests have been changed to test for the new titles.
- The initially proposed solution
(https://github.com/paddle8/ember-document-title) doesn’t play nice
with EAK, which is why I went with this solution
(https://gist.github.com/machty/8413411) by Ember.JS core dev @Machty.
- Adds "tags" route inside of the settings routes.
- Adds this route to router.js
- Links the route from the settings.hbs template
- Adds demo tags html in tag.hbs template
- Adds flag for tagsUI
- provide config.url to the ember client app via a data attribute
- create server and client side helpers to output the URL
- wire up the client side helper
- add a class for testing, and add tests for both the server and client side
- Adds an initializer for passing config to the frontend, it's not pretty but it works
- Forwards the apps route and hides the apps menu item if apps:true is not present in config.js