covers 90% of #755
- moved ghost.settings to api.settings
- moved ghost.notifications to api.notifications
- split up api/index.js to notifications.js, posts.js, settings.js,
tags.js and users.js
- added instance.globals as temp workaround for blogglobals (Known
issue: blog title and blog description are updated after restart only)
- added webroot to config() to remove `var root = ...`
- changed `e` and `url` helper to async
- updated tests
Move helper functions registerThemeHelper and registerAsyncThemeHelper
to the helpers module.
Also update the app proxy object to reflect this new code location,
and the tests to reflect that as well
Create ./sore/server/filters which houses all filter related behavior.
Was previously on the ghost singleton.
Also create the filters_spec file for testing
and update all code and tests to use new code location.
Create ./sore/server/helpers/template which houses all template related behavior.
Was previously on the ghost singleton.
Also create the helpers_template_spec file for testing
and update all code and tests to use new code location.
Move ghost.mail instance onto the mail module directly
and update related code and tests to use new location
Move Polyglot instance onto require module directly
Move ghost.availablePlugins to plugins module directly
issue #1365
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions where absolutely necessary
- added /*jslint unparam:true*/ to functions in which keeping parameter
list added clarity to the underlying api, even when those parameters
are not currently used
- removed unused parameters in a few places
- adds appRoot, and uses this to calculate other paths
- removes path calculations from loader
- remove the themedir setting in config.. completely unnecessary
- highlights just how important #360 is
Implements basic functionality described in #227 for loading plugins
from a specific directory and having a specific workflow with an init()
method and a disable() method.