refs #5652
- always put button text inside opening/closing helper tag
- only include type if it is 'submit' as button is default
- wrap attributes in double quotes
refs #5315
- adds call to loadServerNotifications so that notifications are loaded after setup
- fixes user invite so that you can't invite someone with the same email as you created the owner with
- Adds back button to steps 2 and 3
- Prevents user navigating from step 1 to step 3 unless blog has been created
- Prevents user navigating from step 2 to step 3 unless blog has been created
- added a PNG background with 2 emails addresses as a "placeholder"
- added a `required` attribute for textarea in 3rd step of the setup
- taking an advantage of `:valid` pseudo-class to hide the background
picture with email addresses
Merging setup screen into the new app wrapper had some knock-on effects due to new flexbox parent elements. As a result things were vertically collapsing in unexpected ways on narrow viewports. This is cleaned up here, with some other minor visual bugfixes.
- moves skip link to below the submit button
- makes the submit button better represent form status
- posts notifications based on success/failure of notifications
- goes to the invite page after user creation
- actually sends invites!
functional tests passing for onboarding invitations
cleanup for linitng
remove unreachable return
access the notifications service better
use link-to instead of an anchor with an action
failed user creations get caught, and bubble as errors
a slew of other cleanup stuff via jason