- 🛠 add bunyan and prettyjson, remove morgan
- ✨ add logging module
- GhostLogger class that handles setup of bunyan
- PrettyStream for stdout
- ✨ config for logging
- @TODO: testing level fatal?
- ✨ log each request via GhostLogger (express middleware)
- @TODO: add errors to output
- 🔥 remove errors.updateActiveTheme
- we can read the value from config
- 🔥 remove 15 helper functions in core/server/errors/index.js
- all these functions get replaced by modules:
1. logging
2. error middleware handling for html/json
3. error creation (which will be part of PR #7477)
- ✨ add express error handler for html/json
- one true error handler for express responses
- contains still some TODO's, but they are not high priority for first implementation/integration
- this middleware only takes responsibility of either rendering html responses or return json error responses
- 🎨 use new express error handler in middleware/index
- 404 and 500 handling
- 🎨 return error instead of error message in permissions/index.js
- the rule for error handling should be: if you call a unit, this unit should return a custom Ghost error
- 🎨 wrap serve static module
- rule: if you call a module/unit, you should always wrap this error
- it's always the same rule
- so the caller never has to worry about what comes back
- it's always a clear error instance
- in this case: we return our notfounderror if serve static does not find the resource
- this avoid having checks everywhere
- 🎨 replace usages of errors/index.js functions and adapt tests
- use logging.error, logging.warn
- make tests green
- remove some usages of logging and throwing api errors -> because when a request is involved, logging happens automatically
- 🐛 return errorDetails to Ghost-Admin
- errorDetails is used for Theme error handling
- 🎨 use 500er error for theme is missing error in theme-handler
- 🎨 extend file rotation to 1w
refs #7452
- remove references to 'patronus' in favour of GhostAuth, Note: this will require databases to be deleted ;)
- remove email addresses from test data
* 🎨 run database population in transaction
refs #6574, refs #7432
- create transaction for creating tables
- if an error occurs or a container get's destroyed before population finishes, transaction is rolled back
* 🎨 simplify transaction creation and test
issue #7452
Remote oauth2 authentication with Ghost.org.
This PR supports:
- oauth2 login or local login
- authentication on blog setup
- authentication on invite
- normal authentication
- does not contain many, many tests, but we'll improve in the next alpha weeks
- Don't let people start Ghost Alpha with non-alpha databases.
- Provide a new welcome message for development mode (a little bit of positive reinforcment)
- Provide a RED WARNING when in production mode (will still be used for developing, but we can ignore)
- Change package.json to 1.0.0-alpha.0, we won't relelase this, will bump to .1 for release
refs #6982
- create config util fn: getContentPath
- we can later let the user change the folder names in contentPath
- get rid of custom/default storage paths
[ci skip]
- Adds `getSanitizedFileName` function to storage/base.js which replaces non A-Z0-9@. chacracters with -
- modifies /api/theme.js so that zip.shortName is consistent throughout.
- add 008 migration
- added script to re-run 006/01
- re-run 006/01 migration for postgres in any timezone (transform formats only)
- re-run 006/01 migration for sqlite (transform formats only)
- rely on format checks for sqlite, do not check server TZ
* 🐛 fix direct update
- move sitemap initialisation into sitemap handler
- initialise sitemap on first request to sitemap
* 🐛 fix how we pass options to migration files
refs #7317
- clone options when passing them into the migration/fixture files
- do not use default sequence, because it does not clone the arguments
no issue
This PR takes the existing function `processUrls` in `data/xml/rss` and refactors it to be a stand-alone util.
The change is needed, as this functionality will be accessed from `apps/amp` to convert relative URLs.
- Add a concept of validity to each generator
- Refactor base generator to handle invalid (empty) nodes for both events & the initial generation
- Update the tests a bit, to fix some bugs in the tests
- Ensure the homepage is always present
refs #2852
- improvement: ensure custom storage adapter has required functions
- serve, save and exists are from now on required functions for a custom storage adapter
- add delete as required storage function
closes#6588, #7095
* `ImageObject` with image dimensions (#7152, #7151, #7153)
- Returns meta data as promise
- returns a new Promise from meta data
- uses `Promise.props()` to resolve `getClient()` and `getMetaData()`
- Adds 'image-size' util
The util returns an object like this
height: 50,
url: 'http://myblog.com/images/cat.jpg',
width: 50
if the dimensions can be fetched and rejects with error, if not.
In case we get a locally stored image or a not complete url (like `//www.gravatar.com/andsoon`), we add the protocol to the incomplete one and use `urlFor()` to get the absolute URL. If the request fails or `image-size` is not able to read the file, we reject with error.
- adds 'image-size' module to dependencies
- adds `getImageSizeFromUrl` function that returns image dimensions
- In preparation of AMP support and to improve our schema.org JSON-LD and structured data, I made the following changes:
- Changes the following properties to be `Objects`, which have a `url` property by default and a `dimensions` property, if `width` and `height` are available:
- `metaData.coverImage`
- `metaData.authorImage`
- `metaData.blog.logo`
- Checks cache by calling `getCachedImageSizeFromUrl`. If image dimensions were fetched already, returns them from cache instead of fetching them again.
- If we have image dimensions on hand, the output in our JSON-LD changes from normal urls to be full `ImageObjects`. Applies to all images and logos.
- Special case for `publisher.logo` as it has size restrictions: if the image doesn't fulfil the restrictions (<=600 width and <=60 height), we simply output the url instead, so like before.
- Adds new property for schema.org JSON-LD: `mainEntityOfPage` as an Object.
- Adds additional Open Graph data (if we have the image size): `og:image:width` and `og:image:height`
- Adds/updates tests
* AMP router and controller (#7171, #7157)
Implements AMP in `/apps/`:
- renders `amp.hbs` if route is `/:slug/amp/`
- updates `setResponseContext` to set context to `['amp', 'post']` for a amp post and `['amp', 'page']` for a page, but will not render amp template for a page
- updates `context_spec`
- registers 'amp' as new internal app
- adds the `amp.hbs` template to `core/server/apps/amp` which will be the default template for AMP posts.
- adds `isAmpURL` to `post-lookup`
* 🎨 Use `context` in meta as array (#7205)
Instead of reading the first value of the context array, we're checking if it includes certain context values.
This is a preparation change for AMP, where the context will be delivered as `['amp', 'post']`.
* ✨ AMP helpers (#7174, #7216, #7215, #7223)
- Adds AMP helpers `{{amp_content}}`, `{{amp_component}}` and `{{amp_ghost_head}}` to support AMP:
- `{{amp_content}}`:
- Adds `Amperize` as dependency
- AMP app uses new helper `{{amp_content}}` to render AMP HTML
- `Amperize` transforms regular HTML into AMP HTML
- Adds test for `{{amp_content}}` helper
- Adds 'Sanitize-HTML` as dependendy
- After the HTML get 'amperized' we still might have some HTML tags, which are prohibited in AMP HTML, so we use `sanitize-html` to remove those. With every update, `Amperize` gets and it is able to transform more HTML tags, they valid AMP HTML tags (e. g. `video` and `amp-video`) and will therefore not be removed.
- `{{amp_ghost_head}}`:
- registers `{{amp_ghost_head}}` helper, but uses `{{ghost_head}}` code
- uses `{{amp_ghost_head}}` in `amp.hbs` instead of `{{ghost_head}}`
- `{{ghost_head}}`:
- Render `amphtml` link in metadata for post, which links to the amp post (`getAmpUrl`)
- Updates all test in metadata to support `amp` context
- Changes context conditionals to work with full array instead of first array value
- Adds conditionals, so no additional javascript gets rendered in `{{ghost_head}}`
- Removes trailing `/amp/` in URLs, so only `amphtml` link on regular post renders it
- Adds a conditional, so no code injection will be included, for an `amp` context.
- `{{amp_components}}`:
- AMP app uses new helper `{{amp_components}}` to render necessary script tags for AMP extended components as `amp-iframe`, `amp-anime` and `amp-form`
- Adds test for `{{amp_components}}`
When calling `config.set()` in the settings api, we want to set the active timezone of the blog to make it available in our `settingsCache`. But because the `theme` object in the `set` prototype was already set to `Etc/UTC` as default, the `_.merge` function would always overwrite our `activeTimezone` with the default value.
This PR changes the code in the way, that we always set 'Etc/UTC' for the timezone as default, _until_ we fetched our settings and therefore the `activeTimezone` setting, so we can overwrite it.
This issue had not only influence on the date helper, but everywhere in our codebase, where we rely on reading the `timezone` from our config, instead of our settings. The `{{@blog.timezone}}` helper reflected that quiet well, as it would always show `Etc/UTC`
no issue
- Source out validation logic into a upload validation middleware for all upload types (csv, image, subscribers). This unit can be later used for Ghost 1.0 as a pre validation core unit.
- More usage of route tests than controller tests. These are use case tests, a use case only changes if the product changes
no issue
- sets `settings.activeTimezone` to best-guess based on current server time when performing the timezones migration in order to prevent unexpected changes in timezone when upgrading