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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Added batched members import API method
no issue - New Member API batched import is meant to be a substitution to current import with improved performance while keeping same behaviore. Current import processes 1 record at a time using internal API calls and times out consistently when large number of members has to be imported (~10k records without Stripe). - New import's aim is to improve performance and process >50K records without timing out both with and without Stripe connected members - Batched import can be conceptually devided into 3 stages which have their own ways to improve performance: 1. labels - can be at current performance as number of labels is usually small, but could also be improved through batching 2. member records + member<->labels relations - these could be performed as batched inserts into the database 3. Stripe connections - most challanging bottleneck to solve because API request are slow by it's nature and have to deal with rate limits of Stripe's API itself - It's a heavy WIP, with lots of known pitfalls which are marked with TODOs. Will be solved iteratively through time untill the method can be declared stable - The new batched import method will be hidden behind 'enableDeveloperExperiments' flag to allow early testing
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 287 additions and 0 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
// NOTE: We must not cache references to membersService.api
// as it is a getter and may change during runtime.
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid');
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const uuid = require('uuid');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const config = require('../../../shared/config');
const models = require('../../models');
@ -67,6 +69,10 @@ const sanitizeInput = (members) => {
function serializeMemberLabels(labels) {
if (_.isString(labels)) {
if (labels === '') {
return [];
return [{
name: labels.trim()
@ -560,6 +566,287 @@ const members = {
importCSVBatched: {
statusCode: 201,
permissions: {
method: 'add'
async query(frame) {
let imported = {
count: 0
let invalid = {
count: 0,
errors: []
let duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount = 0;
// NOTE: custom labels have to be created in advance otherwise there are conflicts
// when processing member creation in parallel later on in import process
const importSetLabels = serializeMemberLabels(frame.data.labels);
// NOTE: adding an import label allows for imports to be "undone" via bulk delete
let importLabel;
if (frame.data.members.length) {
const siteTimezone = settingsCache.get('timezone');
const name = `Import ${moment().tz(siteTimezone).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}`;
const result = await findOrCreateLabels([{name}], frame.options);
importLabel = result[0] && result[0].toJSON();
const importSetLabelModels = await findOrCreateLabels(importSetLabels, frame.options);
// NOTE: member-specific labels have to be pre-created as they cause conflicts when processed
// in parallel
const memberLabels = serializeMemberLabels(getUniqueMemberLabels(frame.data.members));
const memberLabelModels = await findOrCreateLabels(memberLabels, frame.options);
const allLabelModels = [...importSetLabelModels, ...memberLabelModels].filter(model => model !== undefined);
return Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
const sanitized = sanitizeInput(frame.data.members);
duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount = frame.data.members.length - sanitized.length;
invalid.count += duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount;
if (duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount) {
invalid.errors.push(new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.context'),
help: i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.help')
const CHUNK_SIZE = 100;
const memberBatches = _.chunk(sanitized, CHUNK_SIZE);
return Promise.map(memberBatches, async (membersBatch) => {
const mappedMemberBatchData = [];
const mappedMembersLabelsBatchAssociations = [];
const membersWithStripeCustomers = [];
const membersWithComplimentaryPlans = [];
membersBatch.forEach((entry) => {
let subscribed;
if (_.isUndefined(entry.subscribed_to_emails)) {
// model default
subscribed = 'true';
} else {
subscribed = (String(entry.subscribed_to_emails).toLowerCase() !== 'false');
entry.labels = (entry.labels && entry.labels.split(',')) || [];
const entryLabels = serializeMemberLabels(entry.labels);
const mergedLabels = _.unionBy(entryLabels, importSetLabels, 'name');
let createdAt = entry.created_at === '' ? undefined : entry.created_at;
if (createdAt) {
const date = new Date(createdAt);
// CASE: client sends `0000-00-00 00:00:00`
if (isNaN(date)) {
// TODO: throw in validation stage for single record, not whole batch!
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.models.base.invalidDate', {key: 'created_at'}),
createdAt = moment(createdAt).toDate();
} else {
createdAt = new Date();
// NOTE: redacted copy from models.Base module
const contextUser = (options) => {
options = options || {};
options.context = options.context || {};
if (options.context.user || models.Base.Model.isExternalUser(options.context.user)) {
return options.context.user;
} else if (options.context.integration) {
return models.Base.Model.internalUser;
const memberId = ObjectId.generate();
id: memberId,
uuid: uuid.v4(), // member model default
email: entry.email,
name: entry.name,
note: entry.note,
subscribed: subscribed,
created_at: createdAt,
created_by: String(contextUser(frame.options))
if (mergedLabels) {
mergedLabels.forEach((label) => {
const matchedLabel = allLabelModels.find(labelModel => labelModel.get('name') === label.name);
id: ObjectId.generate(),
member_id: memberId,
label_id: matchedLabel.id,
sort_order: 0 //TODO: implementme
if (entry.stripe_customer_id) {
stripe_customer_id: entry.stripe_customer_id,
id: memberId,
email: entry.email
if ((String(entry.complimentary_plan).toLocaleLowerCase() === 'true')) {
id: memberId,
email: entry.email
try {
// TODO: below inserts most likely need to be wrapped into transaction
// to avoid creating orphaned member_labels connections
await db.knex('members')
await db.knex('members_labels')
imported.count += mappedMemberBatchData.length;
} catch (error) {
if (error.code && error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) {
invalid.errors.push(new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.memberAlreadyExists.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.memberAlreadyExists.context')
} else {
// NOTE: probably need to wrap this error into something more specific e.g. ImportError
invalid.count += mappedMemberBatchData.length;
if (membersWithStripeCustomers.length || membersWithComplimentaryPlans.length) {
const deleteMemberKnex = async (id) => {
// TODO: cascading wont work on SQLite needs 2 separate deletes
// for members_labels and members wrapped into a transaction
const deletedMembersCount = await db.knex('members')
.where('id', id)
if (deletedMembersCount) {
imported.count -= deletedMembersCount;
invalid.count += deletedMembersCount;
if (!membersService.config.isStripeConnected()) {
const memberIdsToDestroy = _.uniq([
...membersWithStripeCustomers.map(m => m.id),
...membersWithComplimentaryPlans.map(m => m.id)
// TODO: cascading wont work on SQLite needs 2 separate deletes
// for members_labels and members wrapped into a transaction
const deleteMembersCount = await db.knex('members')
.whereIn('id', memberIdsToDestroy)
imported.count -= deleteMembersCount;
invalid.count += deleteMembersCount;
invalid.errors.push(new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.context'),
help: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.help')
} else {
if (membersWithStripeCustomers.length) {
await Promise.map(membersWithStripeCustomers, async (stripeMember) => {
try {
await membersService.api.members.linkStripeCustomer(stripeMember.stripe_customer_id, stripeMember);
} catch (error) {
if (error.message.indexOf('customer') && error.code === 'resource_missing') {
error.message = `Member not imported. ${error.message}`;
error.context = i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeCustomerNotFound.context');
error.help = i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeCustomerNotFound.help');
await deleteMemberKnex(stripeMember.id);
}, {
concurrency: 10
if (membersWithComplimentaryPlans.length) {
await Promise.map(membersWithComplimentaryPlans, async (complimentaryMember) => {
try {
await membersService.api.members.setComplimentarySubscription(complimentaryMember);
} catch (error) {
await deleteMemberKnex(complimentaryMember.id);
}, {
concurrency: 10 // TODO: check if this concurrency level doesn't fail rate limits
}).then(() => {
// NOTE: grouping by context because messages can contain unique data like "customer_id"
const groupedErrors = _.groupBy(invalid.errors, 'context');
const uniqueErrors = _.uniqBy(invalid.errors, 'context');
const outputErrors = uniqueErrors.map((error) => {
let errorGroup = groupedErrors[error.context];
let errorCount = errorGroup.length;
if (error.message === i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.message')) {
errorCount = duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount;
// NOTE: filtering only essential error information, so API doesn't leak more error details than it should
return {
message: error.message,
context: error.context,
help: error.help,
count: errorCount
invalid.errors = outputErrors;
return {
meta: {
stats: {
import_label: importLabel
stats: {
options: [
Add table
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