diff --git a/core/server/api/v0.1/mail.js b/core/server/api/v0.1/mail.js
index d4e030f092..3a2ff54c45 100644
--- a/core/server/api/v0.1/mail.js
+++ b/core/server/api/v0.1/mail.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function sendMail(object) {
type: 'warn',
message: [
- common.i18n.t('common.seeLinkForInstructions', {link: 'https://docs.ghost.org/docs/mail-config'})
+ common.i18n.t('common.seeLinkForInstructions', {link: 'https://docs.ghost.org/mail/'})
].join(' ')
diff --git a/core/server/api/v2/mail.js b/core/server/api/v2/mail.js
index 83334e79aa..143894b17e 100644
--- a/core/server/api/v2/mail.js
+++ b/core/server/api/v2/mail.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ _private.sendMail = (object) => {
type: 'warn',
message: [
- common.i18n.t('common.seeLinkForInstructions', {link: 'https://docs.ghost.org/docs/mail-config'})
+ common.i18n.t('common.seeLinkForInstructions', {link: 'https://docs.ghost.org/mail/'})
].join(' ')
diff --git a/core/server/apps/subscribers/lib/helpers/index.js b/core/server/apps/subscribers/lib/helpers/index.js
index a444eed694..fd4d145302 100644
--- a/core/server/apps/subscribers/lib/helpers/index.js
+++ b/core/server/apps/subscribers/lib/helpers/index.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module.exports = function registerHelpers(ghost) {
flagKey: 'subscribers',
flagName: 'Subscribers',
helperName: 'subscribe_form',
- helpUrl: 'https://help.ghost.org/hc/en-us/articles/224089787-Subscribers-Beta'
+ helpUrl: 'https://docs.ghost.org/faq/enable-subscribers-feature/'
}, () => {
return require('./subscribe_form').apply(self, args);
diff --git a/core/server/data/importer/importers/data/index.js b/core/server/data/importer/importers/data/index.js
index 49693e4547..4f437869b1 100644
--- a/core/server/data/importer/importers/data/index.js
+++ b/core/server/data/importer/importers/data/index.js
@@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ DataImporter = {
if (!importData.meta) {
throw new common.errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: 'Wrong importer structure. `meta` is missing.',
- help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/docs/the-importer'
+ help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/api/migration/#json-file-structure'
if (!importData.meta.version) {
throw new common.errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: 'Wrong importer structure. `meta.version` is missing.',
- help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/docs/the-importer'
+ help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/api/migration/#json-file-structure'
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ DataImporter = {
if (!semver.valid(importData.meta.version)) {
return Promise.reject(new common.errors.InternalServerError({
message: 'Detected unsupported file structure.',
- context: 'Please install Ghost 1.0, import the file and then update your blog to Ghost 2.0.\nVisit https://docs.ghost.org/v1/docs/install or ask for help in our https://forum.ghost.org.'
+ context: 'Please install Ghost 1.0, import the file and then update your blog to Ghost 2.0.\nVisit https://docs.ghost.org/faq/upgrade-to-ghost-1-0 or ask for help in our https://forum.ghost.org.'
diff --git a/core/server/data/schema/default-settings.json b/core/server/data/schema/default-settings.json
index 0b75fd853e..87bd6449ac 100644
--- a/core/server/data/schema/default-settings.json
+++ b/core/server/data/schema/default-settings.json
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"defaultValue": "{}"
"navigation": {
- "defaultValue": "[{\"label\":\"Home\", \"url\":\"/\"},{\"label\":\"Tag\", \"url\":\"/tag/getting-started/\"}, {\"label\":\"Author\", \"url\":\"/author/ghost/\"},{\"label\":\"Help\", \"url\":\"https://help.ghost.org\"}]"
+ "defaultValue": "[{\"label\":\"Home\", \"url\":\"/\"},{\"label\":\"Tag\", \"url\":\"/tag/getting-started/\"}, {\"label\":\"Author\", \"url\":\"/author/ghost/\"},{\"label\":\"Help\", \"url\":\"https://docs.ghost.org\"}]"
"slack": {
"defaultValue": "[{\"url\":\"\", \"username\":\"Ghost\"}]"
diff --git a/core/server/data/schema/fixtures/fixtures.json b/core/server/data/schema/fixtures/fixtures.json
index 31dc036def..0fa0fbc6d5 100644
--- a/core/server/data/schema/fixtures/fixtures.json
+++ b/core/server/data/schema/fixtures/fixtures.json
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
"title": "Creating a custom theme",
"slug": "themes",
- "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"image\",{\"src\":\"https://static.ghost.org/v1.0.0/images/marketplace.jpg\",\"caption\":\"Anyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme with some solid knowledge of HTML and CSS\"}]],\"markups\":[[\"a\",[\"href\",\"http://marketplace.ghost.org\"]],[\"code\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://themes.ghost.org/v2.0.0/docs\"]],[\"strong\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the \"],[0,[0],1,\"Ghost Theme Marketplace\"],[0,[],0,\", or you can create your own from scratch.\"]]],[10,0],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a set of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. For example: \"],[0,[1],1,\"{{author.name}}\"],[0,[],0,\" outputs the name of the current author.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"The best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at \"],[0,[2],1,\"the source code for Casper\"],[0,[],0,\", which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[1],1,\"default.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.\"]],[[0,[1],1,\"post.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\"]],[[0,[1],1,\"index.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\"]],[[0,[],0,\"and so on\"]]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"We've got \"],[0,[3],1,\"full and extensive theme documentation\"],[0,[],0,\" which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"If you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a \"],[0,[4],1,\"themes\"],[0,[],0,\" section on our \"],[0,[5],1,\"public Ghost forum\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]]]}",
+ "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"image\",{\"src\":\"https://static.ghost.org/v1.0.0/images/marketplace.jpg\",\"caption\":\"Anyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme with some solid knowledge of HTML and CSS\"}]],\"markups\":[[\"a\",[\"href\",\"http://marketplace.ghost.org\"]],[\"code\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/\"]],[\"strong\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the \"],[0,[0],1,\"Ghost Theme Marketplace\"],[0,[],0,\", or you can create your own from scratch.\"]]],[10,0],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a set of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. For example: \"],[0,[1],1,\"{{author.name}}\"],[0,[],0,\" outputs the name of the current author.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"The best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at \"],[0,[2],1,\"the source code for Casper\"],[0,[],0,\", which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[1],1,\"default.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.\"]],[[0,[1],1,\"post.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\"]],[[0,[1],1,\"index.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\"]],[[0,[],0,\"and so on\"]]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"We've got \"],[0,[3],1,\"full and extensive theme documentation\"],[0,[],0,\" which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"If you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a \"],[0,[4],1,\"themes\"],[0,[],0,\" section on our \"],[0,[5],1,\"public Ghost forum\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]]]}",
"featured": false,
"page": false,
"status": "published",
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
"title": "Apps & integrations",
"slug": "apps-integrations",
- "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"markdown\",{\"markdown\":\"\\n\"}]],\"markups\":[[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://zapier.com\"]],[\"strong\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://themes.ghost.org\"]],[\"em\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://help.ghost.org/article/15-disqus\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://help.ghost.org/article/35-discourse\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://help.ghost.org/article/89-mathjax\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://prismjs.com/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://www.google.com/forms/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://www.typeform.com/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://api.ghost.org\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"/themes/\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using Zapier, editing your theme, or using the Ghost API.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Zapier\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can connect your Ghost site to over 1,000 external services using the official integration with \"],[0,[0],1,\"Zapier\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Zapier sets up automations with Triggers and Actions, which allows you to create and customise a wide range of connected applications.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[1],1,\"Example\"],[0,[],0,\": When someone new subscribes to a newsletter on a Ghost site (Trigger) then the contact information is automatically pushed into MailChimp (Action).\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[1],1,\"Here are the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates:\"],[0,[],0,\" \"]]],[10,0],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Editing your theme\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"One of the biggest advantages of using Ghost over centralised platforms is that you have total control over the front end of your site. Either customise your existing theme, or create a new theme from scratch with our \"],[0,[2],1,\"Theme SDK\"],[0,[],0,\". \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can integrate \"],[0,[3],1,\"any\"],[0,[],0,\" front end code into a Ghost theme without restriction, and it will work just fine. No restrictions!\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[1],1,\"Here are some common examples\"],[0,[],0,\":\"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[],0,\"Include comments on a Ghost blog with \"],[0,[4],1,\"Disqus\"],[0,[],0,\" or \"],[0,[5],1,\"Discourse\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Implement \"],[0,[6],1,\"MathJAX\"],[0,[],0,\" with a little bit of JavaScript\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Add syntax highlighting to your code snippets using \"],[0,[7],1,\"Prism.js\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Integrate any dynamic forms from \"],[0,[8],1,\"Google\"],[0,[],0,\" or \"],[0,[9],1,\"Typeform\"],[0,[],0,\" to capture data\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Just about anything which uses JavaScript, APIs and Markup.\"]]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Using the Public API\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost itself is driven by a set of core APIs, and so you can access the Public Ghost JSON API from external webpages or applications in order to pull data and display it in other places.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[],0,\"The Ghost API is \"],[0,[10],1,\"thoroughly documented\"],[0,[],0,\" and straightforward to work with for developers of almost any level. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Alright, the last post in our welcome-series! If you're curious about creating your own Ghost theme from scratch, here are \"],[0,[11],1,\"some more details\"],[0,[],0,\" on how that works.\"]]]]}",
+ "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"markdown\",{\"markdown\":\"\\n\"}]],\"markups\":[[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://zapier.com\"]],[\"strong\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/\"]],[\"em\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/integrations/disqus/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/integrations/discourse/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://help.ghost.org/article/89-mathjax\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://prismjs.com/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://www.google.com/forms/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://www.typeform.com/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/api/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"/themes/\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using Zapier, editing your theme, or using the Ghost API.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Zapier\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can connect your Ghost site to over 1,000 external services using the official integration with \"],[0,[0],1,\"Zapier\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Zapier sets up automations with Triggers and Actions, which allows you to create and customise a wide range of connected applications.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[1],1,\"Example\"],[0,[],0,\": When someone new subscribes to a newsletter on a Ghost site (Trigger) then the contact information is automatically pushed into MailChimp (Action).\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[1],1,\"Here are the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates:\"],[0,[],0,\" \"]]],[10,0],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Editing your theme\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"One of the biggest advantages of using Ghost over centralised platforms is that you have total control over the front end of your site. Either customise your existing theme, or create a new theme from scratch with our \"],[0,[2],1,\"Theme SDK\"],[0,[],0,\". \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can integrate \"],[0,[3],1,\"any\"],[0,[],0,\" front end code into a Ghost theme without restriction, and it will work just fine. No restrictions!\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[1],1,\"Here are some common examples\"],[0,[],0,\":\"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[],0,\"Include comments on a Ghost blog with \"],[0,[4],1,\"Disqus\"],[0,[],0,\" or \"],[0,[5],1,\"Discourse\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Implement \"],[0,[6],1,\"MathJAX\"],[0,[],0,\" with a little bit of JavaScript\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Add syntax highlighting to your code snippets using \"],[0,[7],1,\"Prism.js\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Integrate any dynamic forms from \"],[0,[8],1,\"Google\"],[0,[],0,\" or \"],[0,[9],1,\"Typeform\"],[0,[],0,\" to capture data\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Just about anything which uses JavaScript, APIs and Markup.\"]]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Using the Public API\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost itself is driven by a set of core APIs, and so you can access the Public Ghost JSON API from external webpages or applications in order to pull data and display it in other places.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[],0,\"The Ghost API is \"],[0,[10],1,\"thoroughly documented\"],[0,[],0,\" and straightforward to work with for developers of almost any level. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Alright, the last post in our welcome-series! If you're curious about creating your own Ghost theme from scratch, here are \"],[0,[11],1,\"some more details\"],[0,[],0,\" on how that works.\"]]]]}",
"featured": false,
"page": false,
"status": "published",
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
"title": "Organising your content",
"slug": "organising-content",
- "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[[\"soft-return\",\"\",{}]],\"cards\":[],\"markups\":[[\"strong\"],[\"code\"],[\"em\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://themes.ghost.org/v2.0.0/docs\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html\",\"rel\",\"noreferrer nofollow noopener\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/docs/dynamic-routing\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"/apps-integrations/\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called\"],[0,[0],1,\" tags\"],[0,[],0,\" which can be used to configure your site structure using \"],[0,[0],1,\"dynamic routing\"],[0,[],0,\". \"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Basic Tagging\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"When you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help differentiate between categories of content. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast, which would create two distinct categories of content listed on \"],[0,[1],1,\"/tag/news/\"],[0,[],0,\" and \"],[0,[1],1,\"/tag/weather/\"],[0,[],0,\", respectively.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"If you tag a post with both \"],[0,[1],1,\"News\"],[0,[],0,\" \"],[0,[2],1,\"and\"],[0,[],0,\" \"],[0,[1],1,\"Weather\"],[0,[],0,\" - then it appears in both sections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of content that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can support their own cover images and meta data.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"The primary tag\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Inside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The first tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default. \"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2,0],1,\"News\"],[0,[],1,\", Technology, Startup\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"So you can add the most important tag which you want to show up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Private tags\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Sometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't necessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In Ghost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use private tags to tell your theme what to do.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2,0],1,\"News\"],[0,[],1,\", #video\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Here, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of News - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and give them special formatting. \"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2],0,\"You can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many more over on Ghost's extensive \"],[0,[3],1,\"theme documentation\"],[0,[],1,\".\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Dynamic Routing\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Dynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to suit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and templates. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example, you may not want content tagged with \"],[0,[1],1,\"News\"],[0,[],0,\" to exist on: \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/tag/news\"],[0,[],0,\". Instead, you want it to exist on \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/news\"],[0,[],0,\" . \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"In this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of content on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme to render each content type differently.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few common examples: \"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[],0,\"Setting a custom home page with its own template\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Having separate content hubs for blog and podcast, that render differently, and have custom RSS feeds to support two types of content\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Creating a founders column as a unique view, by filtering content created by specific authors\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Including dates in permalinks for your posts\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Setting posts to have a URL relative to their primary tag like \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/europe/story-title/\"],[1,[],0,0]]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2],0,\"Dynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using \"],[0,[4],1,\"YAML\"],[0,[],0,\" files. Read our dynamic routing \"],[0,[5],1,\"documentation\"],[0,[],1,\" for further details.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can further customise your site using \"],[0,[6],1,\"Apps & Integrations\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]]]}",
+ "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[[\"soft-return\",\"\",{}]],\"cards\":[],\"markups\":[[\"strong\"],[\"code\"],[\"em\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html\",\"rel\",\"noreferrer nofollow noopener\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/concepts/routing/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"/apps-integrations/\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called\"],[0,[0],1,\" tags\"],[0,[],0,\" which can be used to configure your site structure using \"],[0,[0],1,\"dynamic routing\"],[0,[],0,\". \"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Basic Tagging\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"When you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help differentiate between categories of content. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast, which would create two distinct categories of content listed on \"],[0,[1],1,\"/tag/news/\"],[0,[],0,\" and \"],[0,[1],1,\"/tag/weather/\"],[0,[],0,\", respectively.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"If you tag a post with both \"],[0,[1],1,\"News\"],[0,[],0,\" \"],[0,[2],1,\"and\"],[0,[],0,\" \"],[0,[1],1,\"Weather\"],[0,[],0,\" - then it appears in both sections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of content that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can support their own cover images and meta data.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"The primary tag\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Inside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The first tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default. \"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2,0],1,\"News\"],[0,[],1,\", Technology, Startup\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"So you can add the most important tag which you want to show up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Private tags\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Sometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't necessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In Ghost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use private tags to tell your theme what to do.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2,0],1,\"News\"],[0,[],1,\", #video\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Here, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of News - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and give them special formatting. \"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2],0,\"You can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many more over on Ghost's extensive \"],[0,[3],1,\"theme documentation\"],[0,[],1,\".\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Dynamic Routing\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Dynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to suit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and templates. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example, you may not want content tagged with \"],[0,[1],1,\"News\"],[0,[],0,\" to exist on: \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/tag/news\"],[0,[],0,\". Instead, you want it to exist on \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/news\"],[0,[],0,\" . \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"In this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of content on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme to render each content type differently.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few common examples: \"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[],0,\"Setting a custom home page with its own template\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Having separate content hubs for blog and podcast, that render differently, and have custom RSS feeds to support two types of content\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Creating a founders column as a unique view, by filtering content created by specific authors\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Including dates in permalinks for your posts\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Setting posts to have a URL relative to their primary tag like \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/europe/story-title/\"],[1,[],0,0]]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2],0,\"Dynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using \"],[0,[4],1,\"YAML\"],[0,[],0,\" files. Read our dynamic routing \"],[0,[5],1,\"documentation\"],[0,[],1,\" for further details.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can further customise your site using \"],[0,[6],1,\"Apps & Integrations\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]]]}",
"featured": false,
"page": false,
"status": "published",
diff --git a/core/server/data/validation/index.js b/core/server/data/validation/index.js
index 9b2c70dca0..188b5e0c0f 100644
--- a/core/server/data/validation/index.js
+++ b/core/server/data/validation/index.js
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ validateRedirects = function validateRedirects(redirects) {
if (!_.isArray(redirects)) {
throw new common.errors.ValidationError({
message: common.i18n.t('errors.utils.redirectsWrongFormat'),
- help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/docs/redirects'
+ help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/concepts/redirects/'
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ validateRedirects = function validateRedirects(redirects) {
throw new common.errors.ValidationError({
message: common.i18n.t('errors.utils.redirectsWrongFormat'),
context: JSON.stringify(redirect),
- help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/docs/redirects'
+ help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/concepts/redirects/'
diff --git a/core/server/helpers/get.js b/core/server/helpers/get.js
index 2ae000f4b9..45d7c6a2f2 100644
--- a/core/server/helpers/get.js
+++ b/core/server/helpers/get.js
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ module.exports = function getLabsWrapper() {
flagKey: 'publicAPI',
flagName: 'Public API',
helperName: 'get',
- helpUrl: 'https://help.ghost.org/hc/en-us/articles/115000301672-Public-API-Beta',
+ helpUrl: 'https://docs.ghost.org/faq/api-versioning/',
async: true
}, function executeHelper() {
return get.apply(self, args);
diff --git a/core/server/helpers/pagination.js b/core/server/helpers/pagination.js
index 18fbeecfa8..13f061a6df 100644
--- a/core/server/helpers/pagination.js
+++ b/core/server/helpers/pagination.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pagination = function (options) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
level: 'normal',
message: i18n.t('warnings.helpers.pagination.invalidData'),
- help: 'https://themes.ghost.org/docs/pagination'
+ help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/helpers/pagination/'
diff --git a/core/server/lib/fs/package-json/parse.js b/core/server/lib/fs/package-json/parse.js
index 0766c21da0..7134708900 100644
--- a/core/server/lib/fs/package-json/parse.js
+++ b/core/server/lib/fs/package-json/parse.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function parsePackageJson(path) {
if (!hasRequiredKeys) {
err = new Error(common.i18n.t('errors.utils.parsepackagejson.nameOrVersionMissing'));
err.context = path;
- err.help = common.i18n.t('errors.utils.parsepackagejson.willBeRequired', {url: 'https://themes.ghost.org/'});
+ err.help = common.i18n.t('errors.utils.parsepackagejson.willBeRequired', {url: 'https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/'});
return Promise.reject(err);
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ function parsePackageJson(path) {
} catch (parseError) {
err = new Error(common.i18n.t('errors.utils.parsepackagejson.themeFileIsMalformed'));
err.context = path;
- err.help = common.i18n.t('errors.utils.parsepackagejson.willBeRequired', {url: 'https://themes.ghost.org/'});
+ err.help = common.i18n.t('errors.utils.parsepackagejson.willBeRequired', {url: 'https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/'});
return Promise.reject(err);
diff --git a/core/server/services/mail/GhostMailer.js b/core/server/services/mail/GhostMailer.js
index 0a6aa12bad..9581b893d7 100644
--- a/core/server/services/mail/GhostMailer.js
+++ b/core/server/services/mail/GhostMailer.js
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ GhostMailer.prototype.getDomain = function () {
GhostMailer.prototype.send = function (message) {
var self = this,
- help = common.i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.checkEmailConfigInstructions', {url: 'https://docs.ghost.org/docs/mail-config'}),
+ help = common.i18n.t('errors.api.authentication.checkEmailConfigInstructions', {url: 'https://docs.ghost.org/mail/'}),
errorMessage = common.i18n.t('errors.mail.failedSendingEmail.error');
// important to clone message as we modify it
diff --git a/core/server/translations/en.json b/core/server/translations/en.json
index 7a4f7dbe63..cfe0005ac5 100644
--- a/core/server/translations/en.json
+++ b/core/server/translations/en.json
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@
"isDeprecated": "Warning: pageUrl is deprecated, please use page_url instead\nThe helper pageUrl has been replaced with page_url in Ghost 0.4.2, and will be removed entirely in Ghost 0.6\nIn your theme's pagination.hbs file, pageUrl should be renamed to page_url"
"pagination": {
- "invalidData": "The \\{\\{pagination\\}\\} helper was used outside of a paginated context. See https://themes.ghost.org/docs/pagination.",
+ "invalidData": "The \\{\\{pagination\\}\\} helper was used outside of a paginated context. See https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/helpers/pagination/.",
"valuesMustBeDefined": "All values must be defined for page, pages, limit and total",
"nextPrevValuesMustBeNumeric": "Invalid value, Next/Prev must be a number",
"valuesMustBeNumeric": "Invalid value, check page, pages, limit and total are numbers"
diff --git a/core/server/web/shared/middlewares/custom-redirects.js b/core/server/web/shared/middlewares/custom-redirects.js
index 45481f84c7..cdc19087c2 100644
--- a/core/server/web/shared/middlewares/custom-redirects.js
+++ b/core/server/web/shared/middlewares/custom-redirects.js
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ _private.registerRoutes = () => {
common.logging.error(new common.errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: common.i18n.t('errors.middleware.redirects.register'),
context: err.message,
- help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/docs/redirects'
+ help: 'https://docs.ghost.org/concepts/redirects/'
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ _private.registerRoutes = () => {
* - you can extend Ghost with a custom redirects file
- * - see https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/7707 and https://docs.ghost.org/docs/redirects
+ * - see https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/7707 and https://docs.ghost.org/concepts/redirects/
* - file loads synchronously, because we need to register the routes before anything else
exports.use = function use(siteApp) {
diff --git a/core/test/unit/data/schema/integrity_spec.js b/core/test/unit/data/schema/integrity_spec.js
index 8a499b3bfd..a1b418fdc6 100644
--- a/core/test/unit/data/schema/integrity_spec.js
+++ b/core/test/unit/data/schema/integrity_spec.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var should = require('should'),
describe('DB version integrity', function () {
// Only these variables should need updating
const currentSchemaHash = 'b865478398cd2b0a1e5eaffebccdb88c';
- const currentFixturesHash = '8b36d1e72c29b7f9073612142b5a8783';
+ const currentFixturesHash = 'cc19eac0f38ed778d25c82753f687495';
// If this test is failing, then it is likely a change has been made that requires a DB version bump,
// and the values above will need updating as confirmation
@@ -42,4 +42,3 @@ describe('DB version integrity', function () {
diff --git a/core/test/unit/helpers/get_spec.js b/core/test/unit/helpers/get_spec.js
index c72b699321..c83ded7e1d 100644
--- a/core/test/unit/helpers/get_spec.js
+++ b/core/test/unit/helpers/get_spec.js
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ describe('{{#get}} helper', function () {
+ 'See https://docs.ghost.org/faq/api-versioning/");'
diff --git a/core/test/unit/helpers/pagination_spec.js b/core/test/unit/helpers/pagination_spec.js
index 8eae7e1023..1c7c15eeb0 100644
--- a/core/test/unit/helpers/pagination_spec.js
+++ b/core/test/unit/helpers/pagination_spec.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ describe('{{pagination}} helper', function () {
return function () {
- }, expectedMessage = 'The {{pagination}} helper was used outside of a paginated context. See https://themes.ghost.org/docs/pagination.';
+ }, expectedMessage = 'The {{pagination}} helper was used outside of a paginated context. See https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/helpers/pagination/.';
runHelper('not an object').should.throwError(expectedMessage);
runHelper(function () {
diff --git a/core/test/unit/lib/fs/package-json/parse_spec.js b/core/test/unit/lib/fs/package-json/parse_spec.js
index 2019879348..38129ce8a2 100644
--- a/core/test/unit/lib/fs/package-json/parse_spec.js
+++ b/core/test/unit/lib/fs/package-json/parse_spec.js
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ describe('lib/fs/package-json: parse', function () {
.catch(function (err) {
err.message.should.equal('"name" or "version" is missing from theme package.json file.');
- err.help.should.equal('This will be required in future. Please see https://themes.ghost.org/');
+ err.help.should.equal('This will be required in future. Please see https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/');
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ describe('lib/fs/package-json: parse', function () {
.catch(function (err) {
err.message.should.equal('"name" or "version" is missing from theme package.json file.');
- err.help.should.equal('This will be required in future. Please see https://themes.ghost.org/');
+ err.help.should.equal('This will be required in future. Please see https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/');
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ describe('lib/fs/package-json: parse', function () {
.catch(function (err) {
err.message.should.equal('Theme package.json file is malformed');
- err.help.should.equal('This will be required in future. Please see https://themes.ghost.org/');
+ err.help.should.equal('This will be required in future. Please see https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/');
diff --git a/core/test/unit/services/themes/validate_spec.js b/core/test/unit/services/themes/validate_spec.js
index 3caab2785e..b529b668cc 100644
--- a/core/test/unit/services/themes/validate_spec.js
+++ b/core/test/unit/services/themes/validate_spec.js
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ describe('Themes', function () {
fatal: true,
level: 'error',
rule: 'Replace the {{#if author.cover}}
helper with {{#if author.cover_image}}
- details: 'The cover
attribute was replaced with cover_image
Instead of {{#if author.cover}}
you need to use {{#if author.cover_image}}
See the object attributes of author
+ details: 'The cover
attribute was replaced with cover_image
Instead of {{#if author.cover}}
you need to use {{#if author.cover_image}}
See the object attributes of author
failures: [ {} ],
code: 'GS001-DEPR-CON-AC'
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ describe('Themes', function () {
fatal: true,
level: 'error',
rule: 'Replace the {{#if author.cover}}
helper with {{#if author.cover_image}}
- details: 'The cover
attribute was replaced with cover_image
Instead of {{#if author.cover}}
you need to use {{#if author.cover_image}}
See the object attributes of author
+ details: 'The cover
attribute was replaced with cover_image
Instead of {{#if author.cover}}
you need to use {{#if author.cover_image}}
See the object attributes of author
failures: [ {} ],
code: 'GS001-DEPR-CON-AC'
diff --git a/core/test/utils/fixtures/export/default_export.json b/core/test/utils/fixtures/export/default_export.json
index 0ee3790d21..b841af0345 100644
--- a/core/test/utils/fixtures/export/default_export.json
+++ b/core/test/utils/fixtures/export/default_export.json
@@ -1861,10 +1861,10 @@
"uuid": "4bcae678-0c29-4f70-8395-f63ae5f4fa91",
"title": "Creating a custom theme",
"slug": "themes",
- "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"image\",{\"src\":\"https://static.ghost.org/v1.0.0/images/marketplace.jpg\",\"caption\":\"Anyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme with some solid knowledge of HTML and CSS\"}]],\"markups\":[[\"a\",[\"href\",\"http://marketplace.ghost.org\"]],[\"code\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://themes.ghost.org/v2.0.0/docs\"]],[\"strong\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the \"],[0,[0],1,\"Ghost Theme Marketplace\"],[0,[],0,\", or you can create your own from scratch.\"]]],[10,0],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a set of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. For example: \"],[0,[1],1,\"{{author.name}}\"],[0,[],0,\" outputs the name of the current author.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"The best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at \"],[0,[2],1,\"the source code for Casper\"],[0,[],0,\", which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[1],1,\"default.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.\"]],[[0,[1],1,\"post.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\"]],[[0,[1],1,\"index.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\"]],[[0,[],0,\"and so on\"]]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"We've got \"],[0,[3],1,\"full and extensive theme documentation\"],[0,[],0,\" which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"If you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a \"],[0,[4],1,\"themes\"],[0,[],0,\" section on our \"],[0,[5],1,\"public Ghost forum\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]]]}",
- "html": "
Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.
There are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the Ghost Theme Marketplace, or you can create your own from scratch.
Ghost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a set of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. For example: {{author.name}}
outputs the name of the current author.
The best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at the source code for Casper, which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.
is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.post.hbs
is the file used in the context of viewing a post.index.hbs
is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.We've got full and extensive theme documentation which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.
If you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a themes section on our public Ghost forum.
", + "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"image\",{\"src\":\"https://static.ghost.org/v1.0.0/images/marketplace.jpg\",\"caption\":\"Anyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme with some solid knowledge of HTML and CSS\"}]],\"markups\":[[\"a\",[\"href\",\"http://marketplace.ghost.org\"]],[\"code\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/\"]],[\"strong\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the \"],[0,[0],1,\"Ghost Theme Marketplace\"],[0,[],0,\", or you can create your own from scratch.\"]]],[10,0],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a set of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. For example: \"],[0,[1],1,\"{{author.name}}\"],[0,[],0,\" outputs the name of the current author.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"The best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at \"],[0,[2],1,\"the source code for Casper\"],[0,[],0,\", which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[1],1,\"default.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.\"]],[[0,[1],1,\"post.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\"]],[[0,[1],1,\"index.hbs\"],[0,[],0,\" is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\"]],[[0,[],0,\"and so on\"]]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"We've got \"],[0,[3],1,\"full and extensive theme documentation\"],[0,[],0,\" which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"If you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a \"],[0,[4],1,\"themes\"],[0,[],0,\" section on our \"],[0,[5],1,\"public Ghost forum\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]]]}", + "html": "Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.
There are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the Ghost Theme Marketplace, or you can create your own from scratch.
Ghost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a set of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. For example: {{author.name}}
outputs the name of the current author.
The best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at the source code for Casper, which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.
is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.post.hbs
is the file used in the context of viewing a post.index.hbs
is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.We've got full and extensive theme documentation which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.
If you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a themes section on our public Ghost forum.
", "comment_id": "5c2ca6dfe015a6761618233f", - "plaintext": "Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to\nbe a clean, readable publication layout and can be adapted for most purposes.\nHowever, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than\njust giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just\nlet you write code.\n\nThere are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can\nget from the Ghost Theme Marketplace [http://marketplace.ghost.org], or you can\ncreate your own from scratch.\n\nAnyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme with some solid knowledge of\nHTML and CSSGhost themes are written with a templating language called\nhandlebars, which has a set of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template\nfiles. For example: {{author.name}} outputs the name of the current author.\n\nThe best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at \nthe\nsource code for Casper [https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper], which is heavily\ncommented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\n\n * default.hbs is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this\n file unless specifically told to use a different template.\n * post.hbs is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\n * index.hbs is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\n * and so on\n\nWe've got full and extensive theme documentation\n[https://themes.ghost.org/v2.0.0/docs] which outlines every template file,\ncontext and helper that you can use.\n\nIf you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or\nhelp, there's also a themes section on our public Ghost forum\n[https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes].", + "plaintext": "Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to\nbe a clean, readable publication layout and can be adapted for most purposes.\nHowever, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than\njust giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just\nlet you write code.\n\nThere are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can\nget from the Ghost Theme Marketplace [http://marketplace.ghost.org], or you can\ncreate your own from scratch.\n\nAnyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme with some solid knowledge of\nHTML and CSSGhost themes are written with a templating language called\nhandlebars, which has a set of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template\nfiles. For example: {{author.name}} outputs the name of the current author.\n\nThe best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at \nthe\nsource code for Casper [https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper], which is heavily\ncommented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\n\n * default.hbs is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this\n file unless specifically told to use a different template.\n * post.hbs is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\n * index.hbs is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\n * and so on\n\nWe've got full and extensive theme documentation\n[https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/] which outlines every template file,\ncontext and helper that you can use.\n\nIf you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or\nhelp, there's also a themes section on our public Ghost forum\n[https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes].", "feature_image": "https://static.ghost.org/v2.0.0/images/creating-a-custom-theme.jpg", "featured": 0, "page": 0, @@ -1896,10 +1896,10 @@ "uuid": "d8694730-91c5-4c0f-b38e-674af8c0135f", "title": "Apps & integrations", "slug": "apps-integrations", - "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"markdown\",{\"markdown\":\"\\n\"}]],\"markups\":[[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://zapier.com\"]],[\"strong\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://themes.ghost.org\"]],[\"em\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://help.ghost.org/article/15-disqus\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://help.ghost.org/article/35-discourse\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://help.ghost.org/article/89-mathjax\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://prismjs.com/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://www.google.com/forms/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://www.typeform.com/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://api.ghost.org\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"/themes/\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using Zapier, editing your theme, or using the Ghost API.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Zapier\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can connect your Ghost site to over 1,000 external services using the official integration with \"],[0,[0],1,\"Zapier\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Zapier sets up automations with Triggers and Actions, which allows you to create and customise a wide range of connected applications.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[1],1,\"Example\"],[0,[],0,\": When someone new subscribes to a newsletter on a Ghost site (Trigger) then the contact information is automatically pushed into MailChimp (Action).\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[1],1,\"Here are the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates:\"],[0,[],0,\" \"]]],[10,0],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Editing your theme\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"One of the biggest advantages of using Ghost over centralised platforms is that you have total control over the front end of your site. Either customise your existing theme, or create a new theme from scratch with our \"],[0,[2],1,\"Theme SDK\"],[0,[],0,\". \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can integrate \"],[0,[3],1,\"any\"],[0,[],0,\" front end code into a Ghost theme without restriction, and it will work just fine. No restrictions!\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[1],1,\"Here are some common examples\"],[0,[],0,\":\"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[],0,\"Include comments on a Ghost blog with \"],[0,[4],1,\"Disqus\"],[0,[],0,\" or \"],[0,[5],1,\"Discourse\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Implement \"],[0,[6],1,\"MathJAX\"],[0,[],0,\" with a little bit of JavaScript\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Add syntax highlighting to your code snippets using \"],[0,[7],1,\"Prism.js\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Integrate any dynamic forms from \"],[0,[8],1,\"Google\"],[0,[],0,\" or \"],[0,[9],1,\"Typeform\"],[0,[],0,\" to capture data\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Just about anything which uses JavaScript, APIs and Markup.\"]]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Using the Public API\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost itself is driven by a set of core APIs, and so you can access the Public Ghost JSON API from external webpages or applications in order to pull data and display it in other places.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[],0,\"The Ghost API is \"],[0,[10],1,\"thoroughly documented\"],[0,[],0,\" and straightforward to work with for developers of almost any level. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Alright, the last post in our welcome-series! If you're curious about creating your own Ghost theme from scratch, here are \"],[0,[11],1,\"some more details\"],[0,[],0,\" on how that works.\"]]]]}", - "html": "There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using Zapier, editing your theme, or using the Ghost API.
You can connect your Ghost site to over 1,000 external services using the official integration with Zapier.
Zapier sets up automations with Triggers and Actions, which allows you to create and customise a wide range of connected applications.
Example: When someone new subscribes to a newsletter on a Ghost site (Trigger) then the contact information is automatically pushed into MailChimp (Action).
Here are the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates:
\nOne of the biggest advantages of using Ghost over centralised platforms is that you have total control over the front end of your site. Either customise your existing theme, or create a new theme from scratch with our Theme SDK.
You can integrate any front end code into a Ghost theme without restriction, and it will work just fine. No restrictions!
Here are some common examples:
Ghost itself is driven by a set of core APIs, and so you can access the Public Ghost JSON API from external webpages or applications in order to pull data and display it in other places.
The Ghost API is thoroughly documented and straightforward to work with for developers of almost any level.
Alright, the last post in our welcome-series! If you're curious about creating your own Ghost theme from scratch, here are some more details on how that works.
", + "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"markdown\",{\"markdown\":\"\\n\"}]],\"markups\":[[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://zapier.com\"]],[\"strong\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/\"]],[\"em\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/integrations/disqus/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/integrations/discourse/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://help.ghost.org/article/89-mathjax\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://prismjs.com/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://www.google.com/forms/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://www.typeform.com/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/api/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"/themes/\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using Zapier, editing your theme, or using the Ghost API.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Zapier\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can connect your Ghost site to over 1,000 external services using the official integration with \"],[0,[0],1,\"Zapier\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Zapier sets up automations with Triggers and Actions, which allows you to create and customise a wide range of connected applications.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[1],1,\"Example\"],[0,[],0,\": When someone new subscribes to a newsletter on a Ghost site (Trigger) then the contact information is automatically pushed into MailChimp (Action).\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[1],1,\"Here are the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates:\"],[0,[],0,\" \"]]],[10,0],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Editing your theme\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"One of the biggest advantages of using Ghost over centralised platforms is that you have total control over the front end of your site. Either customise your existing theme, or create a new theme from scratch with our \"],[0,[2],1,\"Theme SDK\"],[0,[],0,\". \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can integrate \"],[0,[3],1,\"any\"],[0,[],0,\" front end code into a Ghost theme without restriction, and it will work just fine. No restrictions!\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[1],1,\"Here are some common examples\"],[0,[],0,\":\"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[],0,\"Include comments on a Ghost blog with \"],[0,[4],1,\"Disqus\"],[0,[],0,\" or \"],[0,[5],1,\"Discourse\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Implement \"],[0,[6],1,\"MathJAX\"],[0,[],0,\" with a little bit of JavaScript\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Add syntax highlighting to your code snippets using \"],[0,[7],1,\"Prism.js\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Integrate any dynamic forms from \"],[0,[8],1,\"Google\"],[0,[],0,\" or \"],[0,[9],1,\"Typeform\"],[0,[],0,\" to capture data\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Just about anything which uses JavaScript, APIs and Markup.\"]]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Using the Public API\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost itself is driven by a set of core APIs, and so you can access the Public Ghost JSON API from external webpages or applications in order to pull data and display it in other places.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[],0,\"The Ghost API is \"],[0,[10],1,\"thoroughly documented\"],[0,[],0,\" and straightforward to work with for developers of almost any level. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Alright, the last post in our welcome-series! If you're curious about creating your own Ghost theme from scratch, here are \"],[0,[11],1,\"some more details\"],[0,[],0,\" on how that works.\"]]]]}", + "html": "There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using Zapier, editing your theme, or using the Ghost API.
You can connect your Ghost site to over 1,000 external services using the official integration with Zapier.
Zapier sets up automations with Triggers and Actions, which allows you to create and customise a wide range of connected applications.
Example: When someone new subscribes to a newsletter on a Ghost site (Trigger) then the contact information is automatically pushed into MailChimp (Action).
Here are the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates:
\nOne of the biggest advantages of using Ghost over centralised platforms is that you have total control over the front end of your site. Either customise your existing theme, or create a new theme from scratch with our Theme SDK.
You can integrate any front end code into a Ghost theme without restriction, and it will work just fine. No restrictions!
Here are some common examples:
Ghost itself is driven by a set of core APIs, and so you can access the Public Ghost JSON API from external webpages or applications in order to pull data and display it in other places.
The Ghost API is thoroughly documented and straightforward to work with for developers of almost any level.
Alright, the last post in our welcome-series! If you're curious about creating your own Ghost theme from scratch, here are some more details on how that works.
", "comment_id": "5c2ca6dfe015a67616182341", - "plaintext": "There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using\nZapier, editing your theme, or using the Ghost API.\n\nZapier\nYou can connect your Ghost site to over 1,000 external services using the\nofficial integration with Zapier [https://zapier.com].\n\nZapier sets up automations with Triggers and Actions, which allows you to create\nand customise a wide range of connected applications.\n\nExample: When someone new subscribes to a newsletter on a Ghost site (Trigger)\nthen the contact information is automatically pushed into MailChimp (Action).\nHere are the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates: \n\nEditing your theme\nOne of the biggest advantages of using Ghost over centralised platforms is that\nyou have total control over the front end of your site. Either customise your\nexisting theme, or create a new theme from scratch with our Theme SDK\n[https://themes.ghost.org]. \n\nYou can integrate any front end code into a Ghost theme without restriction,\nand it will work just fine. No restrictions!\n\nHere are some common examples:\n\n * Include comments on a Ghost blog with Disqus\n [https://help.ghost.org/article/15-disqus] or Discourse\n [https://help.ghost.org/article/35-discourse]\n * Implement MathJAX [https://help.ghost.org/article/89-mathjax] with a little\n bit of JavaScript\n * Add syntax highlighting to your code snippets using Prism.js\n [https://prismjs.com/]\n * Integrate any dynamic forms from Google [https://www.google.com/forms/] or \n Typeform [https://www.typeform.com/] to capture data\n * Just about anything which uses JavaScript, APIs and Markup.\n\nUsing the Public API\nGhost itself is driven by a set of core APIs, and so you can access the Public\nGhost JSON API from external webpages or applications in order to pull data and\ndisplay it in other places.\n\nThe Ghost API is thoroughly documented [https://api.ghost.org] and\nstraightforward to work with for developers of almost any level. Alright, the\nlast post in our welcome-series! If you're curious about creating your own Ghost\ntheme from scratch, here are some more details [/themes/] on how that works.", + "plaintext": "There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using\nZapier, editing your theme, or using the Ghost API.\n\nZapier\nYou can connect your Ghost site to over 1,000 external services using the\nofficial integration with Zapier [https://zapier.com].\n\nZapier sets up automations with Triggers and Actions, which allows you to create\nand customise a wide range of connected applications.\n\nExample: When someone new subscribes to a newsletter on a Ghost site (Trigger)\nthen the contact information is automatically pushed into MailChimp (Action).\nHere are the most popular Ghost<>Zapier automation templates: \n\nEditing your theme\nOne of the biggest advantages of using Ghost over centralised platforms is that\nyou have total control over the front end of your site. Either customise your\nexisting theme, or create a new theme from scratch with our Theme SDK\n[https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/]. \n\nYou can integrate any front end code into a Ghost theme without restriction,\nand it will work just fine. No restrictions!\n\nHere are some common examples:\n\n * Include comments on a Ghost blog with Disqus\n [https://docs.ghost.org/integrations/disqus/] or Discourse\n [https://docs.ghost.org/integrations/discourse/]\n * Implement MathJAX [https://help.ghost.org/article/89-mathjax] with a little\n bit of JavaScript\n * Add syntax highlighting to your code snippets using Prism.js\n [https://prismjs.com/]\n * Integrate any dynamic forms from Google [https://www.google.com/forms/] or \n Typeform [https://www.typeform.com/] to capture data\n * Just about anything which uses JavaScript, APIs and Markup.\n\nUsing the Public API\nGhost itself is driven by a set of core APIs, and so you can access the Public\nGhost JSON API from external webpages or applications in order to pull data and\ndisplay it in other places.\n\nThe Ghost API is thoroughly documented [https://docs.ghost.org/api/] and\nstraightforward to work with for developers of almost any level. Alright, the\nlast post in our welcome-series! If you're curious about creating your own Ghost\ntheme from scratch, here are some more details [/themes/] on how that works.", "feature_image": "https://static.ghost.org/v2.0.0/images/app-integrations.jpg", "featured": 0, "page": 0, @@ -1931,10 +1931,10 @@ "uuid": "71b5ca8d-17ce-4cd8-b843-01f0b2d041b5", "title": "Organising your content", "slug": "organising-content", - "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[[\"soft-return\",\"\",{}]],\"cards\":[],\"markups\":[[\"strong\"],[\"code\"],[\"em\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://themes.ghost.org/v2.0.0/docs\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html\",\"rel\",\"noreferrer nofollow noopener\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/docs/dynamic-routing\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"/apps-integrations/\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called\"],[0,[0],1,\" tags\"],[0,[],0,\" which can be used to configure your site structure using \"],[0,[0],1,\"dynamic routing\"],[0,[],0,\". \"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Basic Tagging\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"When you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help differentiate between categories of content. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast, which would create two distinct categories of content listed on \"],[0,[1],1,\"/tag/news/\"],[0,[],0,\" and \"],[0,[1],1,\"/tag/weather/\"],[0,[],0,\", respectively.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"If you tag a post with both \"],[0,[1],1,\"News\"],[0,[],0,\" \"],[0,[2],1,\"and\"],[0,[],0,\" \"],[0,[1],1,\"Weather\"],[0,[],0,\" - then it appears in both sections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of content that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can support their own cover images and meta data.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"The primary tag\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Inside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The first tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default. \"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2,0],1,\"News\"],[0,[],1,\", Technology, Startup\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"So you can add the most important tag which you want to show up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Private tags\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Sometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't necessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In Ghost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use private tags to tell your theme what to do.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2,0],1,\"News\"],[0,[],1,\", #video\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Here, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of News - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and give them special formatting. \"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2],0,\"You can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many more over on Ghost's extensive \"],[0,[3],1,\"theme documentation\"],[0,[],1,\".\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Dynamic Routing\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Dynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to suit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and templates. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example, you may not want content tagged with \"],[0,[1],1,\"News\"],[0,[],0,\" to exist on: \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/tag/news\"],[0,[],0,\". Instead, you want it to exist on \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/news\"],[0,[],0,\" . \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"In this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of content on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme to render each content type differently.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few common examples: \"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[],0,\"Setting a custom home page with its own template\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Having separate content hubs for blog and podcast, that render differently, and have custom RSS feeds to support two types of content\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Creating a founders column as a unique view, by filtering content created by specific authors\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Including dates in permalinks for your posts\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Setting posts to have a URL relative to their primary tag like \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/europe/story-title/\"],[1,[],0,0]]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2],0,\"Dynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using \"],[0,[4],1,\"YAML\"],[0,[],0,\" files. Read our dynamic routing \"],[0,[5],1,\"documentation\"],[0,[],1,\" for further details.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can further customise your site using \"],[0,[6],1,\"Apps & Integrations\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]]]}", - "html": "Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called tags which can be used to configure your site structure using dynamic routing.
You can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.
When you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help differentiate between categories of content.
For example you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast, which would create two distinct categories of content listed on /tag/news/
and /tag/weather/
, respectively.
If you tag a post with both News
and Weather
- then it appears in both sections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of content that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can support their own cover images and meta data.
Inside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The first tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default.
News, Technology, Startup
So you can add the most important tag which you want to show up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.
Sometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't necessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In Ghost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.
For example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use private tags to tell your theme what to do.
News, #video
Here, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of News - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and give them special formatting.
You can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many more over on Ghost's extensive theme documentation.
Dynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to suit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and templates.
For example, you may not want content tagged with News
to exist on: example.com/tag/news
. Instead, you want it to exist on example.com/news
In this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of content on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme to render each content type differently.
There are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few common examples:
Dynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using YAML files. Read our dynamic routing documentation for further details.
You can further customise your site using Apps & Integrations.
", + "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[[\"soft-return\",\"\",{}]],\"cards\":[],\"markups\":[[\"strong\"],[\"code\"],[\"em\"],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html\",\"rel\",\"noreferrer nofollow noopener\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"https://docs.ghost.org/concepts/routing/\"]],[\"a\",[\"href\",\"/apps-integrations/\"]]],\"sections\":[[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called\"],[0,[0],1,\" tags\"],[0,[],0,\" which can be used to configure your site structure using \"],[0,[0],1,\"dynamic routing\"],[0,[],0,\". \"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Basic Tagging\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"When you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help differentiate between categories of content. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast, which would create two distinct categories of content listed on \"],[0,[1],1,\"/tag/news/\"],[0,[],0,\" and \"],[0,[1],1,\"/tag/weather/\"],[0,[],0,\", respectively.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"If you tag a post with both \"],[0,[1],1,\"News\"],[0,[],0,\" \"],[0,[2],1,\"and\"],[0,[],0,\" \"],[0,[1],1,\"Weather\"],[0,[],0,\" - then it appears in both sections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of content that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can support their own cover images and meta data.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"The primary tag\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Inside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The first tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default. \"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2,0],1,\"News\"],[0,[],1,\", Technology, Startup\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"So you can add the most important tag which you want to show up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Private tags\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Sometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't necessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In Ghost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use private tags to tell your theme what to do.\"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2,0],1,\"News\"],[0,[],1,\", #video\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Here, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of News - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and give them special formatting. \"]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2],0,\"You can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many more over on Ghost's extensive \"],[0,[3],1,\"theme documentation\"],[0,[],1,\".\"]]],[1,\"h1\",[[0,[],0,\"Dynamic Routing\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"Dynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to suit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and templates. \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"For example, you may not want content tagged with \"],[0,[1],1,\"News\"],[0,[],0,\" to exist on: \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/tag/news\"],[0,[],0,\". Instead, you want it to exist on \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/news\"],[0,[],0,\" . \"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"In this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of content on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme to render each content type differently.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"There are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few common examples: \"]]],[3,\"ul\",[[[0,[],0,\"Setting a custom home page with its own template\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Having separate content hubs for blog and podcast, that render differently, and have custom RSS feeds to support two types of content\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Creating a founders column as a unique view, by filtering content created by specific authors\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Including dates in permalinks for your posts\"]],[[0,[],0,\"Setting posts to have a URL relative to their primary tag like \"],[0,[1],1,\"example.com/europe/story-title/\"],[1,[],0,0]]]],[1,\"blockquote\",[[0,[2],0,\"Dynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using \"],[0,[4],1,\"YAML\"],[0,[],0,\" files. Read our dynamic routing \"],[0,[5],1,\"documentation\"],[0,[],1,\" for further details.\"]]],[1,\"p\",[[0,[],0,\"You can further customise your site using \"],[0,[6],1,\"Apps & Integrations\"],[0,[],0,\".\"]]]]}", + "html": "Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called tags which can be used to configure your site structure using dynamic routing.
You can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.
When you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help differentiate between categories of content.
For example you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast, which would create two distinct categories of content listed on /tag/news/
and /tag/weather/
, respectively.
If you tag a post with both News
and Weather
- then it appears in both sections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of content that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can support their own cover images and meta data.
Inside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The first tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default.
News, Technology, Startup
So you can add the most important tag which you want to show up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.
Sometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't necessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In Ghost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.
For example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use private tags to tell your theme what to do.
News, #video
Here, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of News - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and give them special formatting.
You can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many more over on Ghost's extensive theme documentation.
Dynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to suit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and templates.
For example, you may not want content tagged with News
to exist on: example.com/tag/news
. Instead, you want it to exist on example.com/news
In this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of content on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme to render each content type differently.
There are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few common examples:
Dynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using YAML files. Read our dynamic routing documentation for further details.
You can further customise your site using Apps & Integrations.
", "comment_id": "5c2ca6dfe015a67616182343", - "plaintext": "Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called tags which can be used to\nconfigure your site structure using dynamic routing. \n\nBasic Tagging\nYou can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more\nkeyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.\n\nWhen you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help\ndifferentiate between categories of content. \n\nFor example you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast,\nwhich would create two distinct categories of content listed on /tag/news/ and \n/tag/weather/, respectively.\n\nIf you tag a post with both News and Weather - then it appears in both\nsections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of\ncontent that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can\nsupport their own cover images and meta data.\n\nThe primary tag\nInside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The\nfirst tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will\nonly display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default. \n\nNews, Technology, StartupSo you can add the most important tag which you want to\nshow up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.\n\nPrivate tags\nSometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't\nnecessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In\nGhost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.\n\nFor example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want\nyour theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more\nspace for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use\nprivate tags to tell your theme what to do.\n\nNews, #videoHere, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of\nNews - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with\n#video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and\ngive them special formatting. \n\nYou can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many\nmore over on Ghost's extensive theme documentation\n[https://themes.ghost.org/v2.0.0/docs].Dynamic Routing\nDynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to\nsuit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and\ntemplates. \n\nFor example, you may not want content tagged with News to exist on: \nexample.com/tag/news. Instead, you want it to exist on example.com/news . \n\nIn this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of\ncontent on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme\nto render each content type differently.\n\nThere are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few\ncommon examples: \n\n * Setting a custom home page with its own template\n * Having separate content hubs for blog and podcast, that render differently,\n and have custom RSS feeds to support two types of content\n * Creating a founders column as a unique view, by filtering content created by\n specific authors\n * Including dates in permalinks for your posts\n * Setting posts to have a URL relative to their primary tag like \n example.com/europe/story-title/\n \n\nDynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using YAML\n[http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html] files. Read our dynamic routing \ndocumentation [https://docs.ghost.org/docs/dynamic-routing] for further\ndetails.You can further customise your site using Apps & Integrations\n[/apps-integrations/].", + "plaintext": "Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called tags which can be used to\nconfigure your site structure using dynamic routing. \n\nBasic Tagging\nYou can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more\nkeyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.\n\nWhen you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help\ndifferentiate between categories of content. \n\nFor example you may tag some content with News and other content with Podcast,\nwhich would create two distinct categories of content listed on /tag/news/ and \n/tag/weather/, respectively.\n\nIf you tag a post with both News and Weather - then it appears in both\nsections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of\ncontent that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can\nsupport their own cover images and meta data.\n\nThe primary tag\nInside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The\nfirst tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will\nonly display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default. \n\nNews, Technology, StartupSo you can add the most important tag which you want to\nshow up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.\n\nPrivate tags\nSometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't\nnecessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In\nGhost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.\n\nFor example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want\nyour theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more\nspace for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use\nprivate tags to tell your theme what to do.\n\nNews, #videoHere, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of\nNews - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with\n#video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and\ngive them special formatting. \n\nYou can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many\nmore over on Ghost's extensive theme documentation\n[https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/].Dynamic Routing\nDynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to\nsuit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and\ntemplates. \n\nFor example, you may not want content tagged with News to exist on: \nexample.com/tag/news. Instead, you want it to exist on example.com/news . \n\nIn this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of\ncontent on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme\nto render each content type differently.\n\nThere are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few\ncommon examples: \n\n * Setting a custom home page with its own template\n * Having separate content hubs for blog and podcast, that render differently,\n and have custom RSS feeds to support two types of content\n * Creating a founders column as a unique view, by filtering content created by\n specific authors\n * Including dates in permalinks for your posts\n * Setting posts to have a URL relative to their primary tag like \n example.com/europe/story-title/\n \n\nDynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using YAML\n[http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html] files. Read our dynamic routing \ndocumentation [https://docs.ghost.org/concepts/routing/] for further\ndetails.You can further customise your site using Apps & Integrations\n[/apps-integrations/].", "feature_image": "https://static.ghost.org/v2.0.0/images/organising-your-content.jpg", "featured": 0, "page": 0, @@ -2442,7 +2442,7 @@ { "id": "5c2ca6e0e015a67616182420", "key": "navigation", - "value": "[{\"label\":\"Home\", \"url\":\"/\"},{\"label\":\"Tag\", \"url\":\"/tag/getting-started/\"}, {\"label\":\"Author\", \"url\":\"/author/ghost/\"},{\"label\":\"Help\", \"url\":\"https://help.ghost.org\"}]", + "value": "[{\"label\":\"Home\", \"url\":\"/\"},{\"label\":\"Tag\", \"url\":\"/tag/getting-started/\"}, {\"label\":\"Author\", \"url\":\"/author/ghost/\"},{\"label\":\"Help\", \"url\":\"https://docs.ghost.org\"}]", "type": "blog", "created_at": "2019-01-02T11:56:16.000Z", "created_by": "1", diff --git a/core/test/utils/fixtures/export/valid.json b/core/test/utils/fixtures/export/valid.json index 4983a6bdda..cf1ded5d4b 100644 --- a/core/test/utils/fixtures/export/valid.json +++ b/core/test/utils/fixtures/export/valid.json @@ -1090,10 +1090,10 @@ "uuid": "8c414ae2-dce6-4b0f-8ee6-5c403fa2ae86", "title": "Setting up your own Ghost theme", "slug": "themes", - "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"markups\":[],\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"card-markdown\",{\"cardName\":\"card-markdown\",\"markdown\":\"Creating a totally custom design for your publication\\n\\nGhost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.\\n\\nThere are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the [Ghost Theme Marketplace](http://marketplace.ghost.org), or you can simply create your own from scratch.\\n\\n[](http://marketplace.ghost.org)\\n\\n> Anyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme, with just some solid knowledge of HTML and CSS\\n\\nGhost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a bunch of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. Like `{{author.name}}`, for example, outputs the name of the current author.\\n\\nThe best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at [the source code for Casper](https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper), which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\\n\\n- `default.hbs` is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.\\n- `post.hbs` is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\\n- `index.hbs` is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\\n- and so on\\n\\nWe've got [full and extensive theme documentation](http://themes.ghost.org/docs/about) which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.\\n\\nIf you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a **themes** section on our [public Ghost forum](https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes).\"}]],\"sections\":[[10,0]]}", - "html": "Creating a totally custom design for your publication
\nGhost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.
\nThere are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the Ghost Theme Marketplace, or you can simply create your own from scratch.
\n\n\n\nAnyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme, with just some solid knowledge of HTML and CSS
Ghost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a bunch of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. Like {{author.name}}
, for example, outputs the name of the current author.
The best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at the source code for Casper, which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.
is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.post.hbs
is the file used in the context of viewing a post.index.hbs
is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.We've got full and extensive theme documentation which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.
\nIf you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a themes section on our public Ghost forum.
", + "mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"markups\":[],\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"card-markdown\",{\"cardName\":\"card-markdown\",\"markdown\":\"Creating a totally custom design for your publication\\n\\nGhost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.\\n\\nThere are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the [Ghost Theme Marketplace](http://marketplace.ghost.org), or you can simply create your own from scratch.\\n\\n[](http://marketplace.ghost.org)\\n\\n> Anyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme, with just some solid knowledge of HTML and CSS\\n\\nGhost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a bunch of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. Like `{{author.name}}`, for example, outputs the name of the current author.\\n\\nThe best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at [the source code for Casper](https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper), which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\\n\\n- `default.hbs` is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.\\n- `post.hbs` is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\\n- `index.hbs` is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\\n- and so on\\n\\nWe've got [full and extensive theme documentation](https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/) which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.\\n\\nIf you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a **themes** section on our [public Ghost forum](https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes).\"}]],\"sections\":[[10,0]]}", + "html": "Creating a totally custom design for your publication
\nGhost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to be a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted for most purposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs. Rather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for code, we just let you write code.
\nThere are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can get from the Ghost Theme Marketplace, or you can simply create your own from scratch.
\n\n\n\nAnyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme, with just some solid knowledge of HTML and CSS
Ghost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has a bunch of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. Like {{author.name}}
, for example, outputs the name of the current author.
The best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at the source code for Casper, which is heavily commented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.
is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this file unless specifically told to use a different template.post.hbs
is the file used in the context of viewing a post.index.hbs
is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.We've got full and extensive theme documentation which outlines every template file, context and helper that you can use.
\nIf you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or help, there's also a themes section on our public Ghost forum.
", "amp": "1", - "plaintext": "Creating a totally custom design for your publication\n\nGhost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to\nbe a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted for most\npurposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs.\nRather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for\ncode, we just let you write code.\n\nThere are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can\nget from the Ghost Theme Marketplace [http://marketplace.ghost.org], or you can\nsimply create your own from scratch.\n\n [http://marketplace.ghost.org]\n\nAnyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme, with just some solid knowledge\nof HTML and CSS\n\nGhost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has\na bunch of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. Like \n{{author.name}}, for example, outputs the name of the current author.\n\nThe best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at \nthe\nsource code for Casper [https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper], which is heavily\ncommented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\n\n * default.hbs is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this\n file unless specifically told to use a different template.\n * post.hbs is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\n * index.hbs is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\n * and so on\n\nWe've got full and extensive theme documentation\n[http://themes.ghost.org/docs/about] which outlines every template file,\ncontext and helper that you can use.\n\nIf you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or\nhelp, there's also a themes channel on our public Ghost forum\n[https://slack.ghost.org].", + "plaintext": "Creating a totally custom design for your publication\n\nGhost comes with a beautiful default theme called Casper, which is designed to\nbe a clean, readable publication layout and can be easily adapted for most\npurposes. However, Ghost can also be completely themed to suit your needs.\nRather than just giving you a few basic settings which act as a poor proxy for\ncode, we just let you write code.\n\nThere are a huge range of both free and premium pre-built themes which you can\nget from the Ghost Theme Marketplace [http://marketplace.ghost.org], or you can\nsimply create your own from scratch.\n\n [http://marketplace.ghost.org]\n\nAnyone can write a completely custom Ghost theme, with just some solid knowledge\nof HTML and CSS\n\nGhost themes are written with a templating language called handlebars, which has\na bunch of dynamic helpers to insert your data into template files. Like \n{{author.name}}, for example, outputs the name of the current author.\n\nThe best way to learn how to write your own Ghost theme is to have a look at \nthe\nsource code for Casper [https://github.com/TryGhost/Casper], which is heavily\ncommented and should give you a sense of how everything fits together.\n\n * default.hbs is the main template file, all contexts will load inside this\n file unless specifically told to use a different template.\n * post.hbs is the file used in the context of viewing a post.\n * index.hbs is the file used in the context of viewing the home page.\n * and so on\n\nWe've got full and extensive theme documentation\n[https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/] which outlines every template file,\ncontext and helper that you can use.\n\nIf you want to chat with other people making Ghost themes to get any advice or\nhelp, there's also a themes category on our public Ghost forum\n[https://forum.ghost.org/c/themes].", "feature_image": "https://static.ghost.org/v1.0.0/images/design.jpg", "featured": 0, "page": 0, diff --git a/core/test/utils/fixtures/themes/casper/README.md b/core/test/utils/fixtures/themes/casper/README.md index 0fc00234c0..9932e956b4 100644 --- a/core/test/utils/fixtures/themes/casper/README.md +++ b/core/test/utils/fixtures/themes/casper/README.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The default theme for [Ghost](http://github.com/tryghost/ghost/). This is the la Ghost uses a simple templating language called [Handlebars](http://handlebarsjs.com/) for its themes. -We've documented our default theme pretty heavily so that it should be fairly easy to work out what's going on just by reading the code and the comments. Once you feel comfortable with how everything works, we also have full [theme API documentation](https://themes.ghost.org) which explains every possible Handlebars helper and template. +We've documented our default theme pretty heavily so that it should be fairly easy to work out what's going on just by reading the code and the comments. Once you feel comfortable with how everything works, we also have full [theme API documentation](https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/) which explains every possible Handlebars helper and template. **The main files are:**