Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00

Removed _ObsoleteListIndex.tsx

This file is no longer used
This commit is contained in:
Fabien O'Carroll 2024-10-04 15:19:30 +07:00 committed by Fabien 'egg' O'Carroll
parent 2fb4d83b5a
commit 5d25b6e512

View file

@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
import ActivityPubWelcomeImage from '../assets/images/ap-welcome.png';
import React, {useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react';
import articleBodyStyles from './articleBodyStyles';
import getRelativeTimestamp from '../utils/get-relative-timestamp';
import getUsername from '../utils/get-username';
import {ActivityPubAPI} from '../api/activitypub';
import {ActorProperties, ObjectProperties} from '@tryghost/admin-x-framework/api/activitypub';
import {Avatar, Button, ButtonGroup, Heading, Icon, List, ListItem, Page, SelectOption, SettingValue, ViewContainer, ViewTab} from '@tryghost/admin-x-design-system';
import {useBrowseSite} from '@tryghost/admin-x-framework/api/site';
import {useQuery} from '@tanstack/react-query';
import {useRouting} from '@tryghost/admin-x-framework/routing';
interface ViewArticleProps {
object: ObjectProperties,
onBackToList: () => void;
type Activity = {
type: string,
object: {
type: string
export function useBrowseInboxForUser(handle: string) {
const site = useBrowseSite();
const siteData = site.data?.site;
const siteUrl = siteData?.url ?? window.location.origin;
const api = new ActivityPubAPI(
new URL(siteUrl),
new URL('/ghost/api/admin/identities/', window.location.origin),
return useQuery({
queryKey: [`inbox:${handle}`],
async queryFn() {
return api.getInbox();
function useFollowersCountForUser(handle: string) {
const site = useBrowseSite();
const siteData = site.data?.site;
const siteUrl = siteData?.url ?? window.location.origin;
const api = new ActivityPubAPI(
new URL(siteUrl),
new URL('/ghost/api/admin/identities/', window.location.origin),
return useQuery({
queryKey: [`followersCount:${handle}`],
async queryFn() {
return api.getFollowersCount();
function useFollowingCountForUser(handle: string) {
const site = useBrowseSite();
const siteData = site.data?.site;
const siteUrl = siteData?.url ?? window.location.origin;
const api = new ActivityPubAPI(
new URL(siteUrl),
new URL('/ghost/api/admin/identities/', window.location.origin),
return useQuery({
queryKey: [`followingCount:${handle}`],
async queryFn() {
return api.getFollowingCount();
const ActivityPubComponent: React.FC = () => {
const {updateRoute} = useRouting();
// TODO: Replace with actual user ID
const {data: activities = []} = useBrowseInboxForUser('index');
const {data: followersCount = 0} = useFollowersCountForUser('index');
const {data: followingCount = 0} = useFollowingCountForUser('index');
const [articleContent, setArticleContent] = useState<ObjectProperties | null>(null);
const [, setArticleActor] = useState<ActorProperties | null>(null);
const handleViewContent = (object: ObjectProperties, actor: ActorProperties) => {
const handleBackToList = () => {
const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = useState<SelectOption>({label: 'Feed', value: 'feed'});
const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = useState('inbox');
const inboxTabActivities = activities.filter((activity: Activity) => {
const isCreate = activity.type === 'Create' && ['Article', 'Note'].includes(activity.object.type);
const isAnnounce = activity.type === 'Announce' && activity.object.type === 'Note';
return isCreate || isAnnounce;
const activityTabActivities = activities.filter((activity: Activity) => activity.type === 'Create' && activity.object.type === 'Article');
const likeTabActivies = activities.filter((activity: Activity) => activity.type === 'Like');
const tabs: ViewTab[] = [
id: 'inbox',
title: 'Inbox',
contents: (
<div className='w-full'>
{inboxTabActivities.length > 0 ? (
<ul className='mx-auto flex max-w-[540px] flex-col py-8'>
{inboxTabActivities.reverse().map(activity => (
onClick={() => handleViewContent(activity.object, activity.actor)}
) : (
<div className='flex items-center justify-center text-center'>
<div className='flex max-w-[32em] flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4'>
alt='Ghost site logos'
<Heading className='text-balance' level={2}>
Welcome to ActivityPub
<p className='text-pretty text-grey-800'>
Were so glad to have you on board! At the moment, you can follow other Ghost sites and enjoy their content right here inside Ghost.
<p className='text-pretty text-grey-800'>
You can see all of the users on the rightfind your favorite ones and give them a follow.
<Button color='green' label='Learn more' link={true} />
id: 'activity',
title: 'Activity',
contents: (
<div className='grid grid-cols-6 items-start gap-8 pt-8'>
<ul className='order-2 col-span-6 flex flex-col lg:order-1 lg:col-span-4'>
{activityTabActivities.reverse().map(activity => (
onClick={() => handleViewContent(activity.object, activity.actor)}
id: 'likes',
title: 'Likes',
contents: (
<div className='grid grid-cols-6 items-start gap-8 pt-8'>
<List className='col-span-4'>
{likeTabActivies.reverse().map(activity => (
avatar={<Avatar image={activity.actor.icon?.url} size='sm' />}
<span className='font-medium'>{activity.actor.name}</span>
<span className='text-grey-800'> liked your post </span>
<span className='font-medium'>{activity.object.name}</span>
id: 'profile',
title: 'Profile',
contents: (
<div className='rounded-xl bg-grey-50 p-6' id='ap-sidebar'>
<div className='mb-4 border-b border-b-grey-200 pb-4'><SettingValue key={'your-username'} heading={'Your username'} value={'@index@localplaceholder.com'}/></div>
<div className='grid grid-cols-2 gap-4'>
<div className='group/stat flex cursor-pointer flex-col gap-1' onClick={() => updateRoute('/view-following')}>
<span className='text-3xl font-bold leading-none' data-test-following-count>{followingCount}</span>
<span className='text-base leading-none text-grey-800 group-hover/stat:text-grey-900' data-test-following-modal>Following<span className='ml-1 opacity-0 transition-opacity group-hover/stat:opacity-100'>&rarr;</span></span>
<div className='group/stat flex cursor-pointer flex-col gap-1' onClick={() => updateRoute('/view-followers')}>
<span className='text-3xl font-bold leading-none' data-test-following-count>{followersCount}</span>
<span className='text-base leading-none text-grey-800 group-hover/stat:text-grey-900' data-test-followers-modal>Followers<span className='ml-1 opacity-0 transition-opacity group-hover/stat:opacity-100'>&rarr;</span></span>
return (
{!articleContent ? (
actions={[<ButtonGroup buttons={[
icon: 'listview',
size: 'sm',
iconColorClass: selectedOption.value === 'feed' ? 'text-black' : 'text-grey-500',
onClick: () => {
setSelectedOption({label: 'Feed', value: 'feed'});
icon: 'cardview',
size: 'sm',
iconColorClass: selectedOption.value === 'inbox' ? 'text-black' : 'text-grey-500',
onClick: () => {
setSelectedOption({label: 'Inbox', value: 'inbox'});
]} clearBg={true} link outlineOnMobile />]}
title: 'Follow',
onClick: () => {
icon: 'add'
) : (
<ViewArticle object={articleContent} onBackToList={handleBackToList} />
const ArticleBody: React.FC<{heading: string, image: string|undefined, html: string}> = ({heading, image, html}) => {
const site = useBrowseSite();
const siteData = site.data?.site;
const iframeRef = useRef<HTMLIFrameElement>(null);
const cssContent = articleBodyStyles(siteData?.url.replace(/\/$/, ''));
const htmlContent = `
<header class='gh-article-header gh-canvas'>
<h1 class='gh-article-title is-title' data-test-article-heading>${heading}</h1>
${image &&
`<figure class='gh-article-image'>
<img src='${image}' alt='${heading}' />
<div class='gh-content gh-canvas is-body'>
useEffect(() => {
const iframe = iframeRef.current;
if (iframe) {
iframe.srcdoc = htmlContent;
}, [htmlContent]);
return (
title='Embedded Content'
function renderAttachment(object: ObjectProperties) {
let attachment;
if (object.image) {
attachment = object.image;
if (object.type === 'Note' && !attachment) {
attachment = object.attachment;
if (!attachment) {
return null;
if (Array.isArray(attachment)) {
const attachmentCount = attachment.length;
let gridClass = '';
if (attachmentCount === 1) {
gridClass = 'grid-cols-1'; // Single image, full width
} else if (attachmentCount === 2) {
gridClass = 'grid-cols-2'; // Two images, side by side
} else if (attachmentCount === 3 || attachmentCount === 4) {
gridClass = 'grid-cols-2'; // Three or four images, two per row
return (
<div className={`attachment-gallery mt-2 grid auto-rows-[150px] ${gridClass} gap-2`}>
{attachment.map((item, index) => (
<img key={item.url} alt={`attachment-${index}`} className={`h-full w-full rounded-md object-cover ${attachmentCount === 3 && index === 0 ? 'row-span-2' : ''}`} src={item.url} />
switch (attachment.mediaType) {
case 'image/jpeg':
case 'image/png':
case 'image/gif':
return <img alt='attachment' className='mt-2 rounded-md outline outline-1 -outline-offset-1 outline-black/10' src={attachment.url} />;
case 'video/mp4':
case 'video/webm':
return <div className='relative mb-4 mt-2'>
<video className='h-[300px] w-full rounded object-cover' src={attachment.url}/>
case 'audio/mpeg':
case 'audio/ogg':
return <div className='relative mb-4 mt-2 w-full'>
<audio className='w-full' src={attachment.url} controls/>
return null;
const ObjectContentDisplay: React.FC<{actor: ActorProperties, object: ObjectProperties, layout: string, type: string }> = ({actor, object, layout, type}) => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const doc = parser.parseFromString(object.content || '', 'text/html');
const plainTextContent = doc.body.textContent;
let previewContent = '';
if (object.preview) {
const previewDoc = parser.parseFromString(object.preview.content || '', 'text/html');
previewContent = previewDoc.body.textContent || '';
} else if (object.type === 'Note') {
previewContent = plainTextContent || '';
const timestamp =
new Date(object?.published ?? new Date()).toLocaleDateString('default', {year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: '2-digit'}) + ', ' + new Date(object?.published ?? new Date()).toLocaleTimeString('default', {hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'});
const date = new Date(object?.published ?? new Date());
const [isClicked, setIsClicked] = useState(false);
const [isLiked, setIsLiked] = useState(false);
const handleLikeClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | undefined) => {
setTimeout(() => setIsClicked(false), 300); // Reset the animation class after 300ms
let author = actor;
if (type === 'Announce' && object.type === 'Note') {
author = typeof object.attributedTo === 'object' ? object.attributedTo as ActorProperties : actor;
if (layout === 'feed') {
return (
{object && (
<div className='group/article relative cursor-pointer pt-4'>
{(type === 'Announce' && object.type === 'Note') && <div className='z-10 mb-2 flex items-center gap-3 text-grey-700'>
<div className='z-10 flex w-10 justify-end'><Icon colorClass='text-grey-700' name='reload' size={'sm'}></Icon></div>
<span className='z-10'>{actor.name} reposted</span>
<div className='flex items-start gap-3'>
<img className='z-10 w-10 rounded' src={author.icon?.url}/>
<div className='border-1 z-10 -mt-1 flex w-full flex-col items-start justify-between border-b border-b-grey-200 pb-4' data-test-activity>
<div className='relative z-10 mb-2 flex w-full flex-col overflow-visible text-[1.5rem]'>
<div className='flex'>
<span className='truncate whitespace-nowrap font-bold' data-test-activity-heading>{author.name}</span>
<span className='whitespace-nowrap text-grey-700 before:mx-1 before:content-["·"]' title={`${timestamp}`}>{getRelativeTimestamp(date)}</span>
<div className='flex'>
<span className='truncate text-grey-700'>{getUsername(author)}</span>
<div className='relative z-10 w-full gap-4'>
<div className='flex flex-col'>
{object.name && <Heading className='mb-1 leading-tight' level={4} data-test-activity-heading>{object.name}</Heading>}
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={({__html: object.content})} className='ap-note-content text-pretty text-[1.5rem] text-grey-900'></div>
{/* <p className='text-pretty text-md text-grey-900'>{object.content}</p> */}
<div className='mt-3 flex gap-2'>
<Button className={`self-start text-grey-500 transition-all hover:text-grey-800 ${isClicked ? 'bump' : ''} ${isLiked ? 'ap-red-heart text-red *:!fill-red hover:text-red' : ''}`} hideLabel={true} icon='heart' id='like' size='md' unstyled={true} onClick={handleLikeClick}/>
<span className={`text-grey-800 ${isLiked ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0'}`}>1</span>
<div className='absolute -inset-x-3 -inset-y-0 z-0 rounded transition-colors group-hover/article:bg-grey-100'></div>
} else if (layout === 'inbox') {
return (
{object && (
<div className='border-1 group/article relative z-10 flex cursor-pointer flex-col items-start justify-between border-b border-b-grey-200 py-5' data-test-activity>
<div className='relative z-10 mb-3 grid w-full grid-cols-[20px_auto_1fr_auto] items-center gap-2 text-base'>
<img className='w-5' src={actor.icon?.url}/>
<span className='truncate font-semibold'>{actor.name}</span>
{/* <span className='truncate text-grey-800'>{getUsername(actor)}</span> */}
<span className='ml-auto text-right text-grey-800'>{timestamp}</span>
<div className='relative z-10 grid w-full grid-cols-[auto_170px] gap-4'>
<div className='flex flex-col'>
<div className='flex w-full justify-between gap-4'>
<Heading className='mb-1 line-clamp-2 leading-tight' level={5} data-test-activity-heading>{object.name}</Heading>
<p className='mb-6 line-clamp-2 max-w-prose text-pretty text-md text-grey-800'>{previewContent}</p>
<div className='flex gap-2'>
<Button className={`self-start text-grey-500 transition-all hover:text-grey-800 ${isClicked ? 'bump' : ''} ${isLiked ? 'ap-red-heart text-red *:!fill-red hover:text-red' : ''}`} hideLabel={true} icon='heart' id='like' size='md' unstyled={true} onClick={handleLikeClick}/>
<span className={`text-grey-800 ${isLiked ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0'}`}>1</span>
{/* {image && <div className='relative min-w-[33%] grow'>
<img className='absolute h-full w-full rounded object-cover' height='140px' src={image} width='170px'/>
</div>} */}
<div className='absolute -inset-x-3 -inset-y-1 z-0 rounded transition-colors group-hover/article:bg-grey-50'></div>
{/* <div className='absolute inset-0 z-0 rounded from-white to-grey-50 transition-colors group-hover/article:bg-gradient-to-r'></div> */}
const ViewArticle: React.FC<ViewArticleProps> = ({object, onBackToList}) => {
const {updateRoute} = useRouting();
const [isClicked, setIsClicked] = useState(false);
const [isLiked, setIsLiked] = useState(false);
const handleLikeClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | undefined) => {
setTimeout(() => setIsClicked(false), 300); // Reset the animation class after 300ms
return (
<div className='grid grid-cols-[1fr_minmax(320px,_700px)_1fr] gap-x-6 pb-4'>
<Button icon='chevron-left' iconSize='xs' label='Inbox' data-test-back-button onClick={onBackToList}/>
<div className='flex items-center justify-between'>
<div className='flex items-center justify-end gap-2'>
<div className='flex flex-row-reverse items-center gap-3'>
<Button className={`self-start text-grey-500 transition-all hover:text-grey-800 ${isClicked ? 'bump' : ''} ${isLiked ? 'ap-red-heart text-red *:!fill-red hover:text-red' : ''}`} hideLabel={true} icon='heart' id='like' size='md' unstyled={true} onClick={handleLikeClick}/>
<span className={`text-grey-800 ${isLiked ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0'}`}>1</span>
<Button hideLabel={true} icon='arrow-top-right' iconSize='xs' label='Visit site' onClick={() => updateRoute('/')}/>
<div className='mx-[-4.8rem] mb-[-4.8rem] w-auto'>
{object.type === 'Note' && (
<div className='mx-auto max-w-[600px]'>
{object.content && <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={({__html: object.content})} className='ap-note-content text-pretty text-[1.5rem] text-grey-900'></div>}
{object.type === 'Article' && <ArticleBody heading={object.name} html={object.content} image={object?.image}/>}
export default ActivityPubComponent;