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🌐 Added missing Scottish Gaelic translations (#21979)

Add missing Scottish Gaelic translations


Co-authored-by: Cathy Sarisky <42299862+cathysarisky@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
Chris Mitchell 2025-01-28 17:19:51 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4946c914e5
commit 59a186189a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
3 changed files with 72 additions and 72 deletions

View file

@ -10,44 +10,44 @@
"Add reply": "Cuir freagairt ris",
"Already a member?": "Eil thu nad bhall mar-thà?",
"Anonymous": "Gun ainm",
"Are you sure?": "",
"Are you sure?": "A bheil thu cinnteach?",
"Become a member of {{publication}} to start commenting.": "Clàraich nad bhall an làrach-lìn, {{publication}}, gus beachd fhàgail air.",
"Become a paid member of {{publication}} to start commenting.": "Clàraich nad bhall phrìomhach an làrach-lìn, {{publication}}, gus beachd fhàgail air.",
"Cancel": "Sguir dheth",
"Comment": "Beachd",
"Complete your profile": "Lìon a-steach a' phròifil agad",
"Delete": "Sguab às",
"Deleted": "",
"Deleted": "Air a sguabadh às",
"Deleted member": "Ball air a sguabadh às",
"Deleting": "",
"Deleting": "'Ga sguabadh às",
"Discussion": "Deasbad",
"Edit": "Deasaich",
"Edit this comment": "Deasaich am beachd seo",
"edited": "Air a dheasachad",
"edited": "Air a dheasachadh",
"Enter your name": "Cuir a-steach d ainm",
"Expertise": "Sàr-eòlas",
"Founder @ Acme Inc": "Neach-stèidheachaidh @ Acme Inc",
"Full-time parent": "Pàrant làn-ùine",
"Head of Marketing at Acme, Inc": "Àrd-cheann Margaidheachd aig Acme, Inc",
"Hidden for members": "",
"Hidden for members": "Air am falach bho bhuill",
"Hide": "Cuir am falach",
"Hide comment": "Cuir am beachd am falach",
"Jamie Larson": "Seamaidh Larson",
"Join the discussion": "Gabh pàirt san deasbad",
"Just now": "An-dràsta",
"Load more ({{amount}})": "",
"Load more ({{amount}})": "Lùchdaich barrachd {{amount}}",
"Local resident": "Neach-còmhnaidh ionadail",
"Member discussion": "Deasbad",
"Name": "Ainm",
"Neurosurgeon": "Niùro-làmh-lèigh",
"Once deleted, this comment cant be recovered.": "",
"Once deleted, this comment cant be recovered.": "Cha ghabh a aiseag an dèidh sguabadh às",
"One hour ago": "O chionn uair a thìde",
"One min ago": "O chionn mionaid",
"removed": "",
"Replied to": "",
"removed": "air a sguabadh às",
"Replied to": "Air freagairt fhaighinn",
"Reply": "Cuir freagairt",
"Reply to": "",
"Reply to comment": "Cuir freagaist ri beachd",
"Reply to": "Cuir freagairt gu",
"Reply to comment": "Cuir freagairt ri beachd",
"Report": "Dèan aithris air",
"Report comment": "Dèan aithris air beachd",
"Report this comment?": "Eil thu airson aithris a dhèanamh air a bheachd seo?",
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"Show comment": "Seall am beachd",
"Sign in": "Clàraich a-steach",
"Sign up now": "Clàraich a-nis",
"Sort by": "",
"Sort by": "Seòrsaich a-rèir",
"Start the conversation": "Tòisich an deasbad",
"This comment has been hidden.": "Chaidh am beachd seo a chur am falach.",
"This comment has been removed.": "Chaidh am beachd seo a sguabadh às.",

View file

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
"By {authors}": "",
"Comment": "",
"complimentary": "",
"Email": "",
"free": "",
"Keep reading": "",
"Less like this": "",
"Manage subscription": "",
"Member since": "",
"More like this": "",
"Name": "",
"paid": "",
"Subscription details": "",
"trialing": "",
"Unsubscribe": "",
"View in browser": "",
"You are receiving this because you are a <strong>%%{status}%% subscriber</strong> to {site}.": "",
"Your free trial ends on {date}, at which time you will be charged the regular price. You can always cancel before then.": "",
"Your subscription has been canceled and will expire on {date}. You can resume your subscription via your account settings.": "",
"Your subscription has expired.": "",
"Your subscription will expire on {date}.": "",
"Your subscription will renew on {date}.": ""
"By {authors}": "Le {authors}",
"Comment": "Fàg beachd air",
"complimentary": "an-asgaidh",
"Email": "Post-d",
"free": "an-asgaidh",
"Keep reading": "Leugh barrachd",
"Less like this": "Nas lugha mar seo",
"Manage subscription": "Stiùirich am fo-sgrìobhadh",
"Member since": "Nad bhall o chionn",
"More like this": "Barrachd mar seo",
"Name": "Ainm",
"paid": "pàighte",
"Subscription details": "Fiosrachadh an fho-sgrìobhaidh",
"trialing": "'fo dheuchainn",
"Unsubscribe": "Dì-sgrìobh",
"View in browser": "Fosgail anns a' bhrabhsair",
"You are receiving this because you are a <strong>%%{status}%% subscriber</strong> to {site}.": "Tha thu air seo fhaighinn o chionn 's gu bheil fo-sgrìobhadh <strong>%%{status}%%</strong> ris an làrach-lìn, {site}.",
"Your free trial ends on {date}, at which time you will be charged the regular price. You can always cancel before then.": "Falbhaidh an ùine air an tionndadh triail agad {date}, agus bidh agad ris a' phrìs abhaisteach a phàigheadh. Faodaidh tu stad a chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad ron a sheo ge-tà.",
"Your subscription has been canceled and will expire on {date}. You can resume your subscription via your account settings.": "Chaidh stad air chur air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad, agus falbhaidh an ùine air {date}. Faodaidh tu am fo-sgrìobhadh agad ath-thòiseachadh ann an roghainnean a' chunntais agad.",
"Your subscription has expired.": "Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad.",
"Your subscription will expire on {date}.": "Falbhaidh an ùine air an fho-sgrìobhadh agad {date}.",
"Your subscription will renew on {date}.": "Thèid am fo-sgrìobhadh agad ath-nuadhachadh {date}."

View file

@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
"+1 (123) 456-7890": "+44 1234 567890",
"A login link has been sent to your inbox. If it doesn't arrive in 3 minutes, be sure to check your spam folder.": "Chaidh ceangal a chur dhan phost-d agad. Thoir sùil air a phasgan spama mura faigh thu taobh a-staigh 3 mionaidean e.",
"Account": "Cunntas",
"Account details updated successfully": "",
"Account details updated successfully": "Chaidh roghainnean a' chunntais ùrachadh gu soirbheachail",
"Account settings": "Roghainnean",
"After a free trial ends, you will be charged the regular price for the tier you've chosen. You can always cancel before then.": "Bidh agad ri pàigheadh nuair a dhfhalbhachas an ùine air an tionndadh triail agad. Faodaidh tu ga sguir dheth ron a shin ge-tà.",
"Already a member?": "Eil thu nad bhall mar-thà?",
"An error occurred": "",
"An error occurred": "Thachair mearachd",
"An unexpected error occured. Please try again or <a>contact support</a> if the error persists.": "Thachair mearachd. Feuch a-rithist, no <a>leig fios dhan sgioba-taice</a>.",
"Back": "Air ais",
"Back to Log in": "Thill gus clàradh a-steach",
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
"Change plan": "Atharraich a' phlana",
"Check spam & promotions folders": "Thoir sùil air a phasgan spama / margaidheachd agad",
"Check with your mail provider": "Faighnich air solaraiche a phuist-d agad",
"Check your inbox to verify email update": "",
"Check your inbox to verify email update": "Thoir sùil air a' phost-d agad gus an ùrachadh a dhearbhadh",
"Choose": "Tagh",
"Choose a different plan": "Tagh plana eile",
"Choose a plan": "Tagh plana",
"Choose your newsletters": "Tagh na cuairt-litrichean agad",
"Click here to retry": "Briog an seo gus feuchainn a-rithist",
"Close": "Dùin",
"Comment preferences updated.": "",
"Comment preferences updated.": "Chaidh roghainnean nam beachd ùrachadh",
"Comments": "Beachdan",
"Complimentary": "An-asgaidh",
"Confirm": "Dearbhaich",
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"Contact support": "Leig fios dhan sgioba-taice",
"Continue": "Lèan ort",
"Continue subscription": "Cùm am fo-sgrìobhadh a dol",
"Could not create stripe checkout session": "",
"Could not create stripe checkout session": "Cha ghabh seisean stripe a thòiseachadh",
"Could not sign in. Login link expired.": "Chan urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach. Dhfhalbh an ùine air a cheangal a lean thu.",
"Could not update email! Invalid link.": "Cha do ghabh am post-d ùrachadh! Ceangal mì-dhligheach",
"Create a new contact": "Cruthaich neach-aithne ùr",
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
"Edit": "Deasaich",
"Email": "Post-d",
"Email newsletter": "Cuairt-litir",
"Email newsletter settings updated": "",
"Email newsletter settings updated": "Chaidh roghainnean na cuairt-litreach ùrachadh",
"Email preferences": "Roghainnean puist-d",
"Email preferences updated.": "",
"Email preferences updated.": "Chaidh na roghainnean puist-d ùrachadh.",
"Emails": "Puist-d",
"Emails disabled": "Puist-d à comas",
"Ends {{offerEndDate}}": "Falbhaidh an ùine air: {{offerEndDate}}",
@ -67,18 +67,18 @@
"Enter your name": "Cuir a-steach d' ainm",
"Error": "Mearachd",
"Expires {{expiryDate}}": "Falbhaidh an ùine air: {{expiryDate}}",
"Failed to cancel subscription, please try again": "",
"Failed to log in, please try again": "",
"Failed to log out, please try again": "",
"Failed to process checkout, please try again": "",
"Failed to send magic link email": "",
"Failed to send verification email": "",
"Failed to sign up, please try again": "",
"Failed to update account data": "",
"Failed to update account details": "",
"Failed to update billing information, please try again": "",
"Failed to update newsletter settings": "",
"Failed to update subscription, please try again": "",
"Failed to cancel subscription, please try again": "Dhfhàillig dùbhadh às an fho-sgrìobhaidh, feuch a-rithist",
"Failed to log in, please try again": "Dhfhàillig clàradh a-steach, feuch a-rithist",
"Failed to log out, please try again": "Dhfhàillig clàradh a-mach, feuch a-rithist",
"Failed to process checkout, please try again": "Dh'fhàillig a' cheannachd",
"Failed to send magic link email": "Dhfhàillig cur a' phuist-d",
"Failed to send verification email": "Dhfhàillig cur a' phuist-d",
"Failed to sign up, please try again": "Dhfhàillig clàradh",
"Failed to update account data": "Dhfhàillig ùrachadh a' chunntais",
"Failed to update account details": "Dhfhàillig ùrachadh a' chunntais",
"Failed to update billing information, please try again": "Dh'fhàillig ùrachadh an fhiosrachaidh-phàighidh, feuch a-rithist",
"Failed to update newsletter settings": "Dhfhàillig ùrachadh roghainnean na cuairt-litreach",
"Failed to update subscription, please try again": "Dhfhàillig ùrachadh an fho-sgrìobhaidh, feuch a-rithist",
"Forever": "Gu bràth",
"Free Trial Ends {{trialEnd}}": "Falbhaidh an ùine air an tionndadh triail an-asgadh: {{trialEnd}}",
"Get help": "Iarr cobhair",
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
"Name": "Ainm",
"Need more help? Contact support": "Eil thu feumach air barrachd chobhair? Leig fios dhan sgioba-taice",
"Newsletters can be disabled on your account for two reasons: A previous email was marked as spam, or attempting to send an email resulted in a permanent failure (bounce).": "Dhfhaodadh gu bheil cuairt-litrichean à comas air sgàth s gun deach post-d roimhe a chomharradh mar spama, no air sgàth s nach do ghabh e a lìbhreachadh.",
"No member exists with this e-mail address.": "",
"No member exists with this e-mail address. Please sign up first.": "",
"No member exists with this e-mail address.": "Chan eil cleachdaiche ann leis a' phost-d seo.",
"No member exists with this e-mail address. Please sign up first.": "Chan eil cleachdaiche ann leis a' phost-d seo. Clàraich an toiseach.",
"Not receiving emails?": "Nach eil thu a faighinn puist-d?",
"Now check your email!": "Thoir sùil air a phost-d agad",
"Once resubscribed, if you still don't see emails in your inbox, check your spam folder. Some inbox providers keep a record of previous spam complaints and will continue to flag emails. If this happens, mark the latest newsletter as 'Not spam' to move it back to your primary inbox.": "Thoir sùil air a phasgan spama agad mura faigh thu puist-d aon uair s gu bheil thu air fo-sgrìobhadh a-rithist. Cumaidh cuid de sholaraichean puist de chlàr de sheann ghearanan spama agus ma dhfhaoidte gu bheil iad fhathast gan comharradh mar spama. Comharraich \"nach e spama\" a th annta gus an gluasad air ais dhan bhogsa a-steach agad.",
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
"Submit feedback": "Fàg beachd air",
"Subscribe": "Fo-sgrìobh",
"Subscribed": "Air fho-sgrìobhadh",
"Subscription plan updated successfully": "",
"Subscription plan updated successfully": "Chaidh am fo-sgrìobhadh ùrachadh gu soirbheachail",
"Success": "Dèanta",
"Success! Check your email for magic link to sign-in.": "Dèanta! Thoir sùil air a phost-d agad airson a cheangal clàraidh a-steach.",
"Success! Your account is fully activated, you now have access to all content.": "Dèanta! Chaidh an cunntas agad a chur an gnìomh agus tha cothrom-inntrigidh agad air a h-uile rud a-nis.",
@ -162,29 +162,29 @@
"That didn't go to plan": "Cha deach sin mar bu chòir",
"The email address we have for you is {{memberEmail}} — if that's not correct, you can update it in your <button>account settings area</button>.": "S e {{memberEmaill}} am post-d a th againn dhut - faodaidh tu a cheartachadh anns na <button>roghainnean</button> agad.",
"There was a problem submitting your feedback. Please try again a little later.": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr. Feuch a-rithist an ceann greis",
"There was an error cancelling your subscription, please try again.": "",
"There was an error continuing your subscription, please try again.": "",
"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again.": "Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bhathar a' làimhseachadh a' phàighidh agad. Feuch a-rithist an ceann greis.",
"There was an error sending the email, please try again": "",
"There was an error cancelling your subscription, please try again.": "Thachair mearachd agus dh'fhàillig dùbhadh às an fho-sgrìobhaidh, feuch a-rithist.",
"There was an error continuing your subscription, please try again.": "Thachair mearachd agus dh'fhàillig ath-nuadhachadh an fho-sgrìobhaidh, feuch a-rithist.",
"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again.": "Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bhathar a' làimhseachadh a' phàighidh agad. Feuch a-rithist.",
"There was an error sending the email, please try again": "Thachair mearachd agus dh'fhàillig cur a' phuist-d, feuch a-rithist.",
"This site is invite-only, contact the owner for access.": "Feumar cuireadh airson an làrach-lìn seo, leig fios dhan rianaire ma tha thu ag iarraidh cothrom-inntrigidh.",
"This site is not accepting payments at the moment.": "Chan eil an làrach seo a' gabhail ri phàighidhean an-dràsta.",
"This site only accepts paid members.": "",
"This site only accepts paid members.": "Chan fhaighear don làrach seo ach buill a tha air pàigheadh.",
"To complete signup, click the confirmation link in your inbox. If it doesn't arrive within 3 minutes, check your spam folder!": "Dèan briog air a cheangal dearbhaidh a chaidh a chur dhan phost-d agad gus crìoch a chur an an clàradh agad. Thoir sùil air a phasgan spama mura faigh thu taobh a-staigh 3 mionaidean e.",
"To continue to stay up to date, subscribe to {{publication}} below.": "Fo-sgrìobh gu h-ìosal gus cumail suas ris an fhoillseachadh, \"{{publication}}\".",
"Too many attempts try again in {{number}} days.": "",
"Too many attempts try again in {{number}} hours.": "",
"Too many attempts try again in {{number}} minutes.": "",
"Too many different sign-in attempts, try again in {{number}} days": "",
"Too many different sign-in attempts, try again in {{number}} hours": "",
"Too many different sign-in attempts, try again in {{number}} minutes": "",
"Too many attempts try again in {{number}} days.": "Tha tuilleadh 's còir oidhirpean ann an {{number}} là(ithean).",
"Too many attempts try again in {{number}} hours.": "Tha tuilleadh 's còir oidhirpean ann an {{number}} uair(ean).",
"Too many attempts try again in {{number}} minutes.": "Tha tuilleadh 's còir oidhirpean ann an {{number}} mionaid(ean).",
"Too many different sign-in attempts, try again in {{number}} days": "Tha tuilleadh 's còir oidhirpean, feuch a-rithist an ceann {{number}} là(ithean)",
"Too many different sign-in attempts, try again in {{number}} hours": "Tha tuilleadh 's còir oidhirpean, feuch a-rithist an ceann {{number}} uair(ean)",
"Too many different sign-in attempts, try again in {{number}} minutes": "Tha tuilleadh 's còir oidhirpean, feuch a-rithist an ceann {{number}} mionaid(ean)",
"Too many sign-up attempts, try again later": "",
"Try free for {{amount}} days, then {{originalPrice}}.": "An-asgaidh airson {{amount}}l, agus {{originalPrice}} an dèidh sin ",
"Unable to initiate checkout session": "",
"Unable to initiate checkout session": "Cha ghabh seisean pàighidh a thòiseachadh",
"Unlock access to all newsletters by becoming a paid subscriber.": "Tig nad bhall phaighte gus cothrom fhaighinn air na cuairt-litrichean gu lèir.",
"Unsubscribe from all emails": "Na fo-sgrìobh ri puist-d tuilleadh",
"Unsubscribed": "Chan fhaigh thu puist-d tuilleadh",
"Unsubscribed from all emails.": "Chan fhaigh thu puist-d tuilleadh.",
"Unsubscribing from emails will not cancel your paid subscription to {{title}}": "Cuiridh seo stad air puist-d, cha cuir e stad air na tha thu a paigheadh airson a bhallrachd agad.",
"Unsubscribing from emails will not cancel your paid subscription to {{title}}": "Cuiridh seo stad air puist-d, cha cuir e stad air na tha thu a pàigheadh airson fo-sgrìobhadh gu {{title}}",
"Update": "Ùraich",
"Update your preferences": "Ùraich na roghainnean agad",
"Verification link sent, check your inbox": "Chaidh ceangal dearbhaidh a chur, thoir sùil air a phost-d agad",
@ -206,9 +206,9 @@
"You've successfully signed in.": "Chlàraich thu a-steach gu soirbheachail.",
"You've successfully subscribed to": "Fo-sgrìobh thu gu soirbheachail gu",
"Your account": "An cunntas agad",
"Your email has failed to resubscribe, please try again": "",
"Your email has failed to resubscribe, please try again": "Dh'fhàillig ath-nuadhachadh an fho-sgrìobhaidh, feuch a-rithist",
"Your input helps shape what gets published.": "Bheir na beachdan agad buaidh air na foillseachaidhean ri teachd.",
"Your subscription will expire on {{expiryDate}}": "Falbhaidh an ùine air am fo-sgrìobhadh agad: {{expiryDate}}",
"Your subscription will renew on {{renewalDate}}": "Ath-nuadhaichidh am fo-sgrìobhadh agad: {{expiryDate}}",
"Your subscription will start on {{subscriptionStart}}": "Tòisichidh am fo-sgrìobhadh agad: {{expiryDate}}"
"Your subscription will renew on {{renewalDate}}": "Ath-nuadhaichidh am fo-sgrìobhadh agad: {{renewalDate}}",
"Your subscription will start on {{subscriptionStart}}": "Tòisichidh am fo-sgrìobhadh agad: {{subscriptionStart}}"