mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Added e2e tests for members (with multipleProducts
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1353 https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1356 https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1355 - Uses the new e2e test framework (snapshots) - Part of the tests couldn't be converted as they use file attachments (unsupported by the new e2e test framework at the moment)
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 2361 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
const {agentProvider, mockManager, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework');
const {anyEtag, anyObjectId, anyUuid, anyDate, anyString, anyArray} = matchers;
const path = require('path');
const should = require('should');
const supertest = require('supertest');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const testUtils = require('../../utils');
const localUtils = require('./utils');
const config = require('../../../core/shared/config');
const Papa = require('papaparse');
let agent;
describe('Members API', function () {
let request;
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('members');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
beforeEach(function () {
afterEach(function () {
it('Can browse', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(8).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
it('Can browse with filter', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
it('Can browse with search', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
it('Can filter by paid status', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(5).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
it('Can read', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
it('Can read and include email_recipients', async function () {
await agent
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
it('Can fetch member counts stats', async function () {
await agent
etag: anyEtag
it('Can add', async function () {
const member = {
name: 'test',
email: 'memberTestAdd@test.com',
note: 'test note',
subscribed: false,
labels: ['test-label']
await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyString //TODO: validate the exact string?
await agent
.body({members: [member]})
it('Can add complimentary subscription', async function () {
const stripeService = require('../../../core/server/services/stripe');
stripeService.api._configured = true;
const fakePrice = {
id: 'price_1',
product: '',
active: true,
nickname: 'Complimentary',
unit_amount: 0,
currency: 'USD',
type: 'recurring',
recurring: {
interval: 'year'
const fakeSubscription = {
id: 'sub_1',
customer: 'cus_1',
status: 'active',
cancel_at_period_end: false,
metadata: {},
current_period_end: Date.now() / 1000,
start_date: Date.now() / 1000,
plan: fakePrice,
items: {
data: [{
price: fakePrice
sinon.stub(stripeService.api, 'createCustomer').callsFake(async function (data) {
return {
id: 'cus_1',
email: data.email
sinon.stub(stripeService.api, 'createPrice').resolves(fakePrice);
sinon.stub(stripeService.api, 'createSubscription').resolves(fakeSubscription);
sinon.stub(stripeService.api, 'getSubscription').resolves(fakeSubscription);
const initialMember = {
name: 'Name',
email: 'compedtest@test.com',
subscribed: true
const compedPayload = {
comped: true
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [initialMember]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyString //TODO: validate the exact string?
const newMember = body.members[0];
const {body: body2} = await agent
.body({members: [compedPayload]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
stripeService.api._configured = false;
it('Can edit by id', async function () {
const memberToChange = {
name: 'change me',
email: 'member2Change@test.com',
note: 'initial note',
subscribed: true
const memberChanged = {
name: 'changed',
email: 'cantChangeMe@test.com',
note: 'edited note',
subscribed: false
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [memberToChange]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyString //TODO: validate the exact string?
const newMember = body.members[0];
await agent
.body({members: [memberChanged]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag
it('Can destroy', async function () {
const member = {
name: 'test',
email: 'memberTestDestroy@test.com'
const {body} = await agent
.body({members: [member]})
members: new Array(1).fill({
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
created_at: anyDate,
updated_at: anyDate,
labels: anyArray,
subscriptions: anyArray
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyString //TODO: validate the exact string?
const newMember = body.members[0];
await agent
etag: anyEtag
await agent
errors: [{
id: anyUuid
etag: anyEtag
it('Can export CSV', async function () {
const res = await agent
etag: anyEtag,
'content-length': anyString //For some reason the content-length changes between 1220 and 1317
const csv = Papa.parse(res.text, {header: true});
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Mr Egg'));
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Egon Spengler'));
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Ray Stantz'));
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.email === 'member2@test.com'));
it('Can export a filtered CSV', async function () {
const res = await agent
etag: anyEtag
const csv = Papa.parse(res.text, {header: true});
should.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Mr Egg'));
should.not.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Egon Spengler'));
should.not.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.name === 'Ray Stantz'));
should.not.exist(csv.data.find(row => row.email === 'member2@test.com'));
//TODO: migrate once we have a way to attach files in the new e2e testing framework
// describe('Members API', function () {
// let request;
// before(async function () {
// await localUtils.startGhost();
// request = supertest.agent(config.get('url'));
// await localUtils.doAuth(request, 'members', 'members:emails');
// });
// beforeEach(function () {
// mockManager.mockLabsEnabled('multipleProducts');
// });
// afterEach(function () {
// mockManager.restore();
// });
// it('Can import CSV', async function () {
// const res = await request
// .post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/upload/`))
// .attach('membersfile', path.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/csv/valid-members-import.csv'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(201);
// should.not.exist(res.headers['x-cache-invalidate']);
// const jsonResponse = res.body;
// should.exist(jsonResponse);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.meta);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.meta.stats);
// jsonResponse.meta.stats.imported.should.equal(2);
// jsonResponse.meta.stats.invalid.length.should.equal(0);
// jsonResponse.meta.import_label.name.should.match(/^Import \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}$/);
// const importLabel = jsonResponse.meta.import_label;
// // check that members had the auto-generated label attached
// const res2 = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/?filter=label:${importLabel.slug}`))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200);
// const jsonResponse2 = res2.body;
// should.exist(jsonResponse2);
// should.exist(jsonResponse2.members);
// jsonResponse2.members.should.have.length(2);
// const importedMember1 = jsonResponse2.members.find(m => m.email === 'jbloggs@example.com');
// should.exist(importedMember1);
// importedMember1.name.should.equal('joe');
// should(importedMember1.note).equal(null);
// importedMember1.subscribed.should.equal(true);
// importedMember1.labels.length.should.equal(1);
// testUtils.API.isISO8601(importedMember1.created_at).should.be.true();
// importedMember1.comped.should.equal(false);
// importedMember1.subscriptions.should.not.be.undefined();
// importedMember1.subscriptions.length.should.equal(0);
// const importedMember2 = jsonResponse2.members.find(m => m.email === 'test@example.com');
// should.exist(importedMember2);
// importedMember2.name.should.equal('test');
// should(importedMember2.note).equal('test note');
// importedMember2.subscribed.should.equal(false);
// importedMember2.labels.length.should.equal(2);
// testUtils.API.isISO8601(importedMember2.created_at).should.be.true();
// importedMember2.created_at.should.equal('1991-10-02T20:30:31.000Z');
// importedMember2.comped.should.equal(false);
// importedMember2.subscriptions.should.not.be.undefined();
// importedMember2.subscriptions.length.should.equal(0);
// });
// it('Can import CSV and bulk destroy via auto-added label', function () {
// // HACK: mock dates otherwise we'll often get unexpected members appearing
// // from previous tests with the same import label due to auto-generated
// // import labels only including minutes
// sinon.stub(Date, 'now').returns(new Date('2021-03-30T17:21:00.000Z'));
// // import our dummy data for deletion
// return request
// .post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/upload/`))
// .attach('membersfile', path.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/csv/valid-members-for-bulk-delete.csv'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .then((res) => {
// should.not.exist(res.headers['x-cache-invalidate']);
// const jsonResponse = res.body;
// should.exist(jsonResponse);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.meta);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.meta.stats);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.meta.import_label);
// jsonResponse.meta.stats.imported.should.equal(8);
// return jsonResponse.meta.import_label;
// })
// .then((importLabel) => {
// // check that the import worked by checking browse response with filter
// return request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/?filter=label:${importLabel.slug}`))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200)
// .then((res) => {
// should.not.exist(res.headers['x-cache-invalidate']);
// const jsonResponse = res.body;
// should.exist(jsonResponse);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.members);
// jsonResponse.members.should.have.length(8);
// })
// .then(() => importLabel);
// })
// .then((importLabel) => {
// // perform the bulk delete
// return request
// .del(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/?filter=label:'${importLabel.slug}'`))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200)
// .then((res) => {
// should.not.exist(res.headers['x-cache-invalidate']);
// const jsonResponse = res.body;
// should.exist(jsonResponse);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.meta);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.meta.stats);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.meta.stats.successful);
// should.equal(jsonResponse.meta.stats.successful, 8);
// })
// .then(() => importLabel);
// })
// .then((importLabel) => {
// // check that the bulk delete worked by checking browse response with filter
// return request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/?filter=label:${importLabel.slug}`))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200)
// .then((res) => {
// const jsonResponse = res.body;
// should.exist(jsonResponse);
// should.exist(jsonResponse.members);
// jsonResponse.members.should.have.length(0);
// });
// });
// });
// it('Can bulk unsubscribe members with filter', async function () {
// // import our dummy data for deletion
// await request
// .post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/upload/`))
// .attach('membersfile', path.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/csv/members-for-bulk-unsubscribe.csv'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private);
// const browseResponse = await request
// .get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('members/?filter=label:bulk-unsubscribe-test'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200);
// browseResponse.body.members.should.have.length(8);
// const allMembersSubscribed = browseResponse.body.members.every((member) => {
// return member.subscribed;
// });
// should.ok(allMembersSubscribed);
// const bulkUnsubscribeResponse = await request
// .put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('members/bulk/?filter=label:bulk-unsubscribe-test'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .send({
// bulk: {
// action: 'unsubscribe'
// }
// })
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200);
// should.exist(bulkUnsubscribeResponse.body.bulk);
// should.exist(bulkUnsubscribeResponse.body.bulk.meta);
// should.exist(bulkUnsubscribeResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats);
// should.exist(bulkUnsubscribeResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats.successful);
// should.equal(bulkUnsubscribeResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats.successful, 8);
// const postUnsubscribeBrowseResponse = await request
// .get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('members/?filter=label:bulk-unsubscribe-test'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200);
// postUnsubscribeBrowseResponse.body.members.should.have.length(8);
// const allMembersUnsubscribed = postUnsubscribeBrowseResponse.body.members.every((member) => {
// return !member.subscribed;
// });
// should.ok(allMembersUnsubscribed);
// });
// it('Can bulk add and remove labels to members with filter', async function () {
// // import our dummy data for deletion
// await request
// .post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('members/upload/'))
// .attach('membersfile', path.join(__dirname, '/../../utils/fixtures/csv/members-for-bulk-add-labels.csv'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private);
// const newLabelResponse = await request
// .post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('labels'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .send({
// labels: [{
// name: 'Awesome Label For Testing Bulk Add'
// }]
// });
// const labelToAdd = newLabelResponse.body.labels[0];
// const bulkAddLabelResponse = await request
// .put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('members/bulk/?filter=label:bulk-add-labels-test'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .send({
// bulk: {
// action: 'addLabel',
// meta: {
// label: labelToAdd
// }
// }
// })
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200);
// should.exist(bulkAddLabelResponse.body.bulk);
// should.exist(bulkAddLabelResponse.body.bulk.meta);
// should.exist(bulkAddLabelResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats);
// should.exist(bulkAddLabelResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats.successful);
// should.equal(bulkAddLabelResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats.successful, 8);
// const postLabelAddBrowseResponse = await request
// .get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/?filter=label:${labelToAdd.slug}`))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200);
// postLabelAddBrowseResponse.body.members.should.have.length(8);
// const labelToRemove = newLabelResponse.body.labels[0];
// const bulkRemoveLabelResponse = await request
// .put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('members/bulk/?filter=label:bulk-add-labels-test'))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .send({
// bulk: {
// action: 'removeLabel',
// meta: {
// label: labelToRemove
// }
// }
// })
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200);
// should.exist(bulkRemoveLabelResponse.body.bulk);
// should.exist(bulkRemoveLabelResponse.body.bulk.meta);
// should.exist(bulkRemoveLabelResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats);
// should.exist(bulkRemoveLabelResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats.successful);
// should.equal(bulkRemoveLabelResponse.body.bulk.meta.stats.successful, 8);
// const postLabelRemoveBrowseResponse = await request
// .get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`members/?filter=label:${labelToRemove.slug}`))
// .set('Origin', config.get('url'))
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// .expect(200);
// postLabelRemoveBrowseResponse.body.members.should.have.length(0);
// });
// });
Add table
Reference in a new issue