Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-02-24 23:48:13 -05:00

removed tests

This commit is contained in:
Ryan McCarvill 2017-03-01 21:33:22 +13:00 committed by Kevin Ansfield
parent 9c7215423e
commit 0c7646dea8
6 changed files with 3 additions and 199 deletions

View file

@ -3,13 +3,11 @@
"version": "0.1.10", "version": "0.1.10",
"description": "A mobiledoc-kit based editor for Ghost. WARNING DO NOT USE!", "description": "A mobiledoc-kit based editor for Ghost. WARNING DO NOT USE!",
"directories": { "directories": {
"doc": "doc", "doc": "doc"
"test": "tests"
}, },
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"build": "ember build", "build": "ember build",
"start": "ember server", "start": "ember server"
"test": "ember try:each"
}, },
"repository": "", "repository": "",
"engines": { "engines": {

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
The tests are now located in the main ghost-admin repository.

View file

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait';
import startApp from '../../helpers/start-app';
import Ember from 'ember';
// import { Position, Range } from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/cursor';
let App;
moduleForComponent('ghost-editor', 'Integration | Component | ghost editor', {
integration: true,
setup: function() {
App = startApp();
teardown: function() {
Ember.run(App, 'destroy');
const blankDoc = {version:"0.3.0",atoms:[],cards:[],markups:[],sections:[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,""]]]]};
test('it renders', function(assert) {
// Set any properties with this.set('myProperty', 'value');
// Handle any actions with this.on('myAction', function(val) { ... });
this.set('mobiledoc', blankDoc);
this.render(hbs`{{ghost-editor value=mobiledoc}}`);
'editor is created'
let editor = window.editor;
return wait().then(() => {
return selectRangeWithEditor(editor, editor.post.tailPosition());
}).then(() => {
Ember.run(() => editor.insertText('abcdef'));
return wait();
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('abcdef', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, 'editor renders changes into the dom');
test('inline markdown support', function(assert) {
this.set('mobiledoc', blankDoc);
this.render(hbs`{{ghost-editor value=mobiledoc}}`);
let editor = window.editor;
return wait().then(() => {
return selectRangeWithEditor(editor, editor.post.tailPosition());
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '**test**');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<strong>test</strong>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '** markdown bolds at start of line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '123**test**');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('123<strong>test</strong>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '** markdown bolds in line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '__test__');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<strong>test</strong>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '__ markdown bolds at start of line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '123__test__');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('123<strong>test</strong>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '__ markdown bolds in line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '*test*');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<em>test</em>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '* markdown emphasises at start of line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '123*test*');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('123<em>test</em>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '* markdown emphasises in line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '_test_');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<em>test</em>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '_ markdown emphasises at start of line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '123_test_');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('123<em>test</em>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '_ markdown emphasises in line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '**test*');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('**test*', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, 'two ** at the start and one * at the end (mixing strong and em) doesn\'t render');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '__test_');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('__test_', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, 'two __ at the start and one _ at the end (mixing strong and em) doesn\'t render');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '~~test~~');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<s>test</s>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '~~ markdown strikethroughs at start of line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '123~~test~~');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('123<s>test</s>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '~~ markdown strikethroughs in line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '[http://www.ghost.org/](Ghost)');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<a href=\"Ghost\">http://www.ghost.org/</a>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, 'creates a link at start of line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '123[http://www.ghost.org/](Ghost)');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('123<a href=\"Ghost\">http://www.ghost.org/</a>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, 'creates a link in line');
return wait();
test('block markdown support', function(assert) {
this.set('mobiledoc', blankDoc);
this.render(hbs`{{ghost-editor value=mobiledoc}}`);
//1., *, #, ##, and ### are all tested within mobiledoc
let editor = window.editor;
return wait().then(() => {
return selectRangeWithEditor(editor, editor.post.tailPosition());
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '- ');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<ul><li><br></li></ul>', $('.surface')[0].innerHTML, '- creates a list');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '> ');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<blockquote><br></blockquote>', $('.surface')[0].innerHTML, '> creates a pullquote');
return wait();
test('card markdown support', function(assert) {
this.set('mobiledoc', blankDoc);
this.render(hbs`{{ghost-editor value=mobiledoc}}`);
//![](), ```
let editor = window.editor;
return wait().then(() => {
return selectRangeWithEditor(editor, editor.post.tailPosition());
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '**test**');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('<strong>test</strong>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '** markdown bolds at start of line');
return wait();
}).then(() => {
return clearEditorAndInputText(editor, '123**test**');
}).then(() => {
assert.equal('123<strong>test</strong>', $('.surface')[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML, '** markdown bolds in line');
return wait();
let runLater = (cb) => window.requestAnimationFrame(cb);
function selectRangeWithEditor(editor, range) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(resolve => runLater(resolve));
function clearEditorAndInputText(editor, text) {
editor.run(postEditor => {
return wait();

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
when close restore keys