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const should = require('should');
const nock = require('nock');
const path = require('path');
const supertest = require('supertest');
const _ = require('lodash');
const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid');
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const testUtils = require('../../utils');
const config = require('../../../core/shared/config');
const models = require('../../../core/server/models');
const localUtils = require('./utils');
const configUtils = require('../../utils/configUtils');
describe('Posts API', function () {
let request;
before(async function () {
await localUtils.startGhost();
request = supertest.agent(config.get('url'));
* Members are needed to enable mega to create an email record so that we can test that newsletter_id
* can't be overwritten after an email record is created.
await localUtils.doAuth(request, 'users:extra', 'posts', 'emails', 'newsletters', 'members:newsletters');
// Assign a newsletter to one of the posts
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].id;
const postId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[0].id;
await models.Post.edit({newsletter_id: newsletterId}, {id: postId});
afterEach(function () {
it('Can retrieve all posts', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse, 'posts');
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0], 'post');
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.meta.pagination, 'pagination');
// Ensure default order
// Absolute urls by default
jsonResponse.posts[0].url.should.match(new RegExp(`${config.get('url')}/p/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}`));
// Check if the newsletter relation is loaded by default and newsletter_id is not returned
it('Can retrieve multiple post formats', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/?formats=plaintext,mobiledoc&limit=3&order=title%20ASC'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse, 'posts');
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0], 'post', ['plaintext']);
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.meta.pagination, 'pagination');
// ensure order works
it('Can include single relation', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/?include=tags'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse, 'posts');
['authors', 'primary_author', 'email', 'tiers', 'newsletter']
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.meta.pagination, 'pagination');
it('Can filter posts', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/?filter=featured:true'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse, 'posts');
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0], 'post');
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.meta.pagination, 'pagination');
it('Returns a validation error when unknown filter key is used', async function () {
await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/?filter=page:true'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
it('Can paginate posts', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/?page=2'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
should.equal(jsonResponse.meta.pagination.page, 2);
it('Can request a post by id', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[0].id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0], 'post');
// Check if the newsletter relation is loaded by default and newsletter_id is not returned
it('Can request a post by id without newsletter', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[1].id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0], 'post');
// Newsletter should be returned as null
it('Can retrieve a post by slug', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/slug/welcome/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0], 'post');
// Newsletter should be returned as null
it('Can include relations for a single post', async function () {
const res = await request
.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[0].id + '/?include=authors,tags,email,tiers,newsletter'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0], 'post');
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0].authors[0], 'user');
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0].tags[0], 'tag', ['url']);
localUtils.API.checkResponse(jsonResponse.posts[0].email, 'email');
it('Can add a post', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'My post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing feature image alt',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
published_at: '2016-05-30T07:00:00.000Z',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
localUtils.API.checkResponse(res.body.posts[0], 'post');
res.body.posts[0].url.should.match(new RegExp(`${config.get('url')}/p/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}`));
// Newsletter should be returned as null
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: res.body.posts[0].id,
status: 'draft'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
const modelJson = model.toJSON();
it('Can include free and paid tiers for public post', async function () {
const publicPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'free-to-see',
visibility: 'public',
published_at: moment().add(15, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
await models.Post.add(publicPost, {context: {internal: true}});
const publicPostRes = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
const publicPostData = publicPostRes.body.posts[0];
it('Can include free and paid tiers for members only post', async function () {
const membersPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-not-be-seen',
visibility: 'members',
published_at: moment().add(45, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
await models.Post.add(membersPost, {context: {internal: true}});
const membersPostRes = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
const membersPostData = membersPostRes.body.posts[0];
it('Can include only paid tier for paid post', async function () {
const paidPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-be-paid-for',
visibility: 'paid',
published_at: moment().add(30, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
await models.Post.add(paidPost, {context: {internal: true}});
const paidPostRes = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
const paidPostData = paidPostRes.body.posts[0];
it('Can include specific tier for post with tiers visibility', async function () {
const res = await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('tiers/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const jsonResponse = res.body;
const paidTier = jsonResponse.tiers.find(p => p.type === 'paid');
const tiersPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-be-for-specific-tiers',
visibility: 'tiers',
published_at: moment().add(30, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
tiersPost.tiers = [paidTier];
await models.Post.add(tiersPost, {context: {internal: true}});
const tiersPostRes = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
const tiersPostData = tiersPostRes.body.posts[0];
it('Can update draft', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'update draft'
const res = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
post.updated_at = res.body.posts[0].updated_at;
const res2 = await request.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[3].id))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
res2.headers['x-cache-invalidate'].should.eql('/p/' + res2.body.posts[0].uuid + '/');
// Newsletter should be returned as null
it('Can update and force re-render', async function () {
const unsplashMock = nock('https://images.unsplash.com/')
.replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, '../../utils/fixtures/images/ghost-logo.png'), {
'Content-Type': 'image/png'
const mobiledoc = JSON.parse(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[3].mobiledoc);
mobiledoc.cards.push(['image', {src: 'https://images.unsplash.com/favicon_too_large?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&q=80&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&w=2000&fit=max&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjExNzczfQ'}]);
mobiledoc.sections.push([10, mobiledoc.cards.length - 1]);
const post = {
mobiledoc: JSON.stringify(mobiledoc)
const res = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
post.updated_at = res.body.posts[0].updated_at;
const res2 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[3].id + '/?force_rerender=true&formats=mobiledoc,html'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private);
res2.headers['x-cache-invalidate'].should.eql('/p/' + res2.body.posts[0].uuid + '/');
// mobiledoc is updated with image sizes
const resMobiledoc = JSON.parse(res2.body.posts[0].mobiledoc);
const cardPayload = resMobiledoc.cards[mobiledoc.cards.length - 1][1];
// html is re-rendered to include srcset
res2.body.posts[0].html.should.match(/srcset="https:\/\/images\.unsplash\.com\/favicon_too_large\?ixlib=rb-1\.2\.1&amp;q=80&amp;fm=jpg&amp;crop=entropy&amp;cs=tinysrgb&amp;w=600&amp;fit=max&amp;ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjExNzczfQ 600w, https:\/\/images\.unsplash\.com\/favicon_too_large\?ixlib=rb-1\.2\.1&amp;q=80&amp;fm=jpg&amp;crop=entropy&amp;cs=tinysrgb&amp;w=800&amp;fit=max&amp;ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjExNzczfQ 800w"/);
it('Can unpublish a post', async function () {
const post = {
status: 'draft'
const res = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
post.updated_at = res.body.posts[0].updated_at;
const res2 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[1].id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
it(`Can't change the newsletter of a post from the post body`, async function () {
const post = {
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
newsletter: testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].id
const postId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2].id;
const modelBefore = await models.Post.findOne({
id: postId
}, testUtils.context.internal);
should(modelBefore.get('newsletter_id')).eql(null, 'This test requires the initial post to not have a newsletter');
const res = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
post.updated_at = res.body.posts[0].updated_at;
const res2 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + postId + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: postId
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it(`Can't change the newsletter of a post from the post body`, async function () {
const post = {
newsletter: {
id: testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].id
const postId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[2].id;
const modelBefore = await models.Post.findOne({
id: postId
}, testUtils.context.internal);
should(modelBefore.get('newsletter_id')).eql(null, 'This test requires the initial post to not have a newsletter');
const res = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
post.updated_at = res.body.posts[0].updated_at;
const res2 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + postId + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: postId
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Cannot change the newsletter via body when adding', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'My newsletter post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
newsletter: {
// This should be ignored, the default one should be used instead
id: testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].id
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check that the default newsletter is used instead of the one in body (not allowed)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'draft' // Fix for default filter
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
it('Cannot send to an archived newsletter', async function () {
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[2].slug;
should(testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[2].status).eql('archived', 'This test expects an archived newsletter in the test fixtures');
const post = {
title: 'My archived newsletter post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded, but null in response.
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'published';
await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
it('Can publish a post without email', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'My publish only post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded, but null in response.
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'published';
const finalPost = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email
// Note: we only create an email if we have members susbcribed to the newsletter
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Interprets sent status as published for not email only posts', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'My publish only post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded, but null in response.
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'sent';
const initialModel = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
const finalPost = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
// Check status is set to published
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email
// Note: we only create an email if we have members susbcribed to the newsletter
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Can publish a post and send as email', async function () {
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'My newsletter_id post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter_id',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded, but null in response.
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'published';
const initialModel = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
const finalPost = await request
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email
// Note: we only create an email if we have members susbcribed to the newsletter
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Interprets sent as published for a post with email', async function () {
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'My newsletter_id post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter_id',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded, but null in response.
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'sent';
const initialModel = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
const finalPost = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
// Check status
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email
// Note: we only create an email if we have members susbcribed to the newsletter
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Can publish an email_only post by setting status to published', async function () {
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'My post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter in posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'published';
//updatedPost.published_at = moment().add(2, 'days').toDate();
updatedPost.email_only = true;
const initialModel = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const publishedRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const publishedPost = publishedRes.body.posts[0];
let model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
// We should have an email
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Can publish an email_only post with free filter', async function () {
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'My post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter in posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'published';
updatedPost.email_only = true;
const initialModel = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const publishedRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug + '&email_segment=status%3Afree'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const publishedPost = publishedRes.body.posts[0];
let model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// We should have an email
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Can publish an email_only post by setting the status to sent', async function () {
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'My post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter in posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'sent';
updatedPost.email_only = true;
const initialModel = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
const publishedRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug + '&email_segment=status%3Afree'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const publishedPost = publishedRes.body.posts[0];
let model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
// We should have an email
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Can publish a scheduled post', async function () {
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'My scheduled post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter_id in scheduled posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'scheduled';
updatedPost.published_at = moment().add(2, 'days').toDate();
const scheduledRes = await request
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const scheduledPost = scheduledRes.body.posts[0];
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
let model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'scheduled'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
// We should not have an email
let email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Publish now, without passing the newsletter_id or other options again!
scheduledPost.status = 'published';
scheduledPost.published_at = moment().toDate();
const publishedRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [scheduledPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const publishedPost = publishedRes.body.posts[0];
model = await models.Post.findOne({
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
// Check email is sent to the correct newsletter
email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
it('Can publish a scheduled post with custom email segment', async function () {
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
title: 'My scheduled post 2',
status: 'draft',
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter_id in scheduled posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'scheduled';
updatedPost.published_at = moment().add(2, 'days').toDate();
const scheduledRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug + '&email_segment=status:free'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const scheduledPost = scheduledRes.body.posts[0];
let model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'scheduled'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// We should not have an email
let email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Publish now, without passing the newsletter_id or other options again!
scheduledPost.status = 'published';
scheduledPost.published_at = moment().toDate();
const publishedRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [scheduledPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const publishedPost = publishedRes.body.posts[0];
model = await models.Post.findOne({
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email is sent to the correct newsletter
email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Can publish a scheduled post without newsletter', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'My scheduled post 3',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing no newsletter in scheduled posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'scheduled';
updatedPost.published_at = moment().add(2, 'days').toDate();
const scheduledRes = await request
// We also test whether email_segment is ignored if no newsletter is sent
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?email_segment=status:-free'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const scheduledPost = scheduledRes.body.posts[0];
scheduledPost.email_segment.should.eql('all'); // should be igored
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
let model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'scheduled'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// We should not have an email
let email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Publish now, without passing the newsletter_id or other options again!
scheduledPost.status = 'published';
scheduledPost.published_at = moment().toDate();
const publishedRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [scheduledPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const publishedPost = publishedRes.body.posts[0];
model = await models.Post.findOne({
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
// Check email is sent to the correct newsletter
email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
it('Can publish a scheduled email only post', async function () {
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'My scheduled email only post',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter in scheduled posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'scheduled';
updatedPost.email_only = true;
updatedPost.published_at = moment().add(2, 'days').toDate();
const scheduledRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const scheduledPost = scheduledRes.body.posts[0];
let model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'scheduled'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// We should not have an email
let email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Publish now, without passing the newsletter_id or other options again!
scheduledPost.status = 'published';
const publishedRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [scheduledPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const publishedPost = publishedRes.body.posts[0];
model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email is sent to the correct newsletter
email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Can\'t change the newsletter once it has been sent', async function () {
// Note: this test only works if there are members subscribed to the initial newsletter
// (so it won't get reset when changing the post status to draft again)
let model;
const post = {
title: 'My post without newsletter_id',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter_id',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].id;
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].slug;
const newsletterId2 = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const newsletterSlug2 = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const updatedPost = {
status: 'published',
updated_at: res.body.posts[0].updated_at
const res2 = await request
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?email_segment=status:-free&newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: id,
status: 'published'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
// Check email is sent to the correct newsletter
let email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const unpublished = {
status: 'draft',
updated_at: res2.body.posts[0].updated_at
const res3 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [unpublished]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
// We should keep it, because we already sent an email
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: id,
status: 'draft'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email
// Note: we only create an email if we have members susbcribed to the newsletter
email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
const republished = {
status: 'published',
updated_at: res3.body.posts[0].updated_at
const res4 = await request
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug2))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [republished]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
// + did update the newsletter id
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: id,
status: 'published'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Should not change if status remains published
const res5 = await request
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [republished]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
// + did not update the newsletter id
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: id,
status: 'published'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Test if the newsletter_id option was ignored
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
it('Can change the newsletter if it has not been sent', async function () {
// Note: this test only works if there are NO members subscribed to the initial newsletter
// (so it will get reset when changing the post status to draft again)
let model;
const post = {
title: 'My post that will get a changed newsletter',
status: 'draft',
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
// Check default values
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[0].slug;
const newsletterId2 = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug2 = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const updatedPost = {
status: 'published',
updated_at: res.body.posts[0].updated_at
const res2 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?email_segment=id:0&newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: id,
status: 'published'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email is sent to the correct newsletter
let email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
const unpublished = {
status: 'draft',
updated_at: res2.body.posts[0].updated_at
const res3 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [unpublished]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check is reset
model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: id,
status: 'draft'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
const republished = {
status: 'published',
updated_at: res3.body.posts[0].updated_at
const res4 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?email_segment=status:-free&newsletter=' + newsletterSlug2))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [republished]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
// + did update the newsletter id
model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: id,
status: 'published'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email is sent to the correct newsletter
email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Should not change if status remains published
const res5 = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [republished]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
// + did not update the newsletter id
model = await models.Post.findOne({
id: id,
status: 'published'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Test if the newsletter_id option was ignored
it('Can destroy a post', async function () {
const res = await request
.del(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[0].id + '/'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
it('Cannot get post via pages endpoint', async function () {
await request.get(localUtils.API.getApiQuery(`pages/${testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[3].id}/`))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
it('Cannot update post via pages endpoint', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'fails',
updated_at: new Date().toISOString()
await request.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('pages/' + testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.posts[3].id))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({pages: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
describe('As Author', function () {
before(async function () {
const user = await testUtils.createUser({
user: testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createUser({
email: 'test+author@ghost.org'
role: testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.roles[2].name
request.user = user;
await localUtils.doAuth(request);
it('Can publish a post and send as email', async function () {
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'Author newsletter_id post',
status: 'draft',
authors: [{id: request.user.id}],
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter_id',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded, but null in response.
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'published';
const finalPost = await request
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
// Check newsletter relation is loaded in response
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const model = await models.Post.findOne({
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// Check email
// Note: we only create an email if we have members susbcribed to the newsletter
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
it('Can publish an email_only post', async function () {
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const post = {
title: 'My post',
status: 'draft',
authors: [{id: request.user.id}],
feature_image_alt: 'Testing newsletter in posts',
feature_image_caption: 'Testing <b>feature image caption</b>',
mobiledoc: testUtils.DataGenerator.markdownToMobiledoc('my post'),
created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(),
created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(),
updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString()
const res = await request.post(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts'))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [post]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const id = res.body.posts[0].id;
const updatedPost = res.body.posts[0];
updatedPost.status = 'published';
//updatedPost.published_at = moment().add(2, 'days').toDate();
updatedPost.email_only = true;
const publishedRes = await request
.put(localUtils.API.getApiQuery('posts/' + id + '/?newsletter=' + newsletterSlug))
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [updatedPost]})
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
const publishedPost = publishedRes.body.posts[0];
let model = await models.Post.findOne({
status: 'all'
}, testUtils.context.internal);
// We should have an email
const email = await models.Email.findOne({
post_id: id
}, testUtils.context.internal);
describe('Host Settings: emails limits', function () {
afterEach(function () {
configUtils.set('hostSettings:limits', undefined);
it('Request fails when emails limit is in place', async function () {
configUtils.set('hostSettings:limits', {
emails: {
disabled: true,
error: 'No email shalt be sent'
// NOTE: need to do a full reboot to reinitialize hostSettings
await localUtils.startGhost();
request = supertest.agent(config.get('url'));
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
await localUtils.doAuth(request, 'users:extra', 'posts', 'emails', 'newsletters');
const draftPostResponse = await request
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
const draftPost = draftPostResponse.body.posts[0];
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
const newsletterId = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].id;
const newsletterSlug = testUtils.DataGenerator.Content.newsletters[1].slug;
const response = await request
Renamed newsletter_id and email_recipient_filter options (#14798) refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1596 - Renamed `newsletter_id` to `newsletter` option, the `newsletter` option expects a slug instead of an id - Renamed `email_recipient_filter` to `email_segment` option - Default `email_segment` to `all`. Ignored if no newsletter is set - `email_segment` is ignored if no newsletter is set - When reverting a post to a draft, both `newsletter` and `email_segment` are reset to their default values (null, all) - Removed legacy mapping from old email_recipient_filter values 'paid' and 'free' (already a migration in place) - Dropped legacy throwing errors when email_recipient_filter is paid or free in transformEmailRecipientFilter - Reorganized transformEmailRecipientFilter parameters for the now required newsletter parameter - Fixed an issue where the newsletter filter wasn't working because it wasn't in permittedoptions - Fixed an issue where you could send to an archived newsletter - Added an extra protection when scheduling to an active, and later archiving the newsletter - Dropped support for `send_email_when_published` in API - When importing posts we currently don't have a system in place to set the newsletter_id to map the `send_email_when_published` behaviour. Since this was already the case, I won't include a fix in this PR. - Stripped `email_recipient_filter`/`email_segment` from Content API (https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1652363211841359?thread_ts=1650623650.233229&cid=C02G9E68C) - Updated `admin-api-schema` to 3.2.0, which includes the new email_segment property - Contains a temporary fix for https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1626, where the `.related('newsletter').fetch` call fails when the newsletter relation is already loaded, because of the overridden `formatOnWrite` method. Since the `email_recipient_filter` is no longer used without a newsletter, the `none` value is no longer used. A migration transforms all those values to `all`. This should be safe, because we only send an email now when newsletter_id is not null (scheduled posts should already have a newsletter_id, even if at the time of scheduling they didn't add the newsletter_id option, because at that time, we defaulted to the default newsletter). Admin changes to make this work: https://github.com/TryGhost/Admin/pull/2380
2022-05-16 10:18:04 +02:00
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
.send({posts: [{
status: 'published',
updated_at: draftPost.updated_at
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect('Cache-Control', testUtils.cacheRules.private)
response.body.errors[0].context.should.equal('No email shalt be sent');