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// # App Test
// Tests that the general layout & functionality of global admin components is correct
/*globals casper, __utils__, url, testPost, newUser */
CasperTest.emberBegin('Admin navigation bar is correct', 28, function suite(test) {
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('root', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, 'Landed on the correct URL');
casper.then(function testNavItems() {
var logoHref = this.getElementAttribute('a.ghost-logo', 'href'),
contentHref = this.getElementAttribute('#main-menu li.content a', 'href'),
editorHref = this.getElementAttribute('#main-menu li.editor a', 'href'),
settingsHref = this.getElementAttribute('#main-menu li.settings a', 'href');
// Logo
test.assertExists('a.ghost-logo', 'Ghost logo home page link exists');
test.assertEquals(logoHref, '/', 'Ghost logo href is correct');
// Content
test.assertExists('#main-menu li.content a', 'Content nav item exists');
test.assertSelectorHasText('#main-menu li.content a', 'Content', 'Content nav item has correct text');
test.assertEquals(contentHref, '/ghost/ember/', 'Content href is correct');
test.assertExists('#main-menu li.content.active', 'Content nav item is not marked active');
// Editor
test.assertExists('#main-menu li.editor a', 'Editor nav item exists');
test.assertSelectorHasText('#main-menu li.editor a', 'New Post', 'Editor nav item has correct text');
test.assertEquals(editorHref, '/ghost/ember/editor/', 'Editor href is correct');
test.assertDoesntExist('#main-menu li.editor.active', 'Editor nav item is not marked active');
// Settings
test.assertExists('#main-menu li.settings a', 'Settings nav item exists');
test.assertSelectorHasText('#main-menu li.settings a', 'Settings', 'Settings nav item has correct text');
test.assertEquals(settingsHref, '/ghost/ember/settings/', 'Settings href is correct');
test.assertDoesntExist('#main-menu li.settings.active', 'Settings nav item is marked active');
casper.then(function testUserMenuNotVisible() {
test.assertExists('#usermenu', 'User menu nav item exists');
test.assertNotVisible('#usermenu ul.overlay', 'User menu should not be visible');
casper.thenClick('#usermenu a');
casper.waitForSelector('#usermenu ul.overlay', function then() {
var profileHref = this.getElementAttribute('#usermenu li.usermenu-profile a', 'href'),
helpHref = this.getElementAttribute('#usermenu li.usermenu-help a', 'href'),
signoutHref = this.getElementAttribute('#usermenu li.usermenu-signout a', 'href');
test.assertVisible('#usermenu ul.overlay', 'User menu should be visible');
test.assertExists('#usermenu li.usermenu-profile a', 'Profile menu item exists');
test.assertSelectorHasText('#usermenu li.usermenu-profile a', 'Your Profile',
'Profile menu item has correct text');
test.assertEquals(profileHref, '/ghost/ember/settings/user/', 'Profile href is correct');
test.assertExists('#usermenu li.usermenu-help a', 'Help menu item exists');
test.assertSelectorHasText('#usermenu li.usermenu-help a', 'Help / Support', 'Help menu item has correct text');
test.assertEquals(helpHref, 'http://support.ghost.org/', 'Help href is correct');
test.assertExists('#usermenu li.usermenu-signout a', 'Sign Out menu item exists');
test.assertSelectorHasText('#usermenu li.usermenu-signout a', 'Sign Out', 'Signout menu item has correct text');
test.assertEquals(signoutHref, '/ghost/ember/signout/', 'Sign Out href is correct');
}, casper.failOnTimeout(test, 'WaitForSelector #usermenu ul.overlay failed'));