2023-08-18 15:30:59 +02:00
import {MockedApi, initialize, waitEditorFocused} from '../utils/e2e';
2023-08-17 12:47:08 +02:00
import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test';
test.describe('Actions', async () => {
test('Can like and unlike a comment', async ({page}) => {
const mockedApi = new MockedApi({});
html: '<p>This is comment 1</p>'
html: '<p>This is comment 2</p>',
liked: true,
count: {
likes: 52
html: '<p>This is comment 3</p>'
const {frame} = await initialize({
publication: 'Publisher Weekly'
// Check like button is not filled yet
const comment = frame.getByTestId('comment-component').nth(0);
const likeButton = comment.getByTestId('like-button');
await expect(likeButton).toHaveCount(1);
const icon = likeButton.locator('svg');
await expect(icon).not.toHaveClass(/fill/);
await expect(likeButton).toHaveText('0');
// Click button
await likeButton.click();
// Check not filled
await expect(icon).toHaveClass(/fill/);
await expect(likeButton).toHaveText('1');
// Click button again
await likeButton.click();
await expect(icon).not.toHaveClass(/fill/);
await expect(likeButton).toHaveText('0');
// Check state for already liked comment
const secondComment = frame.getByTestId('comment-component').nth(1);
const likeButton2 = secondComment.getByTestId('like-button');
await expect(likeButton2).toHaveCount(1);
const icon2 = likeButton2.locator('svg');
await expect(icon2).toHaveClass(/fill/);
await expect(likeButton2).toHaveText('52');
test('Can reply to a comment', async ({page}) => {
const mockedApi = new MockedApi({});
html: '<p>This is comment 1</p>'
html: '<p>This is comment 2</p>',
liked: true,
count: {
likes: 52
html: '<p>This is comment 3</p>'
const {frame} = await initialize({
publication: 'Publisher Weekly'
// Check like button is not filled yet
const comment = frame.getByTestId('comment-component').nth(0);
const replyButton = comment.getByTestId('reply-button');
await expect(replyButton).toHaveCount(1);
// Click button
await replyButton.click();
const editor = frame.getByTestId('form-editor');
await expect(editor).toBeVisible();
2023-08-18 15:30:59 +02:00
// Wait for focused
await waitEditorFocused(editor);
2023-08-17 12:47:08 +02:00
// Type some text
await page.keyboard.type('This is a reply 123');
await expect(editor).toHaveText('This is a reply 123');
// Click reply button
const submitButton = comment.getByTestId('submit-form-button');
await submitButton.click();
// Check total amount of comments increased
await expect(frame.getByTestId('comment-component')).toHaveCount(4);
await expect(frame.getByText('This is a reply 123')).toHaveCount(1);
2024-03-12 17:39:36 +00:00
test('Can add expertise', async ({page}) => {
const mockedApi = new MockedApi({});
mockedApi.setMember({name: 'John Doe', expertise: null});
html: '<p>This is comment 1</p>'
const {frame} = await initialize({
publication: 'Publisher Weekly'
const editor = frame.getByTestId('form-editor');
await editor.click({force: true});
await waitEditorFocused(editor);
const expertiseButton = frame.getByTestId('expertise-button');
await expect(expertiseButton).toBeVisible();
2024-09-18 14:52:13 +02:00
await expect(expertiseButton).toHaveText('·Add your expertise');
2024-03-12 17:39:36 +00:00
await expertiseButton.click();
const detailsFrame = page.frameLocator('iframe[title="addDetailsPopup"]');
const profileModal = detailsFrame.getByTestId('profile-modal');
await expect(profileModal).toBeVisible();
await expect(detailsFrame.getByTestId('name-input')).toHaveValue('John Doe');
await expect(detailsFrame.getByTestId('expertise-input')).toHaveValue('');
await detailsFrame.getByTestId('name-input').fill('Testy McTest');
await detailsFrame.getByTestId('expertise-input').fill('Software development');
await detailsFrame.getByTestId('save-button').click();
await expect(profileModal).not.toBeVisible();
2024-09-25 15:16:08 +01:00
// playwright can lose focus on the editor which hides the member details,
// re-clicking here brings the member details back into view
await editor.click({force: true});
await waitEditorFocused(editor);
2024-03-12 17:39:36 +00:00
await expect(frame.getByTestId('member-name')).toHaveText('Testy McTest');
2024-09-18 14:52:13 +02:00
await expect(frame.getByTestId('expertise-button')).toHaveText('·Software development');
2024-03-12 17:39:36 +00:00
2023-08-17 12:47:08 +02:00