2013-06-25 13:23:09 +01:00
/*global window, document, Ghost, $, _, Backbone, JST */
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
(function () {
"use strict";
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
var ContentList,
// Add shadow during scrolling
scrollShadow = function (target, e) {
if ($(e.currentTarget).scrollTop() > 10) {
} else {
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
// Base view
// ----------
2013-06-04 08:38:45 -04:00
Ghost.Views.Blog = Ghost.View.extend({
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
initialize: function (options) {
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
this.addSubview(new PreviewContainer({ el: '.js-content-preview', collection: this.collection })).render();
this.addSubview(new ContentList({ el: '.js-content-list', collection: this.collection })).render();
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
// Content list (sidebar)
// -----------------------
2013-06-04 08:38:45 -04:00
ContentList = Ghost.View.extend({
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
events: {
'click .content-list-content' : 'scrollHandler'
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
initialize: function (options) {
this.$('.content-list-content').on('scroll', _.bind(scrollShadow, null, '.content-list'));
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'remove', this.showNext);
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
showNext: function () {
var id = this.collection.at(0).id;
if (id) {
Backbone.trigger('blog:activeItem', id);
render: function () {
this.collection.each(function (model) {
this.$('ol').append(this.addSubview(new ContentItem({model: model})).render().el);
}, this);
// Content Item
// -----------------------
2013-06-04 08:38:45 -04:00
ContentItem = Ghost.View.extend({
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
tagName: 'li',
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
events: {
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
'click a': 'setActiveItem'
active: false,
initialize: function () {
this.listenTo(Backbone, 'blog:activeItem', this.checkActive);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.removeItem);
removeItem: function () {
var view = this;
$.when(this.$el.slideUp()).then(function () {
// If the current item isn't active, we trigger the event to
// notify a change in which item we're viewing.
setActiveItem: function (e) {
if (this.active !== true) {
Backbone.trigger('blog:activeItem', this.model.id);
// Checks whether this item is active and doesn't match the current id.
checkActive: function (id) {
if (this.model.id !== id) {
if (this.active) {
this.active = false;
} else {
this.active = true;
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
showPreview: function (e) {
var item = $(e.currentTarget);
this.$('.content-list-content li').removeClass('active');
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
Backbone.trigger('blog:activeItem', item.data('id'));
2013-06-22 16:50:59 +01:00
templateName: "list-item",
2013-08-01 23:33:06 +01:00
templateData: function () {
return _.extend({active: this.active}, this.model.toJSON());
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
// Content preview
// ----------------
2013-06-04 08:38:45 -04:00
PreviewContainer = Ghost.View.extend({
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
activeId: null,
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
events: {
'click .post-controls .delete' : 'deletePost',
'click .post-controls .post-edit' : 'editPost'
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
initialize: function (options) {
this.listenTo(Backbone, 'blog:activeItem', this.setActivePreview);
this.$('.content-preview-content').on('scroll', _.bind(scrollShadow, null, '.content-preview'));
setActivePreview: function (id) {
if (this.activeId !== id) {
this.activeId = id;
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
deletePost: function (e) {
2013-08-05 10:16:31 +01:00
var self = this,
title = self.model.get('title');
this.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.Modal({
model: {
options: {
close: false,
confirm: {
accept: {
func: function () {
wait: true
}).then(function () {
self.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.NotificationCollection({
model: [{
type: 'success',
message: 'Your post: ' + title + ' has been deleted',
status: 'passive'
}, function () {
self.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.NotificationCollection({
model: [{
type: 'error',
message: 'Your post: ' + title + ' has not been deleted.',
status: 'passive'
text: "Yes"
reject: {
func: function () {
return true;
text: "No"
type: "action",
style: "wide",
animation: 'fadeIn'
content: {
template: 'blank',
title: 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?'
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
editPost: function (e) {
// for now this will disable "open in new tab", but when we have a Router implemented
// it can go back to being a normal link to '#/ghost/editor/X'
window.location = '/ghost/editor/' + this.model.get('id');
2013-06-22 16:50:59 +01:00
templateName: "preview",
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
render: function () {
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
if (this.activeId) {
this.model = this.collection.get(this.activeId);
2013-08-01 23:33:06 +01:00
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
this.$('.wrapper').on('click', 'a', function (e) {
$(e.currentTarget).attr('target', '_blank');
return this;
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
2013-06-01 19:45:02 -04:00
2013-05-31 06:58:20 +01:00
2013-08-01 23:33:06 +01:00