2024-02-28 12:52:24 +00:00
import {E2E_PORT} from '../../playwright.config';
import {MOCKED_SITE_URL, MockedApi} from '../utils/e2e';
import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test';
test.describe('Lazy loading', async () => {
test('delays loading of content until scrolled into view', async ({page}) => {
const mockedApi = new MockedApi({});
html: '<p>This is comment 1</p>'
const sitePath = MOCKED_SITE_URL;
await page.route(sitePath, async (route) => {
await route.fulfill({
status: 200,
// include a div at the top of the body that's 1.5x viewport height
// to force the need to scroll to see the comments
body: `<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /></head><body><div style="width: 100%; height: 1500px;"></div></body></html>`
const url = `http://localhost:${E2E_PORT}/comments-ui.min.js`;
await page.setViewportSize({width: 1000, height: 1000});
await page.goto(sitePath);
await mockedApi.listen({page, path: sitePath});
const options = {
publication: 'Publisher Weekly',
count: true,
title: 'Title',
ghostComments: MOCKED_SITE_URL,
postId: mockedApi.postId
await page.evaluate((data) => {
const scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
scriptTag.src = data.url;
for (const option of Object.keys(data.options)) {
scriptTag.dataset[option] = data.options[option];
}, {url, options});
await page.locator('iframe[title="comments-frame"]').waitFor({state: 'attached'});
const commentsFrameSelector = 'iframe[title="comments-frame"]';
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const adminFrameSelector = 'iframe[data-frame="admin-auth"]';
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2024-03-05 15:57:20 +00:00
const commentsFrame = page.frameLocator(commentsFrameSelector);
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// wait for a little bit to ensure we're not loading comments until scrolled
await page.waitForTimeout(250);
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// check that we haven't loaded comments or admin-auth yet
await expect(commentsFrame.getByTestId('loading')).toHaveCount(1);
await expect(page.locator(adminFrameSelector)).toHaveCount(0);
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2024-03-05 15:57:20 +00:00
// scroll the iframe into view
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const iframeHandle = await page.locator(commentsFrameSelector);
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// loading state should be gone and admin-auth frame should be present
await expect(commentsFrame.getByTestId('loading')).toHaveCount(0);
await expect(page.locator(adminFrameSelector)).toHaveCount(1);
2024-02-28 12:52:24 +00:00