Fork 0
mirror of https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo.git synced 2025-03-10 13:42:02 -05:00
Gusted 14d9c386fd
[UI] Fix HTMX support for profile card
- There were two issues with the profile card since the introduction of
HTMX in 3e8414179c. If an HTMX request
resulted in a flash message, it wasn't being shown and HTMX was
replacing all the HTML content instead of morphing it into the existing
DOM which caused event listeners to be lost for buttons.
- Flash messages are now properly being shown by using `hx-swap-oob`
and sending the alerts on a HTMX request, this does mean it requires
server-side changes in order to support HTMX requests like this, but
it's luckily not a big change either.
- Morphing is now enabled for the profile card by setting
`hx-swap="morph"`, and weirdly, the morphing library was already
installed and included as a dependency. This solves the issue of buttons
losing their event listeners.
- This patch also adds HTMX support to the modals feature, which means
that the blocking feature on the profile card now takes advantage of
- Added a E2E test.
2024-07-17 01:41:32 +02:00

390 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package user
import (
activities_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/activities"
repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
shared_user "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/web/shared/user"
user_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/user"
const (
tplProfileBigAvatar base.TplName = "shared/user/profile_big_avatar"
tplFollowUnfollow base.TplName = "org/follow_unfollow"
// OwnerProfile render profile page for a user or a organization (aka, repo owner)
func OwnerProfile(ctx *context.Context) {
if strings.Contains(ctx.Req.Header.Get("Accept"), "application/rss+xml") {
if strings.Contains(ctx.Req.Header.Get("Accept"), "application/atom+xml") {
if ctx.ContextUser.IsOrganization() {
} else {
func userProfile(ctx *context.Context) {
// check view permissions
if !user_model.IsUserVisibleToViewer(ctx, ctx.ContextUser, ctx.Doer) {
ctx.NotFound("user", fmt.Errorf(ctx.ContextUser.Name))
ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.ContextUser.DisplayName()
ctx.Data["PageIsUserProfile"] = true
// prepare heatmap data
if setting.Service.EnableUserHeatmap {
data, err := activities_model.GetUserHeatmapDataByUser(ctx, ctx.ContextUser, ctx.Doer)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("GetUserHeatmapDataByUser", err)
ctx.Data["HeatmapData"] = data
ctx.Data["HeatmapTotalContributions"] = activities_model.GetTotalContributionsInHeatmap(data)
profileDbRepo, profileGitRepo, profileReadmeBlob, profileClose := shared_user.FindUserProfileReadme(ctx, ctx.Doer)
defer profileClose()
showPrivate := ctx.IsSigned && (ctx.Doer.IsAdmin || ctx.Doer.ID == ctx.ContextUser.ID)
prepareUserProfileTabData(ctx, showPrivate, profileDbRepo, profileGitRepo, profileReadmeBlob)
// call PrepareContextForProfileBigAvatar later to avoid re-querying the NumFollowers & NumFollowing
ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplProfile)
func prepareUserProfileTabData(ctx *context.Context, showPrivate bool, profileDbRepo *repo_model.Repository, profileGitRepo *git.Repository, profileReadme *git.Blob) {
// if there is a profile readme, default to "overview" page, otherwise, default to "repositories" page
// if there is not a profile readme, the overview tab should be treated as the repositories tab
tab := ctx.FormString("tab")
if tab == "" || tab == "overview" {
if profileReadme != nil {
tab = "overview"
} else {
tab = "repositories"
ctx.Data["TabName"] = tab
ctx.Data["HasProfileReadme"] = profileReadme != nil
page := ctx.FormInt("page")
if page <= 0 {
page = 1
pagingNum := setting.UI.User.RepoPagingNum
topicOnly := ctx.FormBool("topic")
var (
repos []*repo_model.Repository
count int64
total int
orderBy db.SearchOrderBy
ctx.Data["SortType"] = ctx.FormString("sort")
switch ctx.FormString("sort") {
case "newest":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByNewest
case "oldest":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByOldest
case "recentupdate":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated
case "leastupdate":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByLeastUpdated
case "reversealphabetically":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByAlphabeticallyReverse
case "alphabetically":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByAlphabetically
case "moststars":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByStarsReverse
case "feweststars":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByStars
case "mostforks":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByForksReverse
case "fewestforks":
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByForks
ctx.Data["SortType"] = "recentupdate"
orderBy = db.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated
keyword := ctx.FormTrim("q")
ctx.Data["Keyword"] = keyword
language := ctx.FormTrim("language")
ctx.Data["Language"] = language
followers, numFollowers, err := user_model.GetUserFollowers(ctx, ctx.ContextUser, ctx.Doer, db.ListOptions{
PageSize: pagingNum,
Page: page,
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("GetUserFollowers", err)
ctx.Data["NumFollowers"] = numFollowers
following, numFollowing, err := user_model.GetUserFollowing(ctx, ctx.ContextUser, ctx.Doer, db.ListOptions{
PageSize: pagingNum,
Page: page,
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("GetUserFollowing", err)
ctx.Data["NumFollowing"] = numFollowing
archived := ctx.FormOptionalBool("archived")
ctx.Data["IsArchived"] = archived
fork := ctx.FormOptionalBool("fork")
ctx.Data["IsFork"] = fork
mirror := ctx.FormOptionalBool("mirror")
ctx.Data["IsMirror"] = mirror
template := ctx.FormOptionalBool("template")
ctx.Data["IsTemplate"] = template
private := ctx.FormOptionalBool("private")
ctx.Data["IsPrivate"] = private
switch tab {
case "followers":
ctx.Data["Cards"] = followers
total = int(numFollowers)
ctx.Data["CardsTitle"] = ctx.TrN(total, "user.followers.title.one", "user.followers.title.few")
case "following":
ctx.Data["Cards"] = following
total = int(numFollowing)
ctx.Data["CardsTitle"] = ctx.TrN(total, "user.following.title.one", "user.following.title.few")
case "activity":
date := ctx.FormString("date")
pagingNum = setting.UI.FeedPagingNum
items, count, err := activities_model.GetFeeds(ctx, activities_model.GetFeedsOptions{
RequestedUser: ctx.ContextUser,
Actor: ctx.Doer,
IncludePrivate: showPrivate,
OnlyPerformedBy: true,
IncludeDeleted: false,
Date: date,
ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
PageSize: pagingNum,
Page: page,
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("GetFeeds", err)
ctx.Data["Feeds"] = items
ctx.Data["Date"] = date
total = int(count)
case "stars":
ctx.Data["PageIsProfileStarList"] = true
repos, count, err = repo_model.SearchRepository(ctx, &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
PageSize: pagingNum,
Page: page,
Actor: ctx.Doer,
Keyword: keyword,
OrderBy: orderBy,
Private: ctx.IsSigned,
StarredByID: ctx.ContextUser.ID,
Collaborate: optional.Some(false),
TopicOnly: topicOnly,
Language: language,
IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
Archived: archived,
Fork: fork,
Mirror: mirror,
Template: template,
IsPrivate: private,
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)
total = int(count)
case "watching":
repos, count, err = repo_model.SearchRepository(ctx, &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
PageSize: pagingNum,
Page: page,
Actor: ctx.Doer,
Keyword: keyword,
OrderBy: orderBy,
Private: ctx.IsSigned,
WatchedByID: ctx.ContextUser.ID,
Collaborate: optional.Some(false),
TopicOnly: topicOnly,
Language: language,
IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
Archived: archived,
Fork: fork,
Mirror: mirror,
Template: template,
IsPrivate: private,
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)
total = int(count)
case "overview":
if bytes, err := profileReadme.GetBlobContent(setting.UI.MaxDisplayFileSize); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to GetBlobContent: %v", err)
} else {
if profileContent, err := markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
Ctx: ctx,
GitRepo: profileGitRepo,
Links: markup.Links{
// Give the repo link to the markdown render for the full link of media element.
// the media link usually be like /[user]/[repoName]/media/branch/[branchName],
// Eg. /Tom/.profile/media/branch/main
// The branch shown on the profile page is the default branch, this need to be in sync with doc, see:
// https://docs.gitea.com/usage/profile-readme
Base: profileDbRepo.Link(),
BranchPath: path.Join("branch", util.PathEscapeSegments(profileDbRepo.DefaultBranch)),
Metas: map[string]string{"mode": "document"},
}, bytes); err != nil {
log.Error("failed to RenderString: %v", err)
} else {
ctx.Data["ProfileReadme"] = profileContent
default: // default to "repositories"
repos, count, err = repo_model.SearchRepository(ctx, &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
PageSize: pagingNum,
Page: page,
Actor: ctx.Doer,
Keyword: keyword,
OwnerID: ctx.ContextUser.ID,
OrderBy: orderBy,
Private: ctx.IsSigned,
Collaborate: optional.Some(false),
TopicOnly: topicOnly,
Language: language,
IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
Archived: archived,
Fork: fork,
Mirror: mirror,
Template: template,
IsPrivate: private,
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)
total = int(count)
ctx.Data["Repos"] = repos
ctx.Data["Total"] = total
err = shared_user.LoadHeaderCount(ctx)
if err != nil {
ctx.ServerError("LoadHeaderCount", err)
pager := context.NewPagination(total, pagingNum, page, 5)
pager.AddParam(ctx, "tab", "TabName")
if tab != "followers" && tab != "following" && tab != "activity" && tab != "projects" {
pager.AddParam(ctx, "language", "Language")
if tab == "activity" {
pager.AddParam(ctx, "date", "Date")
ctx.Data["Page"] = pager
// Action response for follow/unfollow user request
func Action(ctx *context.Context) {
var err error
action := ctx.FormString("action")
if ctx.ContextUser.IsOrganization() && (action == "block" || action == "unblock") {
log.Error("Cannot perform this action on an organization %q", ctx.FormString("action"))
ctx.JSONError(fmt.Sprintf("Action %q failed", ctx.FormString("action")))
switch action {
case "follow":
err = user_model.FollowUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
case "unfollow":
err = user_model.UnfollowUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
case "block":
err = user_service.BlockUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
case "unblock":
err = user_model.UnblockUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedByUser) {
log.Error("Failed to apply action %q: %v", ctx.FormString("action"), err)
ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Action %q failed", ctx.FormString("action")))
if ctx.ContextUser.IsOrganization() {
ctx.Flash.Error(ctx.Tr("org.follow_blocked_user"), true)
} else {
ctx.Flash.Error(ctx.Tr("user.follow_blocked_user"), true)
if ctx.ContextUser.IsIndividual() {
ctx.Data["IsHTMX"] = true
ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplProfileBigAvatar)
} else if ctx.ContextUser.IsOrganization() {
ctx.Data["Org"] = ctx.ContextUser
ctx.Data["IsFollowing"] = ctx.Doer != nil && user_model.IsFollowing(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplFollowUnfollow)
log.Error("Failed to apply action %q: unsupported context user type: %s", ctx.FormString("action"), ctx.ContextUser.Type)
ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Action %q failed", ctx.FormString("action")))