package mint import ( "bytes" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "time" ) func VersionNegotiation(offered, supported []uint16) (bool, uint16) { for _, offeredVersion := range offered { for _, supportedVersion := range supported { logf(logTypeHandshake, "[server] version offered by client [%04x] <> [%04x]", offeredVersion, supportedVersion) if offeredVersion == supportedVersion { // XXX: Should probably be highest supported version, but for now, we // only support one version, so it doesn't really matter. return true, offeredVersion } } } return false, 0 } func DHNegotiation(keyShares []KeyShareEntry, groups []NamedGroup) (bool, NamedGroup, []byte, []byte) { for _, share := range keyShares { for _, group := range groups { if group != share.Group { continue } pub, priv, err := newKeyShare(share.Group) if err != nil { // If we encounter an error, just keep looking continue } dhSecret, err := keyAgreement(share.Group, share.KeyExchange, priv) if err != nil { // If we encounter an error, just keep looking continue } return true, group, pub, dhSecret } } return false, 0, nil, nil } const ( ticketAgeTolerance uint32 = 5 * 1000 // five seconds in milliseconds ) func PSKNegotiation(identities []PSKIdentity, binders []PSKBinderEntry, context []byte, psks PreSharedKeyCache) (bool, int, *PreSharedKey, CipherSuiteParams, error) { logf(logTypeNegotiation, "Negotiating PSK offered=[%d] supported=[%d]", len(identities), psks.Size()) for i, id := range identities { identityHex := hex.EncodeToString(id.Identity) psk, ok := psks.Get(identityHex) if !ok { logf(logTypeNegotiation, "No PSK for identity %x", identityHex) continue } // For resumption, make sure the ticket age is correct if psk.IsResumption { extTicketAge := id.ObfuscatedTicketAge - psk.TicketAgeAdd knownTicketAge := uint32(time.Since(psk.ReceivedAt) / time.Millisecond) ticketAgeDelta := knownTicketAge - extTicketAge if knownTicketAge < extTicketAge { ticketAgeDelta = extTicketAge - knownTicketAge } if ticketAgeDelta > ticketAgeTolerance { logf(logTypeNegotiation, "WARNING potential replay [%x]", psk.Identity) logf(logTypeNegotiation, "Ticket age exceeds tolerance |%d - %d| = [%d] > [%d]", extTicketAge, knownTicketAge, ticketAgeDelta, ticketAgeTolerance) return false, 0, nil, CipherSuiteParams{}, fmt.Errorf("WARNING Potential replay for identity %x", psk.Identity) } } params, ok := cipherSuiteMap[psk.CipherSuite] if !ok { err := fmt.Errorf("tls.cryptoinit: Unsupported ciphersuite from PSK [%04x]", psk.CipherSuite) return false, 0, nil, CipherSuiteParams{}, err } // Compute binder binderLabel := labelExternalBinder if psk.IsResumption { binderLabel = labelResumptionBinder } h0 := params.Hash.New().Sum(nil) zero := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, params.Hash.Size()) earlySecret := HkdfExtract(params.Hash, zero, psk.Key) binderKey := deriveSecret(params, earlySecret, binderLabel, h0) // context = ClientHello[truncated] // context = ClientHello1 + HelloRetryRequest + ClientHello2[truncated] ctxHash := params.Hash.New() ctxHash.Write(context) binder := computeFinishedData(params, binderKey, ctxHash.Sum(nil)) if !bytes.Equal(binder, binders[i].Binder) { logf(logTypeNegotiation, "Binder check failed for identity %x; [%x] != [%x]", psk.Identity, binder, binders[i].Binder) return false, 0, nil, CipherSuiteParams{}, fmt.Errorf("Binder check failed identity %x", psk.Identity) } logf(logTypeNegotiation, "Using PSK with identity %x", psk.Identity) return true, i, &psk, params, nil } logf(logTypeNegotiation, "Failed to find a usable PSK") return false, 0, nil, CipherSuiteParams{}, nil } func PSKModeNegotiation(canDoDH, canDoPSK bool, modes []PSKKeyExchangeMode) (bool, bool) { logf(logTypeNegotiation, "Negotiating PSK modes [%v] [%v] [%+v]", canDoDH, canDoPSK, modes) dhAllowed := false dhRequired := true for _, mode := range modes { dhAllowed = dhAllowed || (mode == PSKModeDHEKE) dhRequired = dhRequired && (mode == PSKModeDHEKE) } // Use PSK if we can meet DH requirement and modes were provided usingPSK := canDoPSK && (!dhRequired || canDoDH) && (len(modes) > 0) // Use DH if allowed usingDH := canDoDH && (dhAllowed || !usingPSK) logf(logTypeNegotiation, "Results of PSK mode negotiation: usingDH=[%v] usingPSK=[%v]", usingDH, usingPSK) return usingDH, usingPSK } func CertificateSelection(serverName *string, signatureSchemes []SignatureScheme, certs []*Certificate) (*Certificate, SignatureScheme, error) { // Select for server name if provided candidates := certs if serverName != nil { candidatesByName := []*Certificate{} for _, cert := range certs { for _, name := range cert.Chain[0].DNSNames { if len(*serverName) > 0 && name == *serverName { candidatesByName = append(candidatesByName, cert) } } } if len(candidatesByName) == 0 { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("No certificates available for server name") } candidates = candidatesByName } // Select for signature scheme for _, cert := range candidates { for _, scheme := range signatureSchemes { if !schemeValidForKey(scheme, cert.PrivateKey) { continue } return cert, scheme, nil } } return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("No certificates compatible with signature schemes") } func EarlyDataNegotiation(usingPSK, gotEarlyData, allowEarlyData bool) bool { usingEarlyData := gotEarlyData && usingPSK && allowEarlyData logf(logTypeNegotiation, "Early data negotiation (%v, %v, %v) => %v", usingPSK, gotEarlyData, allowEarlyData, usingEarlyData) return usingEarlyData } func CipherSuiteNegotiation(psk *PreSharedKey, offered, supported []CipherSuite) (CipherSuite, error) { for _, s1 := range offered { if psk != nil { if s1 == psk.CipherSuite { return s1, nil } continue } for _, s2 := range supported { if s1 == s2 { return s1, nil } } } return 0, fmt.Errorf("No overlap between offered and supproted ciphersuites (psk? [%v])", psk != nil) } func ALPNNegotiation(psk *PreSharedKey, offered, supported []string) (string, error) { for _, p1 := range offered { if psk != nil { if p1 != psk.NextProto { continue } } for _, p2 := range supported { if p1 == p2 { return p1, nil } } } // If the client offers ALPN on resumption, it must match the earlier one var err error if psk != nil && psk.IsResumption && (len(offered) > 0) { err = fmt.Errorf("ALPN for PSK not provided") } return "", err }