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Michael Rienstra 7481ffda02
create-astro: always create tsconfig.json (#4810)
* `create-astro`: always create `tsconfig.json`

Currently, we only make sure `tsconfig.json` exists when `strict` or `strictest` is selected. Both `default` & `optout` are intended to correspond to `base` -- and will do so for all [23 official templates](https://github.com/withastro/astro/tree/main/examples), but not necessarily for third-party templates.

The [example command for installing a third-party template](https://github.com/withastro/astro/blob/a800bf7/packages/create-astro/README.md?plain=1#L31-L35) is (rather conveniently for the sake of this PR!) an example of a template without a `tsconfig.json` file, and installing it with the `default` ("Relaxed") Typescript option results in no `tsconfig.json` file, rather than a `tsconfig.json` file containing `{ "extends": "astro/tsconfigs/base" }` as would be expected.

This PR addresses this scenario. 

It also explicitly sets the `tsconfig.json` file to `{ "extends": "astro/tsconfigs/base" }` when `default` (which I renamed to `base`, still presented to the user as "Relaxed") or `optout` is selected (`optout` has always printed a warning about the importance of `tsconfig.json` & `src/env.d.ts` but otherwise behaved identically to `default`). This is necessary in two scenarios:

1. When the `tsconfig.json` file was created by this script.
2. When it either didn't already include `"extends"`, or it extended a different config by default. For example, some third-party templates might default to `strict`, in which case I'm guessing we'd want to respect the user's choice and change that to `base`.

* update `del` 6.1.1 --> 7.0.0

* test: prevent excess writes
(without this it triggers many times)

* test: create-astro typescript prompt

* changeset

* fix: recursive `mkdirSync`

* test: longer timeout for `windows-latest` OS
(see if this fixes failing tests)

* better glob path creation, don't hardcode `/`

* test: longer timeout for windows-latest OS
(since I'm about to trigger another CI run by pushing a commit, might as well try this too)

* create-astro test: show last CLI output on timeout

* drop variable timeout
Typescript tests are slower than directory tests, but they are all usually less than 5000 ms. Less complexity, easier to maintain.

* DRY new error output

* Update lockfile

* Sync lockfile with main

* Update lockfile

Co-authored-by: Princesseuh <princssdev@gmail.com>
2022-09-22 14:37:01 -04:00

113 lines
2.8 KiB

import esbuild from 'esbuild';
import svelte from '../utils/svelte-plugin.js';
import { deleteAsync } from 'del';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import { dim, green, red, yellow } from 'kleur/colors';
import glob from 'tiny-glob';
import prebuild from './prebuild.js';
/** @type {import('esbuild').BuildOptions} */
const defaultConfig = {
minify: false,
format: 'esm',
platform: 'node',
target: 'node14',
sourcemap: false,
sourcesContent: false,
const dt = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-us', {
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
function getPrebuilds(isDev, args) {
let prebuilds = [];
while (args.includes('--prebuild')) {
let idx = args.indexOf('--prebuild');
prebuilds.push(args[idx + 1]);
args.splice(idx, 2);
if (prebuilds.length && isDev) {
return prebuilds;
export default async function build(...args) {
const config = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig);
const isDev = args.slice(-1)[0] === 'IS_DEV';
const prebuilds = getPrebuilds(isDev, args);
const patterns = args
.filter((f) => !!f) // remove empty args
.map((f) => f.replace(/^'/, '').replace(/'$/, '')); // Needed for Windows: glob strings contain surrounding string chars??? remove these
let entryPoints = [].concat(
...(await Promise.all(
patterns.map((pattern) => glob(pattern, { filesOnly: true, absolute: true }))
const noClean = args.includes('--no-clean-dist');
const forceCJS = args.includes('--force-cjs');
const {
type = 'module',
dependencies = {},
} = await fs.readFile('./package.json').then((res) => JSON.parse(res.toString()));
// expose PACKAGE_VERSION on process.env for CLI utils
config.define = { 'process.env.PACKAGE_VERSION': JSON.stringify(version) };
const format = type === 'module' && !forceCJS ? 'esm' : 'cjs';
const outdir = 'dist';
if (!noClean) {
await clean(outdir);
if (!isDev) {
await esbuild.build({
bundle: false,
outExtension: forceCJS ? { '.js': '.cjs' } : {},
const builder = await esbuild.build({
watch: {
onRebuild(error, result) {
if (prebuilds.length) {
const date = dt.format(new Date());
if (error || (result && result.errors.length)) {
console.error(dim(`[${date}] `) + red(error || result.errors.join('\n')));
} else {
if (result.warnings.length) {
dim(`[${date}] `) + yellow('⚠ updated with warnings:\n' + result.warnings.join('\n'))
console.log(dim(`[${date}] `) + green('✔ updated'));
plugins: [svelte({ isDev })],
process.on('beforeExit', () => {
builder.stop && builder.stop();
async function clean(outdir) {
return deleteAsync([`${outdir}/**`, `!${outdir}/**/*.d.ts`]);