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synced 2025-03-24 23:21:57 -05:00
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import crypto from 'crypto';
import path from 'path';
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';
import postcss from 'postcss';
import findUp from 'find-up';
import sass from 'sass';
import { Optimizer } from '../../@types/optimizer';
import type { TemplateNode } from '../../parser/interfaces';
import astroScopedStyles from './postcss-scoped-styles/index.js';
type StyleType = 'css' | 'scss' | 'sass' | 'postcss';
const getStyleType: Map<string, StyleType> = new Map([
['.css', 'css'],
['.pcss', 'postcss'],
['.sass', 'sass'],
['.scss', 'scss'],
['css', 'css'],
['postcss', 'postcss'],
['sass', 'sass'],
['scss', 'scss'],
['text/css', 'css'],
['text/postcss', 'postcss'],
['text/sass', 'sass'],
['text/scss', 'scss'],
const SASS_OPTIONS: Partial<sass.Options> = {
outputStyle: 'compressed',
/** HTML tags that should never get scoped classes */
const NEVER_SCOPED_TAGS = new Set<string>(['html', 'head', 'body', 'script', 'style', 'link', 'meta']);
/** Should be deterministic, given a unique filename */
function hashFromFilename(filename: string): string {
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
return hash
.update(filename.replace(/\\/g, '/'))
.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-]/g, '')
.substr(0, 8);
export interface StyleTransformResult {
css: string;
type: StyleType;
// cache node_modules resolutions for each run. saves looking up the same directory over and over again. blown away on exit.
const nodeModulesMiniCache = new Map<string, string>();
/** Convert styles to scoped CSS */
async function transformStyle(code: string, { type, filename, scopedClass }: { type?: string; filename: string; scopedClass: string }): Promise<StyleTransformResult> {
let styleType: StyleType = 'css'; // important: assume CSS as default
if (type) {
styleType = getStyleType.get(type) || styleType;
// add file path to includePaths
let includePaths: string[] = [path.dirname(filename)];
// include node_modules to includePaths (allows @use-ing node modules, if it can be located)
const cachedNodeModulesDir = nodeModulesMiniCache.get(filename);
if (cachedNodeModulesDir) {
} else {
const nodeModulesDir = await findUp('node_modules', { type: 'directory', cwd: path.dirname(filename) });
if (nodeModulesDir) {
nodeModulesMiniCache.set(filename, nodeModulesDir);
let css = '';
switch (styleType) {
case 'css': {
css = code;
case 'sass':
case 'scss': {
css = sass.renderSync({ ...SASS_OPTIONS, data: code, includePaths }).css.toString('utf8');
default: {
throw new Error(`Unsupported: <style lang="${styleType}">`);
css = await postcss([astroScopedStyles({ className: scopedClass }), autoprefixer()])
.process(css, { from: filename, to: undefined })
.then((result) => result.css);
return { css, type: styleType };
export default function ({ filename, fileID }: { filename: string; fileID: string }): Optimizer {
const styleNodes: TemplateNode[] = []; // <style> tags to be updated
const styleTransformPromises: Promise<StyleTransformResult>[] = []; // async style transform results to be finished in finalize();
let rootNode: TemplateNode; // root node which needs <style> tags
const scopedClass = `astro-${hashFromFilename(fileID)}`; // this *should* generate same hash from fileID every time
return {
visitors: {
html: {
Element: {
enter(node) {
// 1. if <style> tag, transform it and continue to next node
if (node.name === 'style') {
// Same as ast.css (below)
const code = Array.isArray(node.children) ? node.children.map(({ data }: any) => data).join('\n') : '';
if (!code) return;
const langAttr = (node.attributes || []).find(({ name }: any) => name === 'lang');
transformStyle(code, {
type: (langAttr && langAttr.value[0] && langAttr.value[0].data) || undefined,
// 2. find the root node to inject the <style> tag in later
// TODO: remove this when we are injecting <link> tags into <head>
if (node.name === 'head') {
rootNode = node; // If this is <head>, this is what we want. Always take this if found. However, this may not always exist (it won’t for Component subtrees).
} else if (!rootNode) {
rootNode = node; // If no <head> (yet), then take the first element we come to and assume it‘s the “root” (but if we find a <head> later, then override this per the above)
// 3. add scoped HTML classes
if (NEVER_SCOPED_TAGS.has(node.name)) return; // only continue if this is NOT a <script> tag, etc.
// Note: currently we _do_ scope web components/custom elements. This seems correct?
if (!node.attributes) node.attributes = [];
const classIndex = node.attributes.findIndex(({ name }: any) => name === 'class');
if (classIndex === -1) {
// 3a. element has no class="" attribute; add one and append scopedClass
node.attributes.push({ start: -1, end: -1, type: 'Attribute', name: 'class', value: [{ type: 'Text', raw: scopedClass, data: scopedClass }] });
} else {
// 3b. element has class=""; append scopedClass
const attr = node.attributes[classIndex];
for (let k = 0; k < attr.value.length; k++) {
if (attr.value[k].type === 'Text') {
// string literal
attr.value[k].raw += ' ' + scopedClass;
attr.value[k].data += ' ' + scopedClass;
} else if (attr.value[k].type === 'MustacheTag' && attr.value[k]) {
// MustacheTag
attr.value[k].content = `(${attr.value[k].content}) + ' ${scopedClass}'`;
// CSS: compile styles, apply CSS Modules scoping
css: {
Style: {
enter(node) {
// Same as ast.html (above)
// Note: this is duplicated from html because of the compiler we‘re using; in a future version we should combine these
if (!node.content || !node.content.styles) return;
const code = node.content.styles;
const langAttr = (node.attributes || []).find(({ name }: any) => name === 'lang');
transformStyle(code, {
type: (langAttr && langAttr.value[0] && langAttr.value[0].data) || undefined,
// TODO: we should delete the old untransformed <style> node after we’re done.
// However, the svelte parser left it in ast.css, not ast.html. At the final step, this just gets ignored, so it will be deleted, in a sense.
// If we ever end up scanning ast.css for something else, then we’ll need to actually delete the node (or transform it to the processed version)
async finalize() {
const styleTransforms = await Promise.all(styleTransformPromises);
if (!rootNode) {
throw new Error(`No root node found`); // TODO: remove this eventually; we should always find it, but for now alert if there’s a bug in our code
// 1. transform <style> tags
styleTransforms.forEach((result, n) => {
if (styleNodes[n].attributes) {
// 1b. Inject final CSS
const isHeadStyle = !styleNodes[n].content;
if (isHeadStyle) {
// Note: <style> tags in <head> have different attributes/rules, because of the parser. Unknown why
(styleNodes[n].children as any) = [{ ...(styleNodes[n].children as any)[0], data: result.css }];
} else {
styleNodes[n].content.styles = result.css;
// 3b. Update <style> attributes
const styleTypeIndex = styleNodes[n].attributes.findIndex(({ name }: any) => name === 'type');
if (styleTypeIndex !== -1) {
styleNodes[n].attributes[styleTypeIndex].value[0].raw = 'text/css';
styleNodes[n].attributes[styleTypeIndex].value[0].data = 'text/css';
} else {
styleNodes[n].attributes.push({ name: 'type', type: 'Attribute', value: [{ type: 'Text', raw: 'text/css', data: 'text/css' }] });
const styleLangIndex = styleNodes[n].attributes.findIndex(({ name }: any) => name === 'lang');
if (styleLangIndex !== -1) styleNodes[n].attributes.splice(styleLangIndex, 1);
// 2. inject finished <style> tags into root node
// TODO: pull out into <link> tags for deduping
rootNode.children = [...styleNodes, ...(rootNode.children || [])];