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import type { Properties, Root } from 'hast';
import {
type BundledLanguage,
type HighlighterCoreOptions,
type LanguageRegistration,
type ShikiTransformer,
type ThemeRegistration,
type ThemeRegistrationRaw,
} from 'shiki';
import type { ThemePresets } from './types.js';
export interface ShikiHighlighter {
code: string,
lang?: string,
options?: ShikiHighlighterHighlightOptions,
): Promise<Root>;
code: string,
lang?: string,
options?: ShikiHighlighterHighlightOptions,
): Promise<string>;
export interface CreateShikiHighlighterOptions {
langs?: LanguageRegistration[];
theme?: ThemePresets | ThemeRegistration | ThemeRegistrationRaw;
themes?: Record<string, ThemePresets | ThemeRegistration | ThemeRegistrationRaw>;
langAlias?: HighlighterCoreOptions['langAlias'];
export interface ShikiHighlighterHighlightOptions {
* Generate inline code element only, without the pre element wrapper.
inline?: boolean;
* Enable word wrapping.
* - true: enabled.
* - false: disabled.
* - null: All overflow styling removed. Code will overflow the element by default.
wrap?: boolean | null;
* Chooses a theme from the "themes" option that you've defined as the default styling theme.
defaultColor?: 'light' | 'dark' | string | false;
* Shiki transformers to customize the generated HTML by manipulating the hast tree.
transformers?: ShikiTransformer[];
* Additional attributes to be added to the root code block element.
attributes?: Record<string, string>;
* Raw `meta` information to be used by Shiki transformers.
meta?: string;
let _cssVariablesTheme: ReturnType<typeof createCssVariablesTheme>;
const cssVariablesTheme = () =>
_cssVariablesTheme ??
(_cssVariablesTheme = createCssVariablesTheme({
variablePrefix: '--astro-code-',
export async function createShikiHighlighter({
langs = [],
theme = 'github-dark',
themes = {},
langAlias = {},
}: CreateShikiHighlighterOptions = {}): Promise<ShikiHighlighter> {
theme = theme === 'css-variables' ? cssVariablesTheme() : theme;
const highlighter = await createHighlighter({
langs: ['plaintext', ...langs],
themes: Object.values(themes).length ? Object.values(themes) : [theme],
async function highlight(
code: string,
lang = 'plaintext',
options: ShikiHighlighterHighlightOptions,
to: 'hast' | 'html',
) {
const resolvedLang = langAlias[lang] ?? lang;
const loadedLanguages = highlighter.getLoadedLanguages();
if (!isSpecialLang(lang) && !loadedLanguages.includes(resolvedLang)) {
try {
await highlighter.loadLanguage(resolvedLang as BundledLanguage);
} catch (_err) {
const langStr =
lang === resolvedLang ? `"${lang}"` : `"${lang}" (aliased to "${resolvedLang}")`;
console.warn(`[Shiki] The language ${langStr} doesn't exist, falling back to "plaintext".`);
lang = 'plaintext';
const themeOptions = Object.values(themes).length ? { themes } : { theme };
const inline = options?.inline ?? false;
return highlighter[to === 'html' ? 'codeToHtml' : 'codeToHast'](code, {
defaultColor: options.defaultColor,
// NOTE: while we can spread `options.attributes` here so that Shiki can auto-serialize this as rendered
// attributes on the top-level tag, it's not clear whether it is fine to pass all attributes as meta, as
// they're technically not meta, nor parsed from Shiki's `parseMetaString` API.
meta: options?.meta ? { __raw: options?.meta } : undefined,
transformers: [
pre(node) {
// Swap to `code` tag if inline
if (inline) {
node.tagName = 'code';
const {
class: attributesClass,
style: attributesStyle,
} = options?.attributes ?? {};
Object.assign(node.properties, rest);
const classValue =
(normalizePropAsString(node.properties.class) ?? '') +
(attributesClass ? ` ${attributesClass}` : '');
const styleValue =
(normalizePropAsString(node.properties.style) ?? '') +
(attributesStyle ? `; ${attributesStyle}` : '');
// Replace "shiki" class naming with "astro-code"
node.properties.class = classValue.replace(/shiki/g, 'astro-code');
// Add data-language attribute
node.properties.dataLanguage = lang;
// Handle code wrapping
// if wrap=null, do nothing.
if (options.wrap === false || options.wrap === undefined) {
node.properties.style = styleValue + '; overflow-x: auto;';
} else if (options.wrap === true) {
node.properties.style =
styleValue + '; overflow-x: auto; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;';
line(node) {
// Add "user-select: none;" for "+"/"-" diff symbols.
// Transform `<span class="line"><span style="...">+ something</span></span>
// into `<span class="line"><span style="..."><span style="user-select: none;">+</span> something</span></span>`
if (resolvedLang === 'diff') {
const innerSpanNode = node.children[0];
const innerSpanTextNode =
innerSpanNode?.type === 'element' && innerSpanNode.children?.[0];
if (innerSpanTextNode && innerSpanTextNode.type === 'text') {
const start = innerSpanTextNode.value[0];
if (start === '+' || start === '-') {
innerSpanTextNode.value = innerSpanTextNode.value.slice(1);
type: 'element',
tagName: 'span',
properties: { style: 'user-select: none;' },
children: [{ type: 'text', value: start }],
code(node) {
if (inline) {
return node.children[0] as typeof node;
...(options.transformers ?? []),
return {
codeToHast(code, lang, options = {}) {
return highlight(code, lang, options, 'hast') as Promise<Root>;
codeToHtml(code, lang, options = {}) {
return highlight(code, lang, options, 'html') as Promise<string>;
function normalizePropAsString(value: Properties[string]): string | null {
return Array.isArray(value) ? value.join(' ') : (value as string | null);