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2024-02-09 13:57:42 -05:00

249 lines
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import type { SqliteRemoteDatabase } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-proxy';
import {
type BooleanField,
type DBCollection,
type DBCollections,
type DBField,
type DateField,
type FieldType,
type JsonField,
type NumberField,
type TextField,
} from '../core/types.js';
import { bold } from 'kleur/colors';
import { SQL, sql } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { SQLiteAsyncDialect } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core';
import type { AstroIntegrationLogger } from 'astro';
import type { DBUserConfig } from '../core/types.js';
import { hasPrimaryKey } from '../runtime/index.js';
const sqlite = new SQLiteAsyncDialect();
export async function setupDbTables({
// TODO: Remove once Turso has foreign key PRAGMA support
}: {
db: SqliteRemoteDatabase;
data?: DBUserConfig['data'];
collections: DBCollections;
logger?: AstroIntegrationLogger;
mode: 'dev' | 'build';
}) {
const setupQueries: SQL[] = [];
for (const [name, collection] of Object.entries(collections)) {
const dropQuery = sql.raw(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${name}`);
const createQuery = sql.raw(getCreateTableQuery(name, collection));
const indexQueries = getCreateIndexQueries(name, collection);
setupQueries.push(dropQuery, createQuery, ...indexQueries.map((s) => sql.raw(s)));
for (const q of setupQueries) {
await db.run(q);
if (data) {
try {
await data({
seed: async ({ table }, values) => {
const result = Array.isArray(values)
? db.insert(table).values(values).returning()
: db
.values(values as any)
// Drizzle types don't *quite* line up, and it's tough to debug why.
// we're casting and calling this close enough :)
return result as any;
} catch (error) {
(logger ?? console).error(
`Failed to seed data. Did you update to match recent schema changes?`
(logger ?? console).error(error as string);
export function getCreateTableQuery(collectionName: string, collection: DBCollection) {
let query = `CREATE TABLE ${sqlite.escapeName(collectionName)} (`;
const colQueries = [];
const colHasPrimaryKey = Object.entries(collection.fields).find(([, field]) =>
if (!colHasPrimaryKey) {
colQueries.push('_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY');
for (const [columnName, column] of Object.entries(collection.fields)) {
const colQuery = `${sqlite.escapeName(columnName)} ${schemaTypeToSqlType(
)}${getModifiers(columnName, column)}`;
colQueries.push(...getCreateForeignKeyQueries(collectionName, collection));
query += colQueries.join(', ') + ')';
return query;
export function getCreateIndexQueries(
collectionName: string,
collection: Pick<DBCollection, 'indexes'>
) {
let queries: string[] = [];
for (const [indexName, indexProps] of Object.entries(collection.indexes ?? {})) {
const onColNames = asArray(indexProps.on);
const onCols = onColNames.map((colName) => sqlite.escapeName(colName));
const unique = indexProps.unique ? 'UNIQUE ' : '';
const indexQuery = `CREATE ${unique}INDEX ${sqlite.escapeName(
)} ON ${sqlite.escapeName(collectionName)} (${onCols.join(', ')})`;
return queries;
export function getCreateForeignKeyQueries(collectionName: string, collection: DBCollection) {
let queries: string[] = [];
for (const foreignKey of collection.foreignKeys ?? []) {
const fields = asArray(foreignKey.fields);
const references = asArray(foreignKey.references);
if (fields.length !== references.length) {
throw new Error(
`Foreign key on ${collectionName} is misconfigured. \`fields\` and \`references\` must be the same length.`
const referencedCollection = references[0]?.collection;
if (!referencedCollection) {
throw new Error(
`Foreign key on ${collectionName} is misconfigured. \`references\` cannot be empty.`
const query = `FOREIGN KEY (${fields
.map((f) => sqlite.escapeName(f))
.join(', ')}) REFERENCES ${sqlite.escapeName(referencedCollection)}(${references
.map((r) => sqlite.escapeName(r.name!))
.join(', ')})`;
return queries;
function asArray<T>(value: T | T[]) {
return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
export function schemaTypeToSqlType(type: FieldType): 'text' | 'integer' {
switch (type) {
case 'date':
case 'text':
case 'json':
return 'text';
case 'number':
case 'boolean':
return 'integer';
export function getModifiers(fieldName: string, field: DBField) {
let modifiers = '';
if (hasPrimaryKey(field)) {
return ' PRIMARY KEY';
if (!field.optional) {
modifiers += ' NOT NULL';
if (field.unique) {
modifiers += ' UNIQUE';
if (hasDefault(field)) {
modifiers += ` DEFAULT ${getDefaultValueSql(fieldName, field)}`;
const references = getReferencesConfig(field);
if (references) {
const { collection, name } = references;
if (!collection || !name) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid reference for field ${fieldName}. This is an unexpected error that should be reported to the Astro team.`
modifiers += ` REFERENCES ${sqlite.escapeName(collection)} (${sqlite.escapeName(name)})`;
return modifiers;
export function getReferencesConfig(field: DBField) {
const canHaveReferences = field.type === 'number' || field.type === 'text';
if (!canHaveReferences) return undefined;
return field.references;
// Using `DBField` will not narrow `default` based on the column `type`
// Handle each field separately
type WithDefaultDefined<T extends DBField> = T & Required<Pick<T, 'default'>>;
type DBFieldWithDefault =
| WithDefaultDefined<TextField>
| WithDefaultDefined<DateField>
| WithDefaultDefined<NumberField>
| WithDefaultDefined<BooleanField>
| WithDefaultDefined<JsonField>;
// Type narrowing the default fails on union types, so use a type guard
export function hasDefault(field: DBField): field is DBFieldWithDefault {
if (field.default !== undefined) {
return true;
if (hasPrimaryKey(field) && field.type === 'number') {
return true;
return false;
function toStringDefault<T>(def: T | SQL<any>): string {
const type = typeof def;
if (def instanceof SQL) {
return sqlite.sqlToQuery(def).sql;
} else if (type === 'string') {
return sqlite.escapeString(def as string);
} else if (type === 'boolean') {
return def ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
} else {
return def + '';
function getDefaultValueSql(columnName: string, column: DBFieldWithDefault): string {
switch (column.type) {
case 'boolean':
case 'number':
case 'text':
case 'date':
return toStringDefault(column.default);
case 'json': {
let stringified = '';
try {
stringified = JSON.stringify(column.default);
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
`Invalid default value for column ${bold(
)}. Defaults must be valid JSON when using the \`json()\` type.`
return sqlite.escapeString(stringified);