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2024-08-16 12:09:20 +08:00
index.ts update formatter config (#11640) 2024-08-08 12:12:50 +02:00
plugins.ts update formatter config (#11640) 2024-08-08 12:12:50 +02:00
README.md MDX integration v3 (#10935) 2024-05-08 10:25:27 +01:00
rehype-apply-frontmatter-export.ts update formatter config (#11640) 2024-08-08 12:12:50 +02:00
rehype-collect-headings.ts update formatter config (#11640) 2024-08-08 12:12:50 +02:00
rehype-images-to-component.ts update formatter config (#11640) 2024-08-08 12:12:50 +02:00
rehype-optimize-static.ts update formatter config (#11640) 2024-08-08 12:12:50 +02:00
utils.ts update formatter config (#11640) 2024-08-08 12:12:50 +02:00
vite-plugin-mdx-postprocess.ts update formatter config (#11640) 2024-08-08 12:12:50 +02:00
vite-plugin-mdx.ts Fix MDX stack trace location with frontmatter (#11717) 2024-08-16 12:09:20 +08:00

Internal documentation


The rehype-optimize-static plugin helps optimize the intermediate hast when processing MDX, collapsing static subtrees of the hast as a "static string" in the final JSX output. Here's a "before" and "after" result:


function _createMdxContent() {
  return (
      <h1>My MDX Content</h1>
        <code class="language-js">
          <span class="token function">console</span>
          <span class="token punctuation">.</span>
          <span class="token function">log</span>
          <span class="token punctuation">(</span>
          <span class="token string">'hello world'</span>
          <span class="token punctuation">)</span>


function _createMdxContent() {
  return <Fragment set:html="<h1>My MDX Content</h1>\n<code class=...</code>" />;

NOTE: If one of the nodes in pre is MDX, the optimization will not be applied to pre, but could be applied to the inner MDX node if its children are static.

This results in fewer JSX nodes, less compiled JS output, and less parsed AST, which results in faster Rollup builds and runtime rendering.

To achieve this, we use an algorithm to detect hast subtrees that are entirely static (containing no JSX) to be inlined as set:html to the root of the subtree.

The next section explains the algorithm, which you can follow along by pairing with the source code. To analyze the hast, you can paste the MDX code into https://mdxjs.com/playground.

How it works

The flow can be divided into a "scan phase" and a "mutation phase". The scan phase searches for nodes that can be optimized, and the mutation phase applies the optimization on the hast nodes.

Scan phase


  • allPossibleElements: A set of subtree roots where we can add a new set:html property with its children as value.
  • elementStack: The stack of elements (that could be subtree roots) while traversing the hast (node ancestors).
  • elementMetadatas: A weak map to store the metadata used only by the mutation phase later.


  1. Walk the hast tree.
  2. For each node we enter, if the node is static (type is element or starts with mdx), record in allPossibleElements and push to elementStack. We also record additional metadata in elementMetadatas for the mutation phase later.
    • Q: Why do we record mdxJsxFlowElement, it's MDX?
      A: Because we're looking for nodes whose children are static. The node itself doesn't need to be static.
    • Q: Are we sure this is the subtree root node in allPossibleElements?
      A: No, but we'll clear that up later in step 3.
  3. For each node we leave, pop from elementStack. If the node's parent is in allPossibleElements, we also remove the node from allPossibleElements.
    • Q: Why do we check for the node's parent?
      A: Checking for the node's parent allows us to identify a subtree root. When we enter a subtree like C -> D -> E, we leave in reverse: E -> D -> C. When we leave E, we see that it's parent D exists, so we remove E. When we leave D, we see C exists, so we remove D. When we leave C, we see that its parent doesn't exist, so we keep C, a subtree root.
  4. (Returning to the code written for step 2's node enter handling) We also need to handle the case where we find non-static elements. If found, we remove all the elements in elementStack from allPossibleElements. This happens before the code in step 2.
    • Q: Why?
      A: Because if the node isn't static, that means all its ancestors (elementStack) have non-static children. So, the ancestors couldn't be a subtree root to be optimized anymore.
    • Q: Why before step 2's node enter handling?
      A: If we find a non-static node, the node should still be considered in allPossibleElements as its children could be static.
  5. Walk done. This leaves us with allPossibleElements containing only subtree roots that can be optimized.
  6. Proceed to the mutation phase.

Mutation phase


  • allPossibleElements from the scan phase.
  • elementMetadatas from the scan phase.


  1. Before we mutate the hast tree, each element in allPossibleElements may have siblings that can be optimized together. Sibling elements are grouped with the findElementGroups() function, which returns an array of element groups (new variable elementGroups) and mutates allPossibleElements to remove elements that are already part of a group.

    • Q: How does findElementGroups() work?
      A: For each elements in allPossibleElements that are non-static, we're able to take the element metadata from elementMetadatas and guess the next sibling node. If the next sibling node is static and is an element in allPossibleElements, we group them together for optimization. It continues to guess until it hits a non-static node or an element not in allPossibleElements, which it'll finalize the group as part of the returned result.
  2. For each elements in allPossibleElements, we serailize them as HTML and add it to the set:html property of the hast node, and remove its children.

  3. For each element group in elementGroups, we serialize the group children as HTML and add it to a new <Fragment set:html="..." /> node, and replace the group children with the new <Fragment /> node.

  4. 🎉 The rest of the MDX pipeline will do its thing and generate the desired JSX like above.


MDX custom components

Astro's MDX implementation supports specifying export const components in the MDX file to render some HTML elements as Astro components or framework components. rehype-optimize-static also needs to parse this JS to recognize some elements as non-static.

Further optimizations

In Scan phase step 4,

we remove all the elements in elementStack from allPossibleElements

We can further optimize this by then also emptying the elementStack. This ensures that if we run this same flow for a deeper node in the tree, we don't remove the already-removed nodes from allPossibleElements.

While this breaks the concept of elementStack, it doesn't matter as the elementStack array pop in the "leave" handler (in step 3) would become a no-op.

Example elementStack value during walking phase:

Enter: A
Enter: A, B
Enter: A, B, C
(Non-static node found): <empty>
Enter: D
Enter: D, E
Leave: D
Leave: <empty>
Leave: <empty>
Leave: <empty>
Leave: <empty>