import type { Context } from './context'; import { execa } from 'execa'; import { info, spinner, title } from '../messages.js'; export async function dependencies( ctx: Pick ) { let deps = ctx.install ?? ctx.yes; if (deps === undefined) { ({ deps } = await ctx.prompt({ name: 'deps', type: 'confirm', label: title('deps'), message: `Install dependencies?`, hint: 'recommended', initial: true, })); ctx.install = deps; } if (ctx.dryRun) { await info('--dry-run', `Skipping dependency installation`); } else if (deps) { await spinner({ start: `Dependencies installing with ${ctx.pkgManager}...`, end: 'Dependencies installed', while: () => install({ pkgManager: ctx.pkgManager, cwd: ctx.cwd }), }); } else { await info( ctx.yes === false ? 'deps [skip]' : 'No problem!', 'Remember to install dependencies after setup.' ); } } async function install({ pkgManager, cwd }: { pkgManager: string; cwd: string }) { const installExec = execa(pkgManager, ['install'], { cwd }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { installExec.on('error', (error) => reject(error)); installExec.on('close', () => resolve()); }); }