import nodejs from '../dist/index.js'; import { loadFixture, createRequestAndResponse } from './test-utils.js'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; import { fetch } from 'undici'; describe('Prerendering', () => { /** @type {import('./test-utils').Fixture} */ let fixture; let server; before(async () => { process.env.ASTRO_NODE_AUTOSTART = 'disabled'; fixture = await loadFixture({ base: '/some-base', root: './fixtures/prerender/', output: 'server', adapter: nodejs({ mode: 'standalone' }), }); await; const { startServer } = await await load(); let res = startServer(); server = res.server; }); after(async () => { await server.stop(); }); async function load() { const mod = await import('./fixtures/prerender/dist/server/entry.mjs'); return mod; } it('Can render SSR route', async () => { const res = await fetch(`http://${}:${server.port}/some-base/one`); const html = await res.text(); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect($('h1').text()).to.equal('One'); }); it('Can render prerendered route', async () => { const res = await fetch(`http://${}:${server.port}/some-base/two`); const html = await res.text(); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect($('h1').text()).to.equal('Two'); }); it('Can render prerendered route with query params', async () => { const res = await fetch(`http://${}:${server.port}/some-base/two/?foo=bar`); const html = await res.text(); const $ = cheerio.load(html); expect(res.status).to.equal(200); expect($('h1').text()).to.equal('Two'); }); it('Omitting the trailing slash results in a redirect that includes the base', async () => { const res = await fetch(`http://${}:${server.port}/some-base/two`, { redirect: 'manual', }); expect(res.status).to.equal(301); expect(res.headers.get('location')).to.equal('/some-base/two/'); }); });