import type { AstroIntegration, AstroRenderer, ViteUserConfig } from 'astro'; import preact, { type PreactPluginOptions as VitePreactPluginOptions } from '@preact/preset-vite'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; const babelCwd = new URL('../', import.meta.url); function getRenderer(development: boolean): AstroRenderer { return { name: '@astrojs/preact', clientEntrypoint: development ? '@astrojs/preact/client-dev.js' : '@astrojs/preact/client.js', serverEntrypoint: '@astrojs/preact/server.js', }; } export type Options = Pick<VitePreactPluginOptions, 'include' | 'exclude'> & { compat?: boolean }; export default function ({ include, exclude, compat }: Options = {}): AstroIntegration { return { name: '@astrojs/preact', hooks: { 'astro:config:setup': ({ addRenderer, updateConfig, command }) => { const preactPlugin = preact({ include, exclude, babel: { cwd: fileURLToPath(babelCwd), }, }); const viteConfig: ViteUserConfig = { optimizeDeps: { include: ['@astrojs/preact/client.js', 'preact', 'preact/jsx-runtime'], exclude: ['@astrojs/preact/server.js'], }, }; // If not compat, delete the plugin that does it if (!compat) { const pIndex = preactPlugin.findIndex((p) => == 'preact:config'); if (pIndex >= 0) { preactPlugin.splice(pIndex, 1); } } else { viteConfig.optimizeDeps!.include!.push( 'preact/compat', 'preact/test-utils', 'preact/compat/jsx-runtime' ); viteConfig.resolve = { alias: [{ find: 'react/jsx-runtime', replacement: 'preact/jsx-runtime' }], dedupe: ['preact/compat', 'preact'], }; // noExternal React entrypoints to be bundled, resolved, and aliased by Vite viteConfig.ssr = { noExternal: ['react', 'react-dom', 'react-dom/test-utils', 'react/jsx-runtime'], }; } viteConfig.plugins = [preactPlugin]; addRenderer(getRenderer(command === 'dev')); updateConfig({ vite: viteConfig, }); }, }, }; }