import { assert, test } from '../run/test.setup.js' import { polyfill } from '../mod.js' test(() => { polyfill(globalThis) return [ { name: 'Globals exist', test() { const webAPIs = [ 'AbortController', 'AbortSignal', 'Blob', 'ByteLengthQueuingStrategy', 'CSSStyleSheet', 'CountQueuingStrategy', 'CustomElementRegistry', 'CustomEvent', 'DOMException', 'Document', 'DocumentFragment', 'Element', 'Event', 'EventTarget', 'File', 'FormData', 'HTMLDocument', 'HTMLElement', 'HTMLDivElement', 'HTMLHeadElement', 'HTMLHtmlElement', 'HTMLImageElement', 'HTMLStyleElement', 'HTMLTemplateElement', 'HTMLUnknownElement', 'Headers', 'IntersectionObserver', 'Image', 'MediaQueryList', 'MutationObserver', 'Node', 'ReadableByteStreamController', 'ReadableStream', 'ReadableStreamBYOBReader', 'ReadableStreamBYOBRequest', 'ReadableStreamDefaultController', 'ReadableStreamDefaultReader', 'Request', 'Response', 'ShadowRoot', 'StyleSheet', 'TransformStream', 'WritableStream', 'WritableStreamDefaultController', 'WritableStreamDefaultWriter', 'Window', 'cancelAnimationFrame', 'cancelIdleCallback', 'clearTimeout', 'fetch', 'requestAnimationFrame', 'requestIdleCallback', 'setTimeout' ] for (const name of webAPIs) { assert.equal(typeof globalThis[name], 'function') } }, }, { name: 'Constructs an Event', test() { const e = new Event('test') assert.equal(e.type, 'test') }, }, { name: 'Constructs an EventTarget', test() { const t = new EventTarget() }, }, { name: 'Dispatches an Event on an EventTarget', test() { const t = new EventTarget() let pass = false t.addEventListener('test', (event) => { pass = true }) const e = new Event('test') t.dispatchEvent(e) assert.equal(pass, true) }, }, { name: 'Classes extend as expected', test() { assert.equal(HTMLElement.prototype instanceof Element, true) assert.equal(Element.prototype instanceof Node, true) assert.equal(Node.prototype instanceof EventTarget, true) }, }, { name: 'DOM Methods have no effect', test() { const element = document.createElement('div') assert.equal(element.innerHTML, '') element.innerHTML = 'frozen' assert.equal(element.innerHTML, '') assert.equal(element.textContent, '') element.textContent = 'frozen' assert.equal(element.textContent, '') }, }, { name: 'globalThis.window === globalThis', test() { assert.equal(globalThis.window, globalThis) }, }, { name: 'Relative Indexing Method (String#at)', test() { assert.equal(typeof, 'function') assert.equal(, 1) const example = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' assert.equal(, 'e') assert.equal(, 'g') }, }, { name: 'Relative Indexing Method (Array#at)', test() { assert.equal(typeof, 'function') assert.equal(, 1) const example = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] assert.equal(, 3) assert.equal(, 9) }, }, { name: 'Relative Indexing Method (TypedArray#at)', test() { assert.equal(typeof, 'function') assert.equal(, 1) const example = new Int8Array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) assert.equal(, 3) assert.equal(, 9) }, }, { name: 'Object.hasOwn', test() { assert.equal(typeof Object.hasOwn, 'function') assert.equal(Object.hasOwn.length, 2) const example = {} assert.equal(Object.hasOwn(example, 'prop'), false) example.prop = 'exists' assert.equal(Object.hasOwn(example, 'prop'), true) }, }, { name: 'Promise.any', test() { assert.equal(typeof Promise.any, 'function') assert.equal(Promise.any.length, 1) Promise.any([Promise.resolve(42), Promise.reject(-1), Promise.reject(Infinity)]).then( result => { assert.equal(result, 42) } ) }, }, { name: 'String#replaceAll', test() { assert.equal(typeof String.prototype.replaceAll, 'function') assert.equal(String.prototype.replaceAll.length, 2) const t1 = 'Of all the sorcerers in Harry Potter, Halo is my favorite sorcerer.' const t2 = t1.replaceAll('sorcerer', 'philosopher') const t3 = 'Of all the philosophers in Harry Potter, Halo is my favorite philosopher.' assert.equal(t2, t3) }, }, ] })