import { expect } from 'chai'; import { LitElement, html } from 'lit'; // Must come after lit import because @lit/reactive-element defines // globalThis.customElements which the server shim expects to be defined. import server from '../server.js'; import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; const { check, renderToStaticMarkup } = server; describe('check', () => { it('should be false with no component', async () => { expect(await check()).to.equal(false); }); it('should be false with a registered non-lit component', async () => { const tagName = 'non-lit-component'; // Lit no longer shims HTMLElement globally, so we need to do it ourselves. if (!globalThis.HTMLElement) { globalThis.HTMLElement = class {}; } customElements.define(tagName, class TestComponent extends HTMLElement {}); expect(await check(tagName)).to.equal(false); }); it('should be true with a registered lit component', async () => { const tagName = 'lit-component'; customElements.define(tagName, class extends LitElement {}); expect(await check(tagName)).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('renderToStaticMarkup', () => { it('should throw error if trying to render an unregistered component', async () => { const tagName = 'non-registrered-component'; try { await renderToStaticMarkup(tagName); } catch (e) { expect(e); } }); it('should render empty component with default markup', async () => { const tagName = 'nothing-component'; customElements.define(tagName, class extends LitElement {}); const render = await renderToStaticMarkup(tagName); expect(render).to.deep.equal({ html: `<${tagName}><template shadowroot="open" shadowrootmode="open"><!--lit-part--><!--/lit-part--></template></${tagName}>`, }); }); it('should render component with default markup', async () => { const tagName = 'simple-component'; customElements.define( tagName, class extends LitElement { render() { return html`<p>hola</p>`; } } ); const render = await renderToStaticMarkup(tagName); const $ = cheerio.load(render.html); expect($(`${tagName} template`).html()).to.contain('<p>hola</p>'); }); it('should render component with properties and attributes', async () => { const tagName = 'props-and-attrs-component'; const attr1 = 'test'; const prop1 = 'Daniel'; customElements.define( tagName, class extends LitElement { static properties = { prop1: { type: String }, }; constructor() { super(); this.prop1 = 'someone'; } render() { return html`<p>Hello ${this.prop1}</p>`; } } ); const render = await renderToStaticMarkup(tagName, { prop1, attr1 }); const $ = cheerio.load(render.html); expect($(tagName).attr('attr1')).to.equal(attr1); expect($(`${tagName} template`).text()).to.contain(`Hello ${prop1}`); }); it('should render nested components', async () => { const tagName = 'parent-component'; const childTagName = 'child-component'; customElements.define( childTagName, class extends LitElement { render() { return html`<p>child</p>`; } } ); customElements.define( tagName, class extends LitElement { render() { return html`<child-component></child-component>`; } } ); const render = await renderToStaticMarkup(tagName); const $ = cheerio.load(render.html); expect($(`${tagName} template`).text()).to.contain('child'); // Child component should have `defer-hydration` attribute so it'll only // hydrate after the parent hydrates expect($(childTagName).attr('defer-hydration')).to.equal(''); }); it('should render DSD attributes based on shadowRootOptions', async () => { const tagName = 'shadow-root-options-component'; customElements.define( tagName, class extends LitElement { static shadowRootOptions = { ...LitElement.shadowRootOptions, delegatesFocus: true }; } ); const render = await renderToStaticMarkup(tagName); expect(render).to.deep.equal({ html: `<${tagName}><template shadowroot=\"open\" shadowrootmode=\"open\" shadowrootdelegatesfocus><!--lit-part--><!--/lit-part--></template></${tagName}>`, }); }); });