import { deleteAsync } from 'del'; import esbuild from 'esbuild'; import { copy } from 'esbuild-plugin-copy'; import { dim, green, red, yellow } from 'kleur/colors'; import { promises as fs } from 'node:fs'; import glob from 'tiny-glob'; import svelte from '../utils/svelte-plugin.js'; import prebuild from './prebuild.js'; /** @type {import('esbuild').BuildOptions} */ const defaultConfig = { minify: false, format: 'esm', platform: 'node', target: 'node18', sourcemap: false, sourcesContent: false, }; const dt = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-us', { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', }); function getPrebuilds(isDev, args) { let prebuilds = []; while (args.includes('--prebuild')) { let idx = args.indexOf('--prebuild'); prebuilds.push(args[idx + 1]); args.splice(idx, 2); } if (prebuilds.length && isDev) { prebuilds.unshift('--no-minify'); } return prebuilds; } export default async function build(...args) { const config = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig); const isDev = args.slice(-1)[0] === 'IS_DEV'; const prebuilds = getPrebuilds(isDev, args); const patterns = args .filter((f) => !!f) // remove empty args .map((f) => f.replace(/^'/, '').replace(/'$/, '')); // Needed for Windows: glob strings contain surrounding string chars??? remove these let entryPoints = [].concat( ...(await Promise.all( => glob(pattern, { filesOnly: true, absolute: true })) )) ); const noClean = args.includes('--no-clean-dist'); const bundle = args.includes('--bundle'); const forceCJS = args.includes('--force-cjs'); const copyWASM = args.includes('--copy-wasm'); const { type = 'module', dependencies = {} } = await readPackageJSON('./package.json'); config.define = {}; for (const [key, value] of await getDefinedEntries()) { config.define[`process.env.${key}`] = JSON.stringify(value); } const format = type === 'module' && !forceCJS ? 'esm' : 'cjs'; const outdir = 'dist'; if (!noClean) { await clean(outdir); } if (!isDev) { await{ ...config, bundle, external: bundle ? Object.keys(dependencies) : undefined, entryPoints, outdir, outExtension: forceCJS ? { '.js': '.cjs' } : {}, format, }); return; } const rebuildPlugin = { name: 'astro:rebuild', setup(build) { build.onEnd(async (result) => { if (prebuilds.length) { await prebuild(...prebuilds); } const date = dt.format(new Date()); if (result && result.errors.length) { console.error(dim(`[${date}] `) + red(error || result.errors.join('\n'))); } else { if (result.warnings.length) { console.log( dim(`[${date}] `) + yellow('⚠ updated with warnings:\n' + result.warnings.join('\n')) ); } console.log(dim(`[${date}] `) + green('✔ updated')); } }); }, }; const builder = await esbuild.context({ ...config, entryPoints, outdir, format, sourcemap: 'linked', plugins: [ rebuildPlugin, svelte({ isDev }), ...(copyWASM ? [ copy({ resolveFrom: 'cwd', assets: { from: ['./src/assets/services/vendor/squoosh/**/*.wasm'], to: ['./dist/assets/services/vendor/squoosh'], }, }), ] : []), ], }); await; process.on('beforeExit', () => { builder.stop && builder.stop(); }); } async function clean(outdir) { await deleteAsync([`${outdir}/**`, `!${outdir}/**/*.d.ts`], { onlyFiles: true, }); } /** * Contextual `define` values to statically replace in the built JS output. * Available to all packages, but mostly useful for CLIs like `create-astro`. */ async function getDefinedEntries() { const define = { /** The current version (at the time of building) for the current package, such as `astro` or `@astrojs/sitemap` */ PACKAGE_VERSION: await getInternalPackageVersion('./package.json'), /** The current version (at the time of building) for `astro` */ ASTRO_VERSION: await getInternalPackageVersion( new URL('../../packages/astro/package.json', import.meta.url) ), /** The current version (at the time of building) for `@astrojs/check` */ ASTRO_CHECK_VERSION: await getWorkspacePackageVersion('@astrojs/check'), /** The current version (at the time of building) for `typescript` */ TYPESCRIPT_VERSION: await getWorkspacePackageVersion('typescript'), }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(define)) { if (value === undefined) { delete define[key]; } } return Object.entries(define); } async function readPackageJSON(path) { return await fs.readFile(path, { encoding: 'utf8' }).then((res) => JSON.parse(res)); } async function getInternalPackageVersion(path) { return readPackageJSON(path).then((res) => res.version); } async function getWorkspacePackageVersion(packageName) { const { dependencies, devDependencies } = await readPackageJSON( new URL('../../package.json', import.meta.url) ); const deps = { ...dependencies, ...devDependencies }; const version = deps[packageName]; if (!version) { throw new Error( `Unable to resolve "${packageName}". Is it a depdendency of the workspace root?` ); } return version.replace(/^\D+/, ''); }