--- "@astrojs/internal-helpers": minor "astro": minor --- Adds the option to pass an object to `build.assetsPrefix`. This allows for the use of multiple CDN prefixes based on the target file type. When passing an object to `build.assetsPrefix`, you must also specify a `fallback` domain to be used for all other file types not specified. Specify a file extension as the key (e.g. 'js', 'png') and the URL serving your assets of that file type as the value: ```js // astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from "astro/config" export default defineConfig({ build: { assetsPrefix: { 'js': "https://js.cdn.example.com", 'mjs': "https://js.cdn.example.com", // if you have .mjs files, you must add a new entry like this 'png': "https://images.cdn.example.com", 'fallback': "https://generic.cdn.example.com" } } }) ```