const { readFile } = require("fs").promises; // Snowpack plugins must be CommonJS :( const transformPromise = import("./lib/transform2.js"); module.exports = function (snowpackConfig, { resolve } = {}) { return { name: "snowpack-hmx", knownEntrypoints: ["deepmerge"], resolve: { input: [".hmx", ".md"], output: [".js"], }, async load({ filePath }) { const { compilePage, compileComponent } = await transformPromise; const projectRoot = snowpackConfig.root; const contents = await readFile(filePath, "utf-8"); if (!filePath.includes("/pages/") && !filePath.includes("/layouts/")) { const result = await compileComponent(contents, { compileOptions: { resolve }, filename: filePath, projectRoot }); return result.contents; } const result = await compilePage(contents, { compileOptions: { resolve }, filename: filePath, projectRoot }); try { return /* js */ ` ${result.contents} export default async (childDatas, childRenderFns) => { // Kind of hacky, can clean up if this works const renderHmx = {setup, head, body}; const merge = (await import('deepmerge')).default; const content = childDatas && childDatas[0].content; const _data = await renderHmx.setup({content}); if (_data.layout) { const renderLayout = (await import('/_hmx/layouts/' + _data.layout.replace(/.*layouts\\//, "").replace(/\.hmx$/, '.js'))).default; return renderLayout( [...(childDatas || []), _data], [...(childRenderFns || []), renderHmx] ); } const data = merge.all([_data, ...(childDatas || [])]); let headResult; let bodyResult; for (const renderFn of (childRenderFns || [])) { let headAndBody = await Promise.all([ renderFn.head(data, headResult), renderFn.body(data, bodyResult) ]); headResult = headAndBody[0]; bodyResult = headAndBody[1]; } return h(Fragment, null, [ renderHmx.head(data, headResult, true), renderHmx.body(data, bodyResult, true), ]); }; `; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } return result.contents; }, }; };