import fs from 'node:fs'; // Some existing files and directories can be safely ignored when checking if a directory is a valid project directory. // const VALID_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_SAFE_LIST = [ '.DS_Store', '.git', '.gitkeep', '.gitattributes', '.gitignore', '.gitlab-ci.yml', '.hg', '.hgcheck', '.hgignore', '.idea', '.npmignore', '.travis.yml', '.yarn', '.yarnrc.yml', 'docs', 'LICENSE', 'mkdocs.yml', 'Thumbs.db', /\.iml$/, /^npm-debug\.log/, /^yarn-debug\.log/, /^yarn-error\.log/, ]; export function isEmpty(dirPath: string) { if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)) { return true; } const conflicts = fs.readdirSync(dirPath).filter((content) => { return !VALID_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_SAFE_LIST.some((safeContent) => { return typeof safeContent === 'string' ? content === safeContent : safeContent.test(content); }); }); return conflicts.length === 0; } export function isValidName(projectName: string) { return /^(?:@[a-z\d\-*~][a-z\d\-*._~]*\/)?[a-z\d\-~][a-z\d\-._~]*$/.test(projectName); } export function toValidName(projectName: string) { if (isValidName(projectName)) return projectName; return projectName .trim() .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') .replace(/^[._]/, '') .replace(/[^a-z\d\-~]+/g, '-') .replace(/^-+/, '') .replace(/-+$/, ''); }