# @astrojs/netlify This adapter allows Astro to deploy your SSR site to [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/). Learn how to deploy your Astro site in our [Netlify deployment guide](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/deploy/netlify/). - <strong>[Why Astro Netlify](#why-astro-netlify)</strong> - <strong>[Installation](#installation)</strong> - <strong>[Usage](#usage)</strong> - <strong>[Configuration](#configuration)</strong> - <strong>[Examples](#examples)</strong> - <strong>[Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)</strong> - <strong>[Contributing](#contributing)</strong> - <strong>[Changelog](#changelog)</strong> ## Why Astro Netlify If you're using Astro as a static site builder—its behavior out of the box—you don't need an adapter. If you wish to [use server-side rendering (SSR)](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/server-side-rendering/), Astro requires an adapter that matches your deployment runtime. [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/) is a deployment platform that allows you to host your site by connecting directly to your GitHub repository. This adapter enhances the Astro build process to prepare your project for deployment through Netlify. ## Installation Add the Netlify adapter to enable SSR in your Astro project with the following `astro add` command. This will install the adapter and make the appropriate changes to your `astro.config.mjs` file in one step. ```sh # Using NPM npx astro add netlify # Using Yarn yarn astro add netlify # Using PNPM pnpm astro add netlify ``` If you prefer to install the adapter manually instead, complete the following two steps: 1. Install the Netlify adapter to your project’s dependencies using your preferred package manager. If you’re using npm or aren’t sure, run this in the terminal: ```bash npm install @astrojs/netlify ``` 1. Add two new lines to your `astro.config.mjs` project configuration file. ```js ins={3, 6-7} // astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify/functions'; export default defineConfig({ output: 'server', adapter: netlify(), }); ``` ### Edge Functions Netlify has two serverless platforms, Netlify Functions and [Netlify's experimental Edge Functions](https://docs.netlify.com/netlify-labs/experimental-features/edge-functions/#app). With Edge Functions your code is distributed closer to your users, lowering latency. To deploy with Edge Functions, use `netlify/edge-functions` in the Astro config file instead of `netlify/functions`. ```js ins={3} // astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify/edge-functions'; export default defineConfig({ output: 'server', adapter: netlify(), }); ``` ## Usage [Read the full deployment guide here.](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/deploy/netlify/) After [performing a build](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/deploy/#building-your-site-locally) the `netlify/` folder will contain [Netlify Functions](https://docs.netlify.com/functions/overview/) in the `netlify/functions/` folder. Now you can deploy. Install the [Netlify CLI](https://docs.netlify.com/cli/get-started/) and run: ```sh netlify deploy --build ``` The [Netlify Blog post on Astro](https://www.netlify.com/blog/how-to-deploy-astro/) and the [Netlify Documentation](https://docs.netlify.com/integrations/frameworks/astro/) provide more information on how to use this integration to deploy to Netlify. ## Configuration To configure this adapter, pass an object to the `netlify()` function call in `astro.config.mjs` - there's only one possible configuration option: ### dist We build to the `dist` directory at the base of your project. To change this, use the `dist` option: ```js // astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify/functions'; export default defineConfig({ output: 'server', adapter: netlify({ dist: new URL('./dist/', import.meta.url) }) }); ``` And then point to the dist in your `netlify.toml`: ```toml title="netlify.toml" [functions] directory = "dist/functions" ``` ### builders [Netlify On-demand Builders](https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/on-demand-builders/) are serverless functions used to build and cache page content on Netlify’s Edge CDN. You can enable these functions with the `builders` option: ```js // astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify/functions'; export default defineConfig({ output: 'server', adapter: netlify({ builders: true }), }); ``` On-demand Builders are only available with the `@astrojs/netlify/functions` adapter and are not compatible with Edge Functions. ### binaryMediaTypes > This option is only needed for the Functions adapter and is not needed for Edge Functions. Netlify Functions requires binary data in the `body` to be base64 encoded. The `@astrojs/netlify/functions` adapter handles this automatically based on the `Content-Type` header. We check for common mime types for audio, image, and video files. To include specific mime types that should be treated as binary data, include the `binaryMediaTypes` option with a list of binary mime types. ```js {12} // src/pages/image.jpg.ts import fs from 'node:fs'; export function get() { const buffer = fs.readFileSync('../image.jpg'); // Return the buffer directly, @astrojs/netlify will base64 encode the body return new Response(buffer, { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'image/jpeg' } }); } ``` ## Examples - The [Astro Netlify Edge Starter](https://github.com/sarahetter/astro-netlify-edge-starter) provides an example and a guide in the README. - [Browse Astro Netlify projects on GitHub](https://github.com/search?q=%22%40astrojs%2Fnetlify%22+filename%3Apackage.json&type=Code) for more examples! ## Troubleshooting For help, check out the `#support` channel on [Discord](https://astro.build/chat). Our friendly Support Squad members are here to help! You can also check our [Astro Integration Documentation][astro-integration] for more on integrations. ## Contributing This package is maintained by Astro's Core team. You're welcome to submit an issue or PR! ## Changelog See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for a history of changes to this integration. [astro-integration]: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/integrations-guide/