import type { AstroAdapter, AstroConfig, AstroIntegration, AstroIntegrationLogger, RouteData, } from 'astro'; import { AstroError } from 'astro/errors'; import glob from 'fast-glob'; import { basename } from 'node:path'; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'; import { getAstroImageConfig, getDefaultImageConfig, type DevImageService, type VercelImageConfig, } from '../image/shared.js'; import { getVercelOutput, removeDir, writeJson } from '../lib/fs.js'; import { copyDependenciesToFunction } from '../lib/nft.js'; import { getRedirects } from '../lib/redirects.js'; import { getSpeedInsightsViteConfig, type VercelSpeedInsightsConfig, } from '../lib/speed-insights.js'; import { getInjectableWebAnalyticsContent, type VercelWebAnalyticsConfig, } from '../lib/web-analytics.js'; import { generateEdgeMiddleware } from './middleware.js'; const PACKAGE_NAME = '@astrojs/vercel/serverless'; export const ASTRO_LOCALS_HEADER = 'x-astro-locals'; export const VERCEL_EDGE_MIDDLEWARE_FILE = 'vercel-edge-middleware'; // const SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSIONS: Record< string, { status: 'current' } | { status: 'beta' } | { status: 'deprecated'; removal: Date } > = { 16: { status: 'deprecated', removal: new Date('February 6 2024') }, 18: { status: 'current' }, 20: { status: 'beta' }, }; function getAdapter({ edgeMiddleware, functionPerRoute, }: { edgeMiddleware: boolean; functionPerRoute: boolean; }): AstroAdapter { return { name: PACKAGE_NAME, serverEntrypoint: `${PACKAGE_NAME}/entrypoint`, exports: ['default'], adapterFeatures: { edgeMiddleware, functionPerRoute, }, supportedAstroFeatures: { hybridOutput: 'stable', staticOutput: 'stable', serverOutput: 'stable', assets: { supportKind: 'stable', isSharpCompatible: true, isSquooshCompatible: true, }, }, }; } export interface VercelServerlessConfig { /** Configuration for [Vercel Web Analytics]( */ webAnalytics?: VercelWebAnalyticsConfig; /** * @deprecated This option lets you configure the legacy speed insights API which is now deprecated by Vercel. * * See [Vercel Speed Insights Quickstart]( for instructions on how to use the library instead. * * */ speedInsights?: VercelSpeedInsightsConfig; /** Force files to be bundled with your function. This is helpful when you notice missing files. */ includeFiles?: string[]; /** Exclude any files from the bundling process that would otherwise be included. */ excludeFiles?: string[]; /** When enabled, an Image Service powered by the Vercel Image Optimization API will be automatically configured and used in production. In development, the image service specified by devImageService will be used instead. */ imageService?: boolean; /** Configuration options for [Vercel’s Image Optimization API]( See [Vercel’s image configuration documentation]( for a complete list of supported parameters. */ imagesConfig?: VercelImageConfig; /** Allows you to configure which image service to use in development when imageService is enabled. */ devImageService?: DevImageService; /** Whether to create the Vercel Edge middleware from an Astro middleware in your code base. */ edgeMiddleware?: boolean; /** Whether to split builds into a separate function for each route. */ functionPerRoute?: boolean; /** The maximum duration (in seconds) that Serverless Functions can run before timing out. See the [Vercel documentation]( for the default and maximum limit for your account plan. */ maxDuration?: number; } export default function vercelServerless({ webAnalytics, speedInsights, includeFiles, excludeFiles, imageService, imagesConfig, devImageService = 'sharp', functionPerRoute = false, edgeMiddleware = false, maxDuration, }: VercelServerlessConfig = {}): AstroIntegration { if (maxDuration) { if (typeof maxDuration !== 'number') { throw new TypeError(`maxDuration must be a number`, { cause: maxDuration }); } if (maxDuration <= 0) { throw new TypeError(`maxDuration must be a positive number`, { cause: maxDuration }); } } let _config: AstroConfig; let buildTempFolder: URL; let serverEntry: string; let _entryPoints: Map; // Extra files to be merged with `includeFiles` during build const extraFilesToInclude: URL[] = []; const NTF_CACHE = Object.create(null); return { name: PACKAGE_NAME, hooks: { 'astro:config:setup': async ({ command, config, updateConfig, injectScript, logger }) => { if (maxDuration && maxDuration > 900) { logger.warn( `maxDuration is set to ${maxDuration} seconds, which is longer than the maximum allowed duration of 900 seconds.` ); logger.warn( `Please make sure that your plan allows for this duration. See for more information.` ); } if (webAnalytics?.enabled) { injectScript( 'head-inline', await getInjectableWebAnalyticsContent({ mode: command === 'dev' ? 'development' : 'production', }) ); } if (command === 'build' && speedInsights?.enabled) { injectScript('page', 'import "@astrojs/vercel/speed-insights"'); } const outDir = getVercelOutput(config.root); updateConfig({ outDir, build: { serverEntry: 'entry.mjs', client: new URL('./static/', outDir), server: new URL('./dist/', config.root), redirects: false, }, vite: { ...getSpeedInsightsViteConfig(speedInsights?.enabled), ssr: { external: ['@vercel/nft'], }, }, ...getAstroImageConfig( imageService, imagesConfig, command, devImageService, config.image ), }); }, 'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter, config, logger }) => { if (functionPerRoute === true) { logger.warn( `Vercel's hosting plans might have limits to the number of functions you can create. Make sure to check your plan carefully to avoid incurring additional costs. You can set functionPerRoute: false to prevent surpassing the limit.` ); } setAdapter(getAdapter({ functionPerRoute, edgeMiddleware })); _config = config; buildTempFolder =; serverEntry =; if (config.output === 'static') { throw new AstroError( '`output: "server"` or `output: "hybrid"` is required to use the serverless adapter.' ); } }, 'astro:build:ssr': async ({ entryPoints, middlewareEntryPoint }) => { _entryPoints = entryPoints; if (middlewareEntryPoint) { const outPath = fileURLToPath(buildTempFolder); const vercelEdgeMiddlewareHandlerPath = new URL( VERCEL_EDGE_MIDDLEWARE_FILE, _config.srcDir ); const bundledMiddlewarePath = await generateEdgeMiddleware( middlewareEntryPoint, outPath, vercelEdgeMiddlewareHandlerPath ); // let's tell the adapter that we need to save this file extraFilesToInclude.push(bundledMiddlewarePath); } }, 'astro:build:done': async ({ routes, logger }) => { // Merge any includes from `vite.assetsInclude if (_config.vite.assetsInclude) { const mergeGlobbedIncludes = (globPattern: unknown) => { if (typeof globPattern === 'string') { const entries = glob.sync(globPattern).map((p) => pathToFileURL(p)); extraFilesToInclude.push(...entries); } else if (Array.isArray(globPattern)) { for (const pattern of globPattern) { mergeGlobbedIncludes(pattern); } } }; mergeGlobbedIncludes(_config.vite.assetsInclude); } const routeDefinitions: { src: string; dest: string }[] = []; const filesToInclude = includeFiles?.map((file) => new URL(file, _config.root)) || []; filesToInclude.push(...extraFilesToInclude); validateRuntime(); // Multiple entrypoint support if (_entryPoints.size) { const getRouteFuncName = (route: RouteData) => route.component.replace('src/pages/', ''); const getFallbackFuncName = (entryFile: URL) => basename(entryFile.toString()) .replace('entry.', '') .replace(/\.mjs$/, ''); for (const [route, entryFile] of _entryPoints) { const func = route.component.startsWith('src/pages/') ? getRouteFuncName(route) : getFallbackFuncName(entryFile); await createFunctionFolder({ functionName: func, entry: entryFile, config: _config, logger, NTF_CACHE, includeFiles: filesToInclude, excludeFiles, maxDuration, }); routeDefinitions.push({ src: route.pattern.source, dest: func, }); } } else { await createFunctionFolder({ functionName: 'render', entry: new URL(serverEntry, buildTempFolder), config: _config, logger, NTF_CACHE, includeFiles: filesToInclude, excludeFiles, maxDuration, }); routeDefinitions.push({ src: '/.*', dest: 'render' }); } // Output configuration // await writeJson(new URL(`./config.json`, _config.outDir), { version: 3, routes: [ ...getRedirects(routes, _config), { src: `^/${}/(.*)$`, headers: { 'cache-control': 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable' }, continue: true, }, { handle: 'filesystem' }, ...routeDefinitions, ], ...(imageService || imagesConfig ? { images: imagesConfig ? { ...imagesConfig, domains: [,], remotePatterns: [ ...(imagesConfig.remotePatterns ?? []), ..._config.image.remotePatterns, ], } : getDefaultImageConfig(_config.image), } : {}), }); // Remove temporary folder await removeDir(buildTempFolder); }, }, }; } interface CreateFunctionFolderArgs { functionName: string; entry: URL; config: AstroConfig; logger: AstroIntegrationLogger; NTF_CACHE: any; includeFiles: URL[]; excludeFiles?: string[]; maxDuration: number | undefined; } async function createFunctionFolder({ functionName, entry, config, logger, NTF_CACHE, includeFiles, excludeFiles, maxDuration, }: CreateFunctionFolderArgs) { const functionFolder = new URL(`./functions/${functionName}.func/`, config.outDir); // Copy necessary files (e.g. node_modules/) const { handler } = await copyDependenciesToFunction( { entry, outDir: functionFolder, includeFiles, excludeFiles: excludeFiles?.map((file) => new URL(file, config.root)) || [], logger, }, NTF_CACHE ); // Enable ESM // await writeJson(new URL(`./package.json`, functionFolder), { type: 'module', }); // Serverless function config // await writeJson(new URL(`./.vc-config.json`, functionFolder), { runtime: getRuntime(), handler, launcherType: 'Nodejs', maxDuration, supportsResponseStreaming: true, }); } function validateRuntime() { const version = process.version.slice(1); // 'v16.5.0' --> '16.5.0' const major = version.split('.')[0]; // '16.5.0' --> '16' const support = SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSIONS[major]; if (support === undefined) { console.warn( `[${PACKAGE_NAME}] The local Node.js version (${major}) is not supported by Vercel Serverless Functions.` ); console.warn(`[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Your project will use Node.js 18 as the runtime instead.`); console.warn(`[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Consider switching your local version to 18.`); return; } if (support.status === 'beta') { console.warn( `[${PACKAGE_NAME}] The local Node.js version (${major}) is currently in beta for Vercel Serverless Functions.` ); console.warn(`[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Make sure to update your Vercel settings to use ${major}.`); return; } if (support.status === 'deprecated') { console.warn( `[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Your project is being built for Node.js ${major} as the runtime.` ); console.warn( `[${PACKAGE_NAME}] This version is deprecated by Vercel Serverless Functions, and scheduled to be disabled on ${new Intl.DateTimeFormat( undefined, { dateStyle: 'long' } ).format(support.removal)}.` ); console.warn(`[${PACKAGE_NAME}] Consider upgrading your local version to 18.`); } } function getRuntime() { const version = process.version.slice(1); // 'v16.5.0' --> '16.5.0' const major = version.split('.')[0]; // '16.5.0' --> '16' const support = SUPPORTED_NODE_VERSIONS[major]; if (support === undefined) { return 'nodejs18.x'; } return `nodejs${major}.x`; }