type ViteUserConfig = import('vite').UserConfig; type ViteUserConfigFn = import('vite').UserConfigFn; type AstroUserConfig = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').AstroUserConfig; type ImageServiceConfig = import('./dist/@types/astro.js').ImageServiceConfig; /** * See the full Astro Configuration API Documentation * https://astro.build/config */ export function defineConfig(config: AstroUserConfig): AstroUserConfig; /** * Use Astro to generate a fully resolved Vite config */ export function getViteConfig(config: ViteUserConfig): ViteUserConfigFn; /** * Return the configuration needed to use the Sharp-based image service * See: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/assets/#using-sharp */ export function sharpImageService(): ImageServiceConfig; /** * Return the configuration needed to use the Squoosh-based image service */ export function squooshImageService(): ImageServiceConfig;