/* eslint-disable no-console */ import type { Config as MarkdocConfig, Node } from '@markdoc/markdoc'; import Markdoc from '@markdoc/markdoc'; import type { AstroConfig, AstroIntegration, ContentEntryType, HookParameters } from 'astro'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'; import crypto from 'node:crypto'; import { hasContentFlag, isValidUrl, MarkdocError, parseFrontmatter, prependForwardSlash, PROPAGATED_ASSET_FLAG, } from './utils.js'; // @ts-expect-error Cannot find module 'astro/assets' or its corresponding type declarations. import { emitESMImage } from 'astro/assets'; import { bold, red, yellow } from 'kleur/colors'; import path from 'node:path'; import type * as rollup from 'rollup'; import { normalizePath } from 'vite'; import { loadMarkdocConfig, type MarkdocConfigResult } from './load-config.js'; import { setupConfig } from './runtime.js'; type SetupHookParams = HookParameters<'astro:config:setup'> & { // `contentEntryType` is not a public API // Add type defs here addContentEntryType: (contentEntryType: ContentEntryType) => void; }; const markdocTokenizer = new Markdoc.Tokenizer({ // Strip from rendered output // Without this, they're rendered as strings! allowComments: true, }); export default function markdocIntegration(legacyConfig?: any): AstroIntegration { if (legacyConfig) { console.log( `${red( bold('[Markdoc]') )} Passing Markdoc config from your \`astro.config\` is no longer supported. Configuration should be exported from a \`markdoc.config.mjs\` file. See the configuration docs for more: https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/integrations-guide/markdoc/#configuration` ); process.exit(0); } let markdocConfigResult: MarkdocConfigResult | undefined; let markdocConfigResultId = ''; return { name: '@astrojs/markdoc', hooks: { 'astro:config:setup': async (params) => { const { config: astroConfig, updateConfig, addContentEntryType, } = params as SetupHookParams; markdocConfigResult = await loadMarkdocConfig(astroConfig); if (markdocConfigResult) { markdocConfigResultId = normalizePath(fileURLToPath(markdocConfigResult.fileUrl)); } const userMarkdocConfig = markdocConfigResult?.config ?? {}; function getEntryInfo({ fileUrl, contents }: { fileUrl: URL; contents: string }) { const parsed = parseFrontmatter(contents, fileURLToPath(fileUrl)); return { data: parsed.data, body: parsed.content, slug: parsed.data.slug, rawData: parsed.matter, }; } addContentEntryType({ extensions: ['.mdoc'], getEntryInfo, // Markdoc handles script / style propagation // for Astro components internally handlePropagation: false, async getRenderModule({ contents, fileUrl, viteId }) { const entry = getEntryInfo({ contents, fileUrl }); const tokens = markdocTokenizer.tokenize(entry.body); const ast = Markdoc.parse(tokens); const pluginContext = this; const markdocConfig = await setupConfig(userMarkdocConfig); const filePath = fileURLToPath(fileUrl); const validationErrors = Markdoc.validate( ast, /* Raised generics issue with Markdoc core https://github.com/markdoc/markdoc/discussions/400 */ markdocConfig as MarkdocConfig ).filter((e) => { return ( // Ignore `variable-undefined` errors. // Variables can be configured at runtime, // so we cannot validate them at build time. e.error.id !== 'variable-undefined' && (e.error.level === 'error' || e.error.level === 'critical') ); }); if (validationErrors.length) { // Heuristic: take number of newlines for `rawData` and add 2 for the `---` fences const frontmatterBlockOffset = entry.rawData.split('\n').length + 2; const rootRelativePath = path.relative(fileURLToPath(astroConfig.root), filePath); throw new MarkdocError({ message: [ `**${String(rootRelativePath)}** contains invalid content:`, ...validationErrors.map((e) => `- ${e.error.message}`), ].join('\n'), location: { // Error overlay does not support multi-line or ranges. // Just point to the first line. line: frontmatterBlockOffset + validationErrors[0].lines[0], file: viteId, }, }); } if (astroConfig.experimental.assets) { await emitOptimizedImages(ast.children, { astroConfig, pluginContext, filePath, }); } const res = `import { createComponent, renderComponent, } from 'astro/runtime/server/index.js'; import { Renderer } from '@astrojs/markdoc/components'; import { collectHeadings, setupConfig, setupConfigSync, Markdoc } from '@astrojs/markdoc/runtime'; ${ markdocConfigResult ? `import _userConfig from ${JSON.stringify( markdocConfigResultId )};\nconst userConfig = _userConfig ?? {};` : 'const userConfig = {};' }${ astroConfig.experimental.assets ? `\nimport { experimentalAssetsConfig } from '@astrojs/markdoc/experimental-assets-config';\nuserConfig.nodes = { ...experimentalAssetsConfig.nodes, ...userConfig.nodes };` : '' } const stringifiedAst = ${JSON.stringify( /* Double stringify to encode *as* stringified JSON */ JSON.stringify(ast) )}; export function getHeadings() { ${ /* Yes, we are transforming twice (once from `getHeadings()` and again from in case of variables). TODO: propose new `render()` API to allow Markdoc variable passing to `render()` itself, instead of the Content component. Would remove double-transform and unlock variable resolution in heading slugs. */ '' } const headingConfig = userConfig.nodes?.heading; const config = setupConfigSync(headingConfig ? { nodes: { heading: headingConfig } } : {}); const ast = Markdoc.Ast.fromJSON(stringifiedAst); const content = Markdoc.transform(ast, config); return collectHeadings(Array.isArray(content) ? content : content.children); } export const Content = createComponent({ async factory(result, props) { const config = await setupConfig({ ...userConfig, variables: { ...userConfig.variables, ...props }, }); return renderComponent( result, Renderer.name, Renderer, { stringifiedAst, config }, {} ); }, propagation: 'self', });`; return { code: res }; }, contentModuleTypes: await fs.promises.readFile( new URL('../template/content-module-types.d.ts', import.meta.url), 'utf-8' ), }); let rollupOptions: rollup.RollupOptions = {}; if (markdocConfigResult) { rollupOptions = { output: { // Split Astro components from your `markdoc.config` // to only inject component styles and scripts at runtime. manualChunks(id, { getModuleInfo }) { if ( markdocConfigResult && hasContentFlag(id, PROPAGATED_ASSET_FLAG) && getModuleInfo(id)?.importers?.includes(markdocConfigResultId) ) { return createNameHash(id, [id]); } }, }, }; } updateConfig({ vite: { vite: { ssr: { external: ['@astrojs/markdoc/prism', '@astrojs/markdoc/shiki'], }, }, build: { rollupOptions, }, plugins: [ { name: '@astrojs/markdoc:astro-propagated-assets', enforce: 'pre', // Astro component styles and scripts should only be injected // When a given Markdoc file actually uses that component. // Add the `astroPropagatedAssets` flag to inject only when rendered. resolveId(this: rollup.TransformPluginContext, id: string, importer: string) { if (importer === markdocConfigResultId && id.endsWith('.astro')) { return this.resolve(id + '?astroPropagatedAssets', importer, { skipSelf: true, }); } }, }, ], }, }); }, 'astro:server:setup': async ({ server }) => { server.watcher.on('all', (event, entry) => { if (prependForwardSlash(pathToFileURL(entry).pathname) === markdocConfigResultId) { console.log( yellow( `${bold('[Markdoc]')} Restart the dev server for config changes to take effect.` ) ); } }); }, }, }; } /** * Emits optimized images, and appends the generated `src` to each AST node * via the `__optimizedSrc` attribute. */ async function emitOptimizedImages( nodeChildren: Node[], ctx: { pluginContext: rollup.PluginContext; filePath: string; astroConfig: AstroConfig; } ) { for (const node of nodeChildren) { if ( node.type === 'image' && typeof node.attributes.src === 'string' && shouldOptimizeImage(node.attributes.src) ) { // Attempt to resolve source with Vite. // This handles relative paths and configured aliases const resolved = await ctx.pluginContext.resolve(node.attributes.src, ctx.filePath); if (resolved?.id && fs.existsSync(new URL(prependForwardSlash(resolved.id), 'file://'))) { const src = await emitESMImage( resolved.id, ctx.pluginContext.meta.watchMode, ctx.pluginContext.emitFile, { config: ctx.astroConfig } ); node.attributes.__optimizedSrc = src; } else { throw new MarkdocError({ message: `Could not resolve image ${JSON.stringify( node.attributes.src )} from ${JSON.stringify(ctx.filePath)}. Does the file exist?`, }); } } await emitOptimizedImages(node.children, ctx); } } function shouldOptimizeImage(src: string) { // Optimize anything that is NOT external or an absolute path to `public/` return !isValidUrl(src) && !src.startsWith('/'); } /** * Create build hash for manual Rollup chunks. * @see 'packages/astro/src/core/build/plugins/plugin-css.ts' */ function createNameHash(baseId: string, hashIds: string[]): string { const baseName = baseId ? path.parse(baseId).name : 'index'; const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256'); for (const id of hashIds) { hash.update(id, 'utf-8'); } const h = hash.digest('hex').slice(0, 8); const proposedName = baseName + '.' + h; return proposedName; }