import assert from 'node:assert/strict'; import { after, before, describe, it } from 'node:test'; import { parseHTML } from 'linkedom'; import { loadFixture } from '../../../astro/test/test-utils.js'; const root = new URL('./fixtures/render-with-indented-components/', import.meta.url); describe('Markdoc - render indented components', () => { let fixture; before(async () => { fixture = await loadFixture({ root, }); }); describe('dev', () => { let devServer; before(async () => { devServer = await fixture.startDevServer(); }); after(async () => { await devServer.stop(); }); it('renders content - with indented components', async () => { const res = await fixture.fetch('/'); const html = await res.text(); renderIndentedComponentsChecks(html); }); }); describe('build', () => { before(async () => { await; }); it('renders content - with indented components', async () => { const html = await fixture.readFile('/index.html'); renderIndentedComponentsChecks(html); }); }); }); /** @param {string} html */ function renderIndentedComponentsChecks(html) { const { document } = parseHTML(html); const h2 = document.querySelector('h2'); assert.equal(h2.textContent, 'Post with indented components'); // Renders custom shortcode components const marquees = document.querySelectorAll('marquee'); assert.equal(marquees.length, 2); // Renders h3 const h3 = document.querySelector('h3'); assert.equal(h3.textContent, 'I am an h3!'); // Renders Astro Code component const pre = document.querySelector('pre'); assert.notEqual(pre, null); assert.equal(pre.className, 'astro-code github-dark'); }