import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks'; import { NodeApp } from 'astro/app/node'; import type { RequestHandler } from './types.js'; /** * Creates a Node.js http listener for on-demand rendered pages, compatible with http.createServer and Connect middleware. * If the next callback is provided, it will be called if the request does not have a matching route. * Intended to be used in both standalone and middleware mode. */ export function createAppHandler(app: NodeApp): RequestHandler { /** * Keep track of the current request path using AsyncLocalStorage. * Used to log unhandled rejections with a helpful message. */ const als = new AsyncLocalStorage(); const logger = app.getAdapterLogger(); process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason) => { const requestUrl = als.getStore(); logger.error(`Unhandled rejection while rendering ${requestUrl}`); console.error(reason); }); return async (req, res, next, locals) => { let request: Request; try { request = NodeApp.createRequest(req); } catch (err) { res.statusCode = 500; res.end('Internal Server Error'); return; } const routeData = app.match(request); if (routeData) { const response = await, () => app.render(request, { addCookieHeader: true, locals, routeData, }) ); await NodeApp.writeResponse(response, res); } else if (next) { return next(); } else { const response = await app.render(req); await NodeApp.writeResponse(response, res); } }; }