import type { AstroInstance } from 'astro'; import type { RenderableTreeNode } from '@markdoc/markdoc'; import Markdoc from '@markdoc/markdoc'; import { createComponent, renderComponent, render, renderScriptElement, renderUniqueStylesheet, createHeadAndContent, unescapeHTML, renderTemplate, HTMLString, isHTMLString, } from 'astro/runtime/server/index.js'; export type TreeNode = | { type: 'text'; content: string | HTMLString; } | { type: 'component'; component: AstroInstance['default']; collectedLinks?: string[]; collectedStyles?: string[]; collectedScripts?: string[]; props: Record<string, any>; children: TreeNode[]; } | { type: 'element'; tag: string; attributes: Record<string, any>; children: TreeNode[]; }; export const ComponentNode = createComponent({ factory(result: any, { treeNode }: { treeNode: TreeNode }) { if (treeNode.type === 'text') return render`${treeNode.content}`; const slots = { default: () => render`${ => renderComponent(result, 'ComponentNode', ComponentNode, { treeNode: child }) )}`, }; if (treeNode.type === 'component') { let styles = '', links = '', scripts = ''; if (Array.isArray(treeNode.collectedStyles)) { styles = treeNode.collectedStyles .map((style: any) => renderUniqueStylesheet(result, { type: 'inline', content: style, }) ) .join(''); } if (Array.isArray(treeNode.collectedLinks)) { links = treeNode.collectedLinks .map((link: any) => { return renderUniqueStylesheet(result, { type: 'external', src: link[0] === '/' ? link : '/' + link, }); }) .join(''); } if (Array.isArray(treeNode.collectedScripts)) { scripts = treeNode.collectedScripts .map((script: any) => renderScriptElement(script)) .join(''); } const head = unescapeHTML(styles + links + scripts); let headAndContent = createHeadAndContent( head, renderTemplate`${renderComponent( result,, treeNode.component, treeNode.props, slots )}` ); // Let the runtime know that this component is being used. // `result.propagators` has been moved to `result._metadata.propagators` // TODO: remove this fallback in the next markdoc integration major const propagators = result._metadata.propagators || result.propagators; propagators.set( {}, { init() { return headAndContent; }, } ); return headAndContent; } return renderComponent(result, treeNode.tag, treeNode.tag, treeNode.attributes, slots); }, propagation: 'self', }); export async function createTreeNode(node: RenderableTreeNode): Promise<TreeNode> { if (isHTMLString(node)) { return { type: 'text', content: node as HTMLString }; } else if (typeof node === 'string' || typeof node === 'number') { return { type: 'text', content: String(node) }; } else if (node === null || typeof node !== 'object' || !Markdoc.Tag.isTag(node)) { return { type: 'text', content: '' }; } const children = await Promise.all( => createTreeNode(child))); if (typeof === 'function') { const component =; const props = node.attributes; return { type: 'component', component, props, children, }; } else if (isPropagatedAssetsModule( { const { collectedStyles, collectedLinks, collectedScripts } =; const component = (await; const props = node.attributes; return { type: 'component', component, collectedStyles, collectedLinks, collectedScripts, props, children, }; } else { return { type: 'element', tag:, attributes: node.attributes, children, }; } } type PropagatedAssetsModule = { __astroPropagation: true; getMod: () => Promise<AstroInstance>; collectedStyles: string[]; collectedLinks: string[]; collectedScripts: string[]; }; function isPropagatedAssetsModule(module: any): module is PropagatedAssetsModule { return typeof module === 'object' && module != null && '__astroPropagation' in module; }