import chai from 'chai'; import chaiPromises from 'chai-as-promised'; import chaiXml from 'chai-xml'; import { z } from 'astro/zod'; import rss, { getRssString } from '../dist/index.js'; import { rssSchema } from '../dist/schema.js'; import { description, phpFeedItem, phpFeedItemWithContent, phpFeedItemWithCustomData, site, title, web1FeedItem, web1FeedItemWithAllData, web1FeedItemWithContent, } from './test-utils.js'; chai.use(chaiPromises); chai.use(chaiXml); // note: I spent 30 minutes looking for a nice node-based snapshot tool // ...and I gave up. Enjoy big strings! // prettier-ignore const validXmlResult = `<![CDATA[${title}]]>${site}/<![CDATA[${phpFeedItem.title}]]>${site}${}/${site}${}/${new Date(phpFeedItem.pubDate).toUTCString()}<![CDATA[${web1FeedItem.title}]]>${site}${}/${site}${}/${new Date(web1FeedItem.pubDate).toUTCString()}`; // prettier-ignore const validXmlWithContentResult = `<![CDATA[${title}]]>${site}/<![CDATA[${phpFeedItemWithContent.title}]]>${site}${}/${site}${}/${new Date(phpFeedItemWithContent.pubDate).toUTCString()}<![CDATA[${web1FeedItemWithContent.title}]]>${site}${}/${site}${}/${new Date(web1FeedItemWithContent.pubDate).toUTCString()}`; // prettier-ignore const validXmlResultWithAllData = `<![CDATA[${title}]]>${site}/<![CDATA[${phpFeedItem.title}]]>${site}${}/${site}${}/${new Date(phpFeedItem.pubDate).toUTCString()}<![CDATA[${web1FeedItemWithAllData.title}]]>${site}${}/${site}${}/${new Date(web1FeedItemWithAllData.pubDate).toUTCString()}${web1FeedItemWithAllData.categories[0]}${web1FeedItemWithAllData.categories[1]}${}${web1FeedItemWithAllData.commentsUrl}${web1FeedItemWithAllData.source.title}`; // prettier-ignore const validXmlWithCustomDataResult = `<![CDATA[${title}]]>${site}/<![CDATA[${phpFeedItemWithCustomData.title}]]>${site}${}/${site}${}/${new Date(phpFeedItemWithCustomData.pubDate).toUTCString()}${phpFeedItemWithCustomData.customData}<![CDATA[${web1FeedItemWithContent.title}]]>${site}${}/${site}${}/${new Date(web1FeedItemWithContent.pubDate).toUTCString()}`; // prettier-ignore const validXmlWithStylesheet = `<![CDATA[${title}]]>${site}/`; // prettier-ignore const validXmlWithXSLStylesheet = `<![CDATA[${title}]]>${site}/`; describe('rss', () => { it('should return a response', async () => { const response = await rss({ title, description, items: [phpFeedItem, web1FeedItem], site, }); const str = await response.text(); chai.expect(str); const contentType = response.headers.get('Content-Type'); chai.expect(contentType).to.equal('application/xml'); }); it('should be the same string as getRssString', async () => { const options = { title, description, items: [phpFeedItem, web1FeedItem], site, }; const response = await rss(options); const str1 = await response.text(); const str2 = await getRssString(options); chai.expect(str1).to.equal(str2); }); }); describe('getRssString', () => { it('should generate on valid RSSFeedItem array', async () => { const str = await getRssString({ title, description, items: [phpFeedItem, web1FeedItem], site, }); chai.expect(str); }); it('should generate on valid RSSFeedItem array with HTML content included', async () => { const str = await getRssString({ title, description, items: [phpFeedItemWithContent, web1FeedItemWithContent], site, }); chai.expect(str); }); it('should generate on valid RSSFeedItem array with all RSS content included', async () => { const str = await getRssString({ title, description, items: [phpFeedItem, web1FeedItemWithAllData], site, }); chai.expect(str); }); it('should generate on valid RSSFeedItem array with custom data included', async () => { const str = await getRssString({ xmlns: { dc: '', }, title, description, items: [phpFeedItemWithCustomData, web1FeedItemWithContent], site, }); chai.expect(str); }); it('should include xml-stylesheet instruction when stylesheet is defined', async () => { const str = await getRssString({ title, description, items: [], site, stylesheet: '/feedstylesheet.css', }); chai.expect(str); }); it('should include xml-stylesheet instruction with xsl type when stylesheet is set to xsl file', async () => { const str = await getRssString({ title, description, items: [], site, stylesheet: '/feedstylesheet.xsl', }); chai.expect(str); }); it('should preserve self-closing tags on `customData`', async () => { const customData = ''; const str = await getRssString({ title, description, items: [], site, xmlns: { atom: '', }, customData, }); chai.expect(str).to.contain(customData); }); it('should not append trailing slash to URLs with the given option', async () => { const str = await getRssString({ title, description, items: [phpFeedItem], site, trailingSlash: false, }); chai.expect(str)'<'); chai.expect(str)'<'); }); it('Deprecated import.meta.glob mapping still works', async () => { const globResult = { './posts/': () => new Promise((resolve) => resolve({ url:, frontmatter: { title: phpFeedItem.title, pubDate: phpFeedItem.pubDate, description: phpFeedItem.description, }, }) ), './posts/nested/': () => new Promise((resolve) => resolve({ url:, frontmatter: { title: web1FeedItem.title, pubDate: web1FeedItem.pubDate, description: web1FeedItem.description, }, }) ), }; const str = await getRssString({ title, description, items: globResult, site, }); chai.expect(str); }); it('should fail when an invalid date string is provided', async () => { const res = rssSchema.safeParse({ title: phpFeedItem.title, pubDate: 'invalid date', description: phpFeedItem.description, link:, }); chai.expect(res.success); chai.expect(res.error.issues[0].path[0]).to.equal('pubDate'); }); it('should be extendable', () => { let error = null; try { rssSchema.extend({ category: z.string().optional(), }); } catch (e) { error = e.message; } chai.expect(error); }); });