import { expect } from '@playwright/test'; import { testFactory } from './test-utils.js'; const test = testFactory({ root: './fixtures/lit-component/', }); // TODO: configure playwright to handle web component APIs // test.describe('Lit components', () => { test.beforeAll(() => { delete globalThis.window; }); test.describe('Development', () => { let devServer; const t = test.extend({}); t.beforeAll(async ({ astro }) => { devServer = await astro.startDevServer(); }); t.afterAll(async () => { await devServer.stop(); }); t('client:idle', async ({ page, astro }) => { await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/')); const counter = page.locator('#client-idle'); await expect(counter, 'component is visible').toBeVisible(); await expect(counter).toHaveCount(1); const count = counter.locator('p'); await expect(count, 'initial count is 0').toHaveText('Count: 0'); const inc = counter.locator('button'); await; await expect(count, 'count incremented by 1').toHaveText('Count: 1'); }); t('client:load', async ({ page, astro }) => { await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/')); const counter = page.locator('#client-load'); await expect(counter, 'component is visible').toBeVisible(); const count = counter.locator('p'); await expect(count, 'initial count is 0').toHaveText('Count: 0'); const inc = counter.locator('button'); await; await expect(count, 'count incremented by 1').toHaveText('Count: 1'); }); t('client:visible', async ({ page, astro }) => { await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/')); // Make sure the component is on screen to trigger hydration const counter = page.locator('#client-visible'); await counter.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); await expect(counter, 'component is visible').toBeVisible(); const count = counter.locator('p'); await expect(count, 'initial count is 0').toHaveText('Count: 0'); const inc = counter.locator('button'); await; await expect(count, 'count incremented by 1').toHaveText('Count: 1'); }); t('client:media', async ({ page, astro }) => { await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/media')); const counter = page.locator('#client-media'); await expect(counter, 'component is visible').toBeVisible(); const count = counter.locator('p'); await expect(count, 'initial count is 0').toHaveText('Count: 0'); const inc = counter.locator('button'); await; await expect(count, 'component not hydrated yet').toHaveText('Count: 0'); // Reset the viewport to hydrate the component (max-width: 50rem) await page.setViewportSize({ width: 414, height: 1124 }); await; await expect(count, 'count incremented by 1').toHaveText('Count: 1'); }); t.skip('HMR', async ({ page, astro }) => { await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/')); const counter = page.locator('#client-idle'); const label = counter.locator('h1'); await astro.editFile('./src/pages/index.astro', (original) => original.replace('Hello, client:idle!', 'Hello, updated client:idle!') ); await expect(label, 'slot text updated').toHaveText('Hello, updated client:idle!'); await expect(counter, 'component styles persisted').toHaveCSS('display', 'grid'); }); }); test.describe('Production', () => { let previewServer; const t = test.extend({}); t.beforeAll(async ({ astro }) => { delete globalThis.window; // Playwright's Node version doesn't have these functions, so stub them. process.stdout.clearLine = () => {}; process.stdout.cursorTo = () => {}; await; }); t.beforeAll(async ({ astro }) => { previewServer = await astro.preview(); }); t.afterAll(async () => { await previewServer.stop(); }); t('Only one component in prod', async ({ page, astro }) => { await page.goto(astro.resolveUrl('/solo')); const counter = page.locator('my-counter'); await expect(counter, 'component is visible').toBeVisible(); await expect(counter, 'there is only one counter').toHaveCount(1); }); }); });